Update: New promoter steps in! Gun shows in MA are Back on!

People on NES were complaining about how bad gun shows were when I joined in 2005.
In 2005 I could still make plenty of excuses for them because it mattered which show you went to and what you were seeking. Obama era though was the real beginning of the end.
IMO, two things have killed gun shows and I'm talking in general, not just Mass. It was the combloc milsurp stuff like SKS, Toks, Maks, AKs, etc. that use to be $100 and pulled out of crates, stupid cheap ammo, etc. drying up. Now those insane deals are gone and nothing has replaced them, the SKS are all $500 and up now with ammo that isn't near as cheap as it once was.
There is a lot of truth to this…

Import bans destroyed a lot of the cool rooskie stuff. Most of the “pre-pre-pre ban” cool suff.. like Valmets, galils, norinco ndm86, etc as well as all of the maks, tokarev, cz52 type stuff that could be had of cheap $$ all went away.

Everything has become an AR, Glock like object, or a 1911.. for a lot of reasons.. but but it’s a lot less exciting when your choice is the Glock 19.. made in Smyrna, turkey, ulm, or tennesse. But… this one’ mags cost $150.. so it must be better.. and it was made for “operators”!
The first panic started during the 2008 election when Shrillary had a reasonable chance to win the Democratzi nomination. It continued into 2009 after Obama won. Remember all the "Gun Salesman of the Year" posters in gun shops. Things had started to return to whatever normal was in 2012 until Sandy Hook happened.

Things calmed down a lot when Trump won and there was a lot of cheap ammunition showing up, but then Covid and Biden screwed that all up.

Supply has returned to normal and I'm starting to see some "deals" on ammunition, but nothing like the S&B 124gr 9mm at $8.95/box I bought by the case from a shop in Mendon back in 2018. Or the 124gr Blazer I bought at about the same price from Four Seasons. Of course the best deal I got was from Sheriff when he had his "fire sale" a few years back. :)

I think we're safe from panic for at least two years, maybe longer.

I think after Sandy Hook and the tarded up panic buying sprees was the beginning of the end in terms of buying guns for me.. Shit is so affected by politics, hoarders and genuine a**h***s, just got to be too much. People on here were whipping each other into a frenzy in terms of buying things, they were then complaining about high prices not realizing they were a force in driving the prices higher by panic buying just about anything.

Now I have like 10 guns lol
There is a lot of truth to this…

Import bans destroyed a lot of the cool rooskie stuff. Most of the “pre-pre-pre ban” cool suff.. like Valmets, galils, norinco ndm86, etc as well as all of the maks, tokarev, cz52 type stuff that could be had of cheap $$ all went away.

Everything has become an AR, Glock like object, or a 1911.. for a lot of reasons.. but but it’s a lot less exciting when your choice is the Glock 19.. made in Smyrna, turkey, ulm, or tennesse.
The problem is striker guns that work make more sense than milsurp junk, unless you're a collector.... but I don't really think those things interfered with one another. low info NPC types overpaying for milsurps killed milsurps just as much as the bans did. Those importers and dealers made serious bank off the average post 2013 npc moron buyer.
I was commenting to someone the other day that in 20 years of going to gun shows I've got two actual bargains. One at a Holbrook club show where a then kitchen table dealer was selling a S&W 10-5 for a widow clearing her late husbands estate. Just the gun, which had no wear for $199.00 plus tax. The other was a Stainless 10/22 at Marlboro from Tombstone firearms. No box, but clearly shot very little at all. $180.00 after my friend changed his mind about buying it.

Other than that, no real bargains, but a couple of reasonable priced guns.

I really just go to look at stuff now with no intention of buying any guns there.

In 2005 I could still make plenty of excuses for them because it mattered which show you went to and what you were seeking. Obama era though was the real beginning of the end.
Everything has become an AR, Glock like object, or a 1911.. for a lot of reasons.. but but it’s a lot less exciting when your choice is the Glock 19.. made in Smyrna, turkey, ulm, or tennesse. But… this one’ mags cost $150.. so it must be better.. and it was made for “operators”!
I prefer to call it my not-a-glock, got it at a show, made in Claremont, NH. I don't think there are any actual Glock parts on it, well it does use Glock19 gen3 mags [laugh]
Just another reason I'm happy we were able to move out of MA. Private transfer, we show each other our DLs, swap cash for gun. FFL, still have to do a 4473, but they don't have to do a NICS because I have a LTC.
The problem is striker guns that work make more sense than milsurp junk, unless you're a collector.... but I don't really think those things interfered with one another. low info NPC types overpaying for milsurps killed milsurps just as much as the bans did. Those importers and dealers made serious bank off the average post 2013 npc moron buyer.
Oh I agree.. and I think Glock has really come up with the “right” formula. So, ya, everyone is going to copy that winning formula. Function and form wise. Really. You can not do better. Same w AR.. and they are Lego.

But in the 90s all of this cool guns.. like AUG, HK P7, P9, even the cheap feather and Cobray stuff.. and there were enough different enough AK types that you snag another norinco that poly tech, tantal or Maadi. And since ammo was so cheap.. it was just more fun.
I now remember you've been around a hot minute. You and @FalArAk know exactly what I'm talking about. Those werw the days youd bring a rolling foldable dolly to gun shows because you knew you were going to leave with some cases of ammo, a gun or more...

At one of the Marlboro shows, I asked to borrow the ammo guys dolly because I was not expecting to leave with 3K rounds of 7.62 surplus. I think it was 170 a case.
The Eastern States show used to be good. It was easy to waste a good chunk of time in there. It was also a time when you could paw through the pages of Shotgun News and it was like like a kid with a Sears or Montgomery Ward Christmas catalog. There was a lot to look at. Things definitely went downhill after the Federal ban. There's no more Federal ban but our F***ed up state is still run by the FEELINGS of our so called leaders who constantly do whatever they can to prevent lawful citizens from purchasing firearms that free staters can. How low and embarrassing this this state has become all because of FEELINGS.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfUaT3RRqUc&pp=ygUic3Bpcml0IG9mIG1hc3NhY2h1c2V0dHMgY29tbWVyY2lhbA%3D%3D
Amazon, CompUSA, Best Buy (a little), and other retailers undercut prices on computer shows. Then Amazon killed CompUSA. Plus Microcenter was and is a better place to buy most computer stuff. One of the things I miss is Microcenter in Cambridge.

I was thinking about gun shows yesterday when I went to on for an hour or so (not in MA). Over all the years I went to gun shows I got two really good deals on guns. For most part now when I go to guns shows it's just to see what I might be interested in buying from a local FFL.

The whole beef jerkey, smoked cheese, jewelry thing is common in other states as well. The one I went to yesterday was advertised as "all guns, no beef jerky, no jewelry, no knives. Within 50 feet of the entrance I found a knife table, a jerky guy, a table with jewelry, and a guy selling cigars. I'd have bought a cigar or two, but his prices for hand rolled cigars were like gun prices.
I recently went to a ga gun show...and yes the normal jerky guy was there

But it was 90% guns/ammo..far better than anything i saw 10 years ago in mass
I now remember you've been around a hot minute. You and @FalArAk know exactly what I'm talking about. Those werw the days youd bring a rolling foldable dolly to gun shows because you knew you were going to leave with some cases of ammo, a gun or more...
The last gun show I exposed myself to you had that folding two wheeler. It was the last time I bought primers. Zeke(?) had them for like $25/1k and I bought a shitload. Probably still have some from that sgow. Lol. And that was maybe 2010.
No disrespect but the last time I went to the show in Sturbridge what a disappointment. Even if I were paid to attend I would have second thoughts. The MA show at the Big E used to be really nice about 10 years ago, but it just slipped.

10 years ago ???
I haven't been to one in about 15 years, and that one sucked ass compared to what they were back in the 80's, the "Better Living Center" building was half empty.
In the 80's, when they advertised the show as "900 tables", the place was totally packed, and it took all day to walk around and see everything.
But in all fairness, they were the only show around at the time because the Marlboro, Wilmington and Foxboro shows didn't yet exist back then.
Springfield was THE Big Show for New England.
Then I went to a show in Phoenix, and it was easily FIVE TIMES bigger than the old Springfield show, and I realized how lame it was in comparison. [shocked]
People on NES were complaining about how bad gun shows were when I joined in 2005.
There are basically 2 types of people:
Those who stop at yards sales, and those who won't.
Gun shows are an extension of that. If you are interested in buying any new gun, there is no reason to go to a gun show. In fact, you might be an idiot to think you're going to get a deal from some stranger instead of your local shop. "But I saved $35!". Gimme a break.

If you have no interest in anything new, but are instead looking for a classic old piece from someone who is thinning out their collection, then a gun show might be worth your time. Also for parts, pieces, books, etc.
All of the really good deals I've gotten were at gun shows. I mean REALLY good deals. Then again, I literally can't remember the last time I bought a brand new gun.

The shows in Maine can still be really good. Not every time, but enough so that if I'm not doing anything on a weekend day, I'll go off it's within an hour of me. The 2 best ones are The Ancient Ones at the Armory in Augusta in Feb, and The Lewiston Gun Show coming up in 2 weeks.

BUT, I'm one of those people who will stop at a yard sale.
I mean why would any companies really come here anyway? You can only buy the same roster handguns….nothing else, nothing cool can be bought or sourced.
Same goes for rifles, we can’t buy any rifles ATM unless it’s a bolt action or a mini 14.
So dealers coming would have the same exact stock as the booth next to him. Ridiculous.
In mass…. gun shows are only good for sourcing old parts, an ammo vendor here and there and some leather guy. They don’t even have a good knife guy at these shows.
Well our legislators have really beat us up here.
Does anyone have a web site for the beef jerky guy?
Smith's Log Smokehouse in rural Maine - Buy Smoked Jerky, Sausage, Salami, Ham, Bacon, Poultry, Cheese, Salmon, Venison, Snacks

I'm going to miss what the show was, not what it became. Buying a Rashid that some guy was walking around the show with a 'For Sale' flag, and then buying the Savage No4 Mk1 his son was hauling around. Barrels with random 22's and single shot shotguns from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Parts buying before the internet took over. Getting super excited over finding left hand rifles at all.

Walking around the show with our family friend who got all us kids into shooting. Dad wasn't a gun guy, but Bob was. He had been friends with Dad since high school, and I'd known him my entire life. He was into the same older C&R wood stocked blued guns that I was, so we'd run through the whole show spotting for each other. Bob passed last year, and I'd rather keep the memories of wandering the old show with him than suffering through the way it is now, thinking how much Bob would have hated where it ended up. Thanks for those memories, Bob - and thank you for the two Arisakas.
The last gun show I exposed myself to you had that folding two wheeler. It was the last time I bought primers. Zeke(?) had them for like $25/1k and I bought a shitload. Probably still have some from that sgow. Lol. And that was maybe 2010.

I loved Zeke. He was notorious for overpricing his guns because he enjoyed haggling. A guy after my own heart. I remember haggling with him for 20 minutes over a gun before we agreed on a price. He was the same way at his shop as well. Fun guy.
It's funny, but at the gun show the other afternoon I mentioned to one of the women working at a table that I treat gun shows like yard sales or flea markets. I never go looking for something in particular, I go to see if there is by chance something I'm interested in. When people running yard sales ask me if I'm looking for anything in particular I comment (in a polite way) that when I'm looking for something in particular I go to a store or shop on Amazon.

A late friend and I spent some entertaining Saturday mornings going to yard sales. Most weeks we bought nothing, but still had a good time.

There are basically 2 types of people:
Those who stop at yards sales, and those who won't.
Gun shows are an extension of that. If you are interested in buying any new gun, there is no reason to go to a gun show. In fact, you might be an idiot to think you're going to get a deal from some stranger instead of your local shop. "But I saved $35!". Gimme a break.

If you have no interest in anything new, but are instead looking for a classic old piece from someone who is thinning out their collection, then a gun show might be worth your time. Also for parts, pieces, books, etc.
All of the really good deals I've gotten were at gun shows. I mean REALLY good deals. Then again, I literally can't remember the last time I bought a brand new gun.

The shows in Maine can still be really good. Not every time, but enough so that if I'm not doing anything on a weekend day, I'll go off it's within an hour of me. The 2 best ones are The Ancient Ones at the Armory in Augusta in Feb, and The Lewiston Gun Show coming up in 2 weeks.

BUT, I'm one of those people who will stop at a yard sale.
I've been to some great gun shows in SC and TN, even the ones we have in Barre VT aren't bad, but the last time I went to one in MA, the cops eye-humping people as they walked in the door really turned me off from ever going to another one there.
A dealer friend is there, he said it was crowded yesterday but nobody was buying,, less of a crowd today but people were buying stuff. Other dealers results may be different.

Yeah, I always liked going late on Sunday to try and haggle a last minute deal. Dealers hate to bring back stock and most were more apt to come down on price some at the end.
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