Cato Podcast on Interstate CC Permit Reciprocity

May 3, 2009
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Cato released this podcast today on a subject that is always a good argument between libertarians--interstate reciprocity of concealed carry permits in light of McDonald and Heller.

I found most interesting is speaker Dave Koppel also addresses the states rights concerns of forcing states to accept reciprocity and gives the constitutional foundation for reciprocity not under the Full Faith and Credit Clause, but rather section 5 of the 14th Amendment--that allows Congress to pass laws to prevent states from abridging the privileges and immunities (here, the 2nd Amendment, the right to travel, the right to be a welcomed visitor to another state) of United States citizens.

I had thought I'd made up my mind with reciprocity being somewhat violative of states rights using the Full Faith and Credit Clause, but this different rationale (albeit relying on a great deal of unresolved constitutional theory), made me reopen my opinion on a federal reciprocity bill.

David Koppel:

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