People like to make comparisons of the dying/disappearing gun shows to the computer shows of 20 +/- years ago and there are similarities. The Internet played a significant part in killing both. Both also just ran out of steam. They got boring, repetitive and weren't worth the time and money to attend any longer. Dealers were also admitting it just wasn't worth the cost and effort anymore. Plus, you could do just as well or better shopping elsewhere.
Still, I blame Chapter 135 the most for this final collapse of the MA gun shows. Maura and the Legislature got exactly what they wanted... a significant weakening of the current
and future MA pro-2A community. Will some new promoter pick-up the baton and run with it? Maybe GOAL or Toby Leary? Will the "core group" of dealers pick-up the pieces and run shows on their own? Will NH shows pick-up the slack?
I'd like to know... what was the last straw that broke the camel's back. That might give us the best clue about the future.