Carrying and dressing like a good guy.



so being the high speed individual i am, i always check people when i'm out and about.

i can scan a room and ID pack leaders, sheep, and lemmings alike. one thing that always jumps out is what they are wearing.

some people are dressed like skanks and hoe's.... some are "thugged out", wearing skinny pants...

some are obviously in need of queer eye for the gay guy who is in the closet. meterosexuals... with too much sugar in their tank.

some are just "joe blow"... old sneakers, old jeans, old t-shirt with a hole in it.

some are obvious blue collar workers... work boots, work pants, work shirt with hands that look like they've been run through the ringer...

men - are they clean shaven? 5 o'clock shadow? are they a pretty boy? emo? grunge? metal head?

ladies - is their hair maintained? nails did? do they have "ghetto hair and nails did" or "just maintained"???


are they well spoken? polite? or are they socially retarded...???

so... with that written. then comes the good part. spotting the LE, CCWers and wolves among sheep.

Fitness level:

*self explanatory / easiest way to tell* also, fitness freaks like to wear fitness shirts. look at the shoes too. you can distinguish runners from non runners in a heart beat. the muscle heads are obvious too.

Body Language speaks volumes. i can tell a dude who can whip my ass from one who can't. the application of force is dependent on that.

overall appearance: the way they carry themselves... are they paying attention? or are they absorbed in their own little world?

it's pretty cool to walk into a room and know you can whip everyones ass... without pulling a gun or lighting up a square. [smile]

i challenge you to share your most recent experience in public at "scanning" your six or whatever you call it. i'll share mine in the next post.

walk in, grab a cart... commence the shopping. the obvious soccer moms, guys out picking up "one or two things" and teenies working the registers.... senior citizens, mostly a normal crowd.

one gentlemen peaked my interest. he was probably a veteran. if he was carrying, it was deep concealment. his t-shirt was tucked in. buzz cut (high and tight for you HOOAH types), small beer gut but otherwise decent physical condition. we were both in the snack isle. i grabbed some granola bars and he was looking at pop tarts. so i'm guessing we have similar aged children. i did the smile and nod.

that is all. everyone else was sheeple. btw, i was wearing hiking boots, jeans, and a polo. i had my 2nd day shadow, and one-week hair growing in... i'm tall, dark and handsome. [rofl] [rofl]

i was polite to cashiers and helped a short lady grab something off the shelf. safe to say, i'm not food.
I can describe myself with some "kid rock" lyrics.
In my carhaart flannel and my dusty jeans baby.
I never was cool with James Dean, but ill be hangin tough with my man Jim Beam.

Just your basic jeans and t-shirt kinda guy, always carrying, never showing.
"Is she single and over 20 years old":

I don't notice what the dudes are wearing. One track mind..........

i challenge you to share your most recent experience in public at "scanning" your six or whatever you call it. i'll share mine in the next post.

I was taking the red line a few weeks back. An older gentleman entered the train with a suspiciously long white beard. I found this interesting to say the least. Upon further examination of his white hat, I discovered that it wasn't a hat at all! It was merely a USPS envelope that had been stretched over his head to appear as though it was a hat. This level of ingenuity led me to believe initially that he was a scientist of some kind. Proceeding with my thorough examination of this man I looked next to his shirt. It appeared to be rugged yet well fitted. This created the illusion that he may have been a salesman or perhaps an interior decorator. After several minutes it came to my attention that I had been fooled once more! Alas it was not a standard shirt, but a rug that had a rough cut for his head to fit into. This puzzled me at first, but I believe he might have been a blue collar worker that puts functionality above style. His sweatpants were dirty and torn and I can only imagine that this was because he went back to college for his masters degree and is awaiting a weekend visit home so that his mom could wash his pants for him. All these clues, but I was still far from any definite conclusions.

It was probably just a homeless guy though.
I dress exclusively in Tad gear, 5.11 cargo pants, and Merrill boots - people know instinctively that I am tier 1 and with a glance that says: "don't f#ck with me... I can whip your ass..." they avert their eyes and slink away...
I get id'd as food all the time.

But upon closer inspection, it become obvious that I'm nothing but empty calories, so I'm left alone.


Bones and gristle aren't very nutritional.

I usually try and pick out the people who, at the very least, are more aware of their surroundings than everyone else. It's not that hard, considering 99% of people go through their daily lives not paying attention to anything except their cell phone.
I like to present myself in a manner that is so non descript that people actually look right through me or don't see me at all. You have to be a true HSLD suburban commando elite ninja to be completely ignored, but once you master this art, it is pure bliss. Did you see that guy? What guy, there is nobody here?....Exactly! I could be right next to you right now, lurking.
I like to present myself in a manner that is so non descript that people actually look right through me or don't see me at all. You have to be a true HSLD suburban commando elite ninja to be completely ignored, but once you master this art, it is pure bliss. Did you see that guy? What guy, there is nobody here?....Exactly! I could be right next to you right now, lurking.

true / false

i happen to work with local, state and federal public saftey agencies.

some are as you describe. incogneto...

while some are 5.11 catalog boys and gals. [laugh]
I like to present myself in a manner that is so non descript that people actually look right through me or don't see me at all. You have to be a true HSLD suburban commando elite ninja to be completely ignored, but once you master this art, it is pure bliss. Did you see that guy? What guy, there is nobody here?....Exactly! I could be right next to you right now, lurking.

This is what I try to do. It doesn't work. I look too much like this guy:

A few weeks ago at the grocery store I came across a guy, maybe late 50's early 60's, wearing one of those IDPA/fishing/photojournalists vests. I looked him over pretty closely, but couldn't tell if he was packing or not, so I just assumed he was.
A few weeks ago at the grocery store I came across a guy, maybe late 50's early 60's, wearing one of those IDPA/fishing/photojournalists vests. I looked him over pretty closely, but couldn't tell if he was packing or not, so I just assumed he was.
Did you call it in? "Man with a gun!" [laugh]
Call me crazy but the first thing I do is profile the place.

And I'm usually dressed in LL Bean slacks and a polo shirt. I look so benign it hurts.
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I get id'd as food all the time.

But upon closer inspection, it become obvious that I'm nothing but empty calories, so I'm left alone.

This. Hiding as a 50-something in plain sight. One glance and I'm dismissed by gang bangers and other trouble makers immediately as a threat or victim. [wink]
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I'm always scanning and you are either friend, foe, or hot chick. Can't be any other way. [smile]
I pay no attention to looks..... unless it is an attractive female...
I watch behavior. Like the guy in S&S a few weeks ago nervously pacing every isle for the whole time i was there and didn't have a cart and didn't buy or pick up or look at anything.
I find it hard to 100% concentrate on a conversation in public ... i'm afraid if i get too wrapped up, i may miss something critical.
Ya Ink I too get people that raise my suspicions in stores that aren't buying anything but keep showing up in my aisle. I write them off as Loss Prevention workers. I guess I throw up red flags when I go shopping (rarely).
I would think that the guy who's 'doing it right' would be viewed as a sheep, because he's blending in so well.


but i am handsome. so i'm noticed. [rofl]

i'm probably the guy you think is armed anyway. be it drop dead gorgeous or that pesky glock 1911. with a sig wheel gun SOB.
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