Dec 25, 2009
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Let's not be apathetic, we all need to hit the phones hard today and urge reps to "vote" NO. I put "vote" in quotes because who knows what they're really voting on whether it's deeming something passed, or on some other bill. It's hard to tell at this point.

The bill itself is bad and the method in which its trying to be "passed" is unconscionable in an open and free democracy.

The Bill:
- Required people to have health insurance - unconstitutional
- Will cost a fortune, don't believe the CBO. You can't add 30 million people to insurance and "save money"
- New payroll taxes will continue to hurt already beaten business
- Will hurt medical innovation, cost jobs

Need proof? Looks at Social Security (runs a deficit annually, on the way to insolvency), medicare (same thing), look at MA's RomneyCare (already in the red), look at the UK/Canada for access issues

The procedure:
- Slaughter rule is a disgrace. We're Americans, we don't deem things passed we pass them. This is supposed to be an open Government
- Reconciling this bill will be illegal under the Byrd rules that limit was reconciliation can be used for.
- It will set an extremely dangerous precedent.
- No one really knows what the bill is because they don't know what the bill is

The bill:


Sending letters won't help (too slow) so flood the phone lines.
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you got to edit your title, it will help. Don't get defeated in the first line of your post. CALL, CALL, CALL!!!!!!
You got it Madball. No apathy and then complaining about apathy. I've been trying to get through for an hour. Line's been solid busy. I will try ALL day and I WILL get through.
I just got through, talked the guy for 10 mins. He tried to tell me about health insurance exchanges, I laid out my points and he noted my name. Everyone needs to do this.

Just like those, IMHO, who don't vote can't complain...those who don't participate also can't complain.
You want me to call Barney Frank? Ca'mon!
Yes, I want you to call anyone and everyone who will listen. Is Frank likely to change his vote, almost certainly not but that doesn't justify apathy. If the phone calls give him pause for even for a millisecond, it's something. On top of all that, 10 minutes of your time is not too much to ask.
You want me to call Barney Frank? Ca'mon!

If you don't, he can use the line "I haven't received any negative comments on the bill" - Of course he will probably say that anyway, but we'll know it's not true.

In the bill, excluding the amendments which is another 400 pages, they mention penalty, penalties, fines or taxes 677 times!
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Done. I called and asked for his position on the proposed legislation and was told that he was going to for FOR. I expressed my extreme dissatisfaction with that decision. (while doing my best to remain polite)

Thanks for the reminder.
I called both the local office and the D.C. office for my Rep (Tsongas)

Also called the White House and voiced my opposition to the bill. (I know, waste of breath, but I wanted it noted)

If you would like to call the White House here's the number. 202-456-1414
Atleast 5 times I have emailed and called my Rep asking him what part of the constitution gives the Federal Government the right to regulate HealthCare..they refuse to respond..

My Rep is John Larson..Tyranny is something he loves..The Constitution is something he hates...
I called both the local office and the D.C. office for my Rep (Tsongas)

Also called the White House and voiced my opposition to the bill. (I know, waste of breath, but I wanted it noted)

If you would like to call the White House here's the number. 202-456-1414

I called Tierney the other day to tell him how i felt and let him know his job is on the line.
Good on everyone who called. Who would've thought an R senator would have been in elected in MA? No one.

10 minutes of your time and a free call is a small price to pay to voice your opinion.
If you don't, he can use the line "I haven't received any negative comments on the bill" - Of course he will probably say that anyway, but we'll know it's not true.

In the bill, excluding the amendments which is another 400 pages, they mention penalty, penalties, fines or taxes 677 times!

Correct. Except for illegal aliens, who won't have to buy insurance, nor will they be subject to any penalties for failing to do so.

If this passes, we can have a big contest to design a new flag to represent our country, because it sure as hell won't be the one I've been pledging allegiance to for the last 50+ years. [angry]
I decided to back my call up with an e-mail:
Dear Congressman,
I want you to vote against Health Care Reform. I want you to actually vote and follow the Constitution when you do so. I'm sure you are already in favor of the bill but i demand you follow Article 1 section 7 of the Constitution and document a "yeah" or "nay" in the log, this way the citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will have a record of who we need to vote out of office in November.
I also called the Rep designated for my area (he sure ain't "my Rep").

Well worth the couple of minutes, even though I don't think that most in MA would change their minds even if 100% of the registered voters called to dissent. They are too wrapped up in the "I know what's best for my people!" mantra.
I just hung up with my reps office. They said he "just got the language of the bill last night and hasn't shared his thoughts on it yet". Found out like a good little dem...Mr. Tierney voted for the previous bill (which was totally different, I was advised, than this one). So I suggested that he should be sure to listen to his constituents, support those that put him in office and be prepared to defend his decision which ever way he votes. Then I went on his website and emailed him the same!

I hate that I feel it will do no good anyways but I had to do something.
Finally got through to Nikki's office. Basically left it as my wife and I are sickened by this process and will remember it in Nov when we go to the polls.

You know what? You could just FEEL the disdain on the other side of the phone. These socialists actually think this is GOOD!
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