Carjacking gang suffers horrific bloodbath after leading cops on dangerous chase in stolen SUV, then driving into a construction site


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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A female-led carjacking gang led police officers on a dangerous chase that ended with them trapped, shot - and an unborn baby dead.

The incident happened on June 20 when officers attempted to stop a stolen Chevy SUV after it was wanted in connection with two armed robberies earlier that day.

After the car fled, officers gave chase and filmed as it weaved in and out of traffic, clipping at least two other cars and almost causing crashes.

outcome: officers put on administrative leave without pay, manslaughter and excessive force charges pending. ANTIFA and BLM riots: millions of $ damage but we can build back better. all charges dropped , beer summit: police chief and public officials take knee and apologize . large financial settlement for victims of police violence , gold coffin with national funeral for murder victim and unborn child. crime scene construction site work halted and investigated for safety violations. that about covers all "woke" bases.
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