Can Anyone Recommend a Particular Online Exam Site for Technician License?

Feb 14, 2021
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Hi folks. I'm brand new to ham radio, and a couple weeks into prepping for the technician license exam. I'm thinking about scheduling an exam date in the near future for the sake of keeping myself accountable. Went on the site and found a decent sized list of sites that offer online exams. They all look relatively the same. Just curious if anyone had any recommendations on a specific one. I suppose my criteria would be: ease of use, reliability, and how easy it is to get an exam scheduled.

I suppose if the feedback ends up being that they're all pretty much the same that's valid advice too.
All the ARRL exams are the same, per their rules.

I did mine in person back before anyone ever heard of Covid, but I did look over the rules for the online exams. I'm not thrilled with those rules, but you have to deal with the current unreal situation where nobody wants to meet in person. My Wife is studying for her Tech exam and will attend the NARS 2-day online class/exam. I'm hoping to find the time to study for the Extra exam and attend the NARS 3-day online class/exam in April.

Good luck.
All the ARRL exams are the same, per their rules.

I did mine in person back before anyone ever heard of Covid, but I did look over the rules for the online exams. I'm not thrilled with those rules, but you have to deal with the current unreal situation where nobody wants to meet in person. My Wife is studying for her Tech exam and will attend the NARS 2-day online class/exam. I'm hoping to find the time to study for the Extra exam and attend the NARS 3-day online class/exam in April.

Good luck.
Yeah... Just had to take apart and re-assemble a whole room to get it up to spec for my wife's grad school exam a couple months ago, so an online exam under normal circumstances wouldn't be my first choice but it is what it is of course. Do you have any strong feelings on doing an online class vs self study? When first looked into getting a license most resources I saw said that self study with a good textbook is more than enough (I picked up the Ham Radio School "Technician License Course" book a couple weeks ago and have found it pretty easy to follow). Best of luck to you and your wife.
You don't say where you're located but many places are offering in person testing again. Search by zip code and distance at the ARRL.
Taking the practice exams at is a good idea before the real thing. The Tech and General have some overlapping material and are often taken at the same session. If you plan to do any HF radio you'll want the General. Good luck and welcome to the hobby.
Yeah... Just had to take apart and re-assemble a whole room to get it up to spec for my wife's grad school exam a couple months ago, so an online exam under normal circumstances wouldn't be my first choice but it is what it is of course. Do you have any strong feelings on doing an online class vs self study? When first looked into getting a license most resources I saw said that self study with a good textbook is more than enough (I picked up the Ham Radio School "Technician License Course" book a couple weeks ago and have found it pretty easy to follow). Best of luck to you and your wife.
My Wife isn't technical and has been reading the book NARS uses. I'm a member of NARS and haven't really looked at the book for Extra yet. I dislike online classes and much prefer in-person but NARS won't be doing anything in-person this year.
You don't say where you're located but many places are offering in person testing again. Search by zip code and distance at the ARRL.
Taking the practice exams at is a good idea before the real thing. The Tech and General have some overlapping material and are often taken at the same session. If you plan to do any HF radio you'll want the General. Good luck and welcome to the hobby.
Digging the flash cards here. It's encouraging to see I'm able to score well outside the usual quizzes I take. Thanks.
As for studying, get an app and take the practice exams over and over until you memorize the questions.
For those using the ARRL's books, nothing beats Dave Casler's YouTube videos, stepping thru each section of each chapter. Then taking the practice exams on That's what we did in addition to the class that Scouter-Rick ran at Mansfield F&G back 5 yrs ago.

NARS uses the Gordon West books, so that is what my Wife is studying and what I hope to use for their classes. She's just starting to use, but I'm unaware of any equivalent to Dave Casler's videos. QRZ. Practice tests it is free if you take the practice tests for 20 minuets a day for 30 days you will ace the test. To do this you have to do this every day it won't work if you skip days. If you have questions contact me.
John N1HM
Download the question pool, memorize the correct answers, ignore the wrong answers. If you're feeling crazy, make sure you understand why the right answers are right.

I have a technical background so that stuff was easy for me. But knowing which band some frequency is in or the FCC regulation number is not useful.
But knowing which band some frequency is in ...
It's not being able to convert from a frequency to a wavelength that's tested.
It's knowing the two band-edge frequencies for a particular wavelength.
Even for bands that no hams use (let alone no humans).

There isn't a cookbook recipe, but knowing where the overall ham band edges are,
it's not so hard to memorize which pair of frequencies apply to (say) Techs for the Tech exam.

... or the FCC regulation number is not useful.
I can't believe that's a question.
(It's not useful; it's just not a question).
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