Comm2A, SAF, GOAL and FPC file against Baker admin on shop closures

Bikes I get.

There's an Ice Cream shop in Norwood center which is still open. Essential? I don't think so. Grinds my gears every time I drive by.
That makes sense. I've often wondered where the level of irrationality around guns in MA comes from. Seth Moulton at one time seemed like a relatively moderate guy competing in a relatively moderate district. He did serve in Iraq after all. Then he went hardcore anti, out of the blue.

I do think there's a similar cabal of clowns rising up around transportation policy. The way they're pushing all the money towards useless crap like bike lanes and choo choo trains instead of widening highways is pretty nuts.
Neither useless, nor entirely nuts if you consider the downstream ramifications. Making decisions based solely on the perspective of the individual works when those decisions affect only the individual. If you're going to the city, it's definitionally because there are other people there. You have to make your decisions with that in mind.

We can take as a given that the land in cities is valuable and finite. People going into cities are doing so because they have a have somewhere to be - i.e. they intend to stop for a period. If traveling by car, that stopping means parking. As land is valuable, few want to pay enough (e.g. 2-24 hrs for $44?!) for their parking space to justify not building office/retail/living spaces instead.

Widening highways serves to incentivize driving - until you get to your destination, where you can't fit any more autos; you're never going to widen the Avenues that make up the actual city, except by removing sidewalks and parking spaces. Demanding that new construction include some minimum amount of parking only increases the cost of construction which necessarily gets passed on to consumers. Some people will say this buttresses their desire to stay out of the city, the rest say "Good. Stay home."

IFF we had sufficiently reliable, affordable alternatives more people would choose them instead of the hassle of driving into the city. IFF this were true, we could continue to invest in those alternatives, making them even more desirable, further decreasing congestion and air pollution. Investing in alternatives wisely improves the experience for everyone. While you might not bicycle, everyone who does is one fewer car adding to road and parking usage - in the space taken by my Tacoma, I can fit 8+ motorcycles or 20+ bicycles.

The problem is that the alternatives we have are junk, and the investments get wasted. The result is that a monthly T-pass can be as much as a car plus insurance, but your car doesn't turn into a pumpkin at 0200. While there are absolutely terrible, dangerous cyclists I promise they don't get any better when put behind a wheel.
Or move onto an unscheduled stop for refueling because they don;t have the required fuel for the trip + reserve after spending so much time idling. (BTDT as a passenger)

Turbojet engines are weird. They use something like 80% as much fuel at idle (barely enough power to keep running) as they do at full power. Idling waiting to take off for a couple hours absolutely takes an hour and a half off the actual flight range.
Interesting side note. One of the lawyers that signed the memorandum is Gay Klein who is now a special assistant meaning he's not a regular assistant AG. He's now a consultant being paid by the state.
He was the main anti gun policy guy in the AG Office. I wonder how much he's being paid as a consultant?
He's likely one of those consulting attorneys being paid by Bloomberg to do work for AG's offices nationally pushing his various agendas. He can coordinate nationally without being subject to the same records laws as someone actually employed by the state. Or at least that's my guess why Bloomberg is doing this beyond expanded state resources to tilt at his personal windmills & unicorns.

I do think there's a similar cabal of clowns rising up around transportation policy. The way they're pushing all the money towards useless crap like bike lanes and choo choo trains instead of widening highways is pretty nuts.

Serious transportation cyclists have their own lobbying/activist groups just like we do for the 2A. Most of the time they just want bike lanes striped on streets when they are remarked for cars anyway and there's existing room in excess of travel lane standards/excess underutilized to dedicate to bike lanes. It's the more militant wants that are totally anti-car and want lanes/parking dropped even when the usage/traffic data doesn't justify re-configuring the roadway. Same thing with bus lanes, a lot of the time on high traffic corridors it makes sense to keep the bus moving compared to lower occupancy vehicular traffic or the delays caused by the pulling in/out and weaving around buses. Multiple transportation options and the reduced vehicular storage requirements offered by bicycles, motor-scooters, electric scooters, etc are very much reasonable responses to reducing congestion in dense areas, not so much in lower density areas where travel distances are too far. For a very long time design standards were way too tilted in the favor of automobiles because of oil and government subsides passing off costs to taxpayers rather than users of the system. Now there is a movement to get that more into an overall balance serving cars/buses&trucks/rideshare/bikes/pedestrians, but you have busy body control freaks (same kind of people that try and shut down gun clubs) which are trying to tilt the balance the complete opposite towards being entirely anti-car/truck rather than balanced between all modes of transportation.
Interesting side note. One of the lawyers that signed the memorandum is Gay Klein who is now a special assistant meaning he's not a regular assistant AG. He's now a consultant being paid by the state.
He was the main anti gun policy guy in the AG Office. I wonder how much he's being paid as a consultant?
Gary (not Gay) Klein. Interesting that he left the AG's office as an employee as he was the heir apparent to be the next AG when Healey runs for Governor and loses.
One Argument for our Side That I haven't heard raised is The Large numbers of Prisoners being released from the Prison systems here and across the Country that we need to defend ourselves from. The Politicians claim all we use our Guns for during the Pandemic is To Beat our Woman and Shoot ourselves with . Sheriff Hodgton was forced to release a whole bunch of illegal Alien Criminals so they don't become Sick out of a prison where not one Case of the Flu had been recorded by the Staff or Criminals , one was in for Murder. The Gun Stores Are Closed and the Prisons Are Open and Emptying out ! WTF
I have no idea where this came from, but I agree.

Bicycles are considered "transportation", same as cars. A lot of city folks use bikes as basic transportation. Cars are expensive and you need to find a parking space for them. I wouldn't want to be on the T under current conditions, seems like being on that rolling petri dish would be a good way to catch a case of the 'rona.
As for gun shops, yeah, that's a well worn discussion, obviously Maura and her crew are hoping they go bankrupt in the interim and don't reopen. Keeping them closed, especially in light of federal guidelines saying they're supposed to remain open, is arbitrary and capricious.
NOW is a good time for them to shut down the T and make the fixes they have been needing for years!
The only action today was a hearing notice. Scheduled for Monday.

NOTICE RE MOTION HEARING scheduled for 5/4/2020 at 10:00 a.m. before Judge Douglas P. Woodlock:
This hearing will be conducted by video conference. ONLY COUNSEL OF RECORD TO A PARTY TO THE LITIGATION will receive a video conference invite at the email registered in CM/ECF. If you have technical or compatibility issues with the technology, please notify the session's courtroom deputy as soon as possible.

Access to the hearing will be made available by teleconference to all others, including the media and the public. In order to gain teleconference access to the hearing, such others must sign up at the following address: Request for Courtroom Seating/Remote Access

For questions regarding access to hearings, you may refer to the Court's general orders and public notices available on or contact

Associated Cases: 1:20-cv-10701-DPW, 1:20-cv-40041-DPW(Beatty, Barbara)
Interesting side note. One of the lawyers that signed the memorandum is Gary Klein who is now a special assistant meaning he's not a regular assistant AG. He's now a consultant being paid by the state.
He was the main anti gun policy guy in the AG Office. I wonder how much he's being paid as a consultant?
Don't assume he is being paid. There are some true believers in this mess.
Waher summed it up pretty good, but I'll also add.... think of a bunch of entrenched hardcore "legacy" anti gun dem party hacks/power brokers. The short list includes people like Angus McQuilicken, Cheryl Jacques (rhymes with fakes), then you have people further down like John Rosenthal, Nancy Robinson (they run anti gun orgs in the boston area which changes names seemingly at random) , then you have a bunch of "public health" and "public policy" hacks like David Hemenway (some guy from Harvard) , and a whole bunch of other people. The real web of the cabal is likely expansive enough that it penetrates a lot of parts of the democratic party inside the 95/93 loops particularly, and further beyond. Let's put it this way, there is a reason why basically all dems inside Middlesex, Suffolk, and Norfolk county are pretty much hard core anti gun, and it's not just "cuz they're near the city". It's because the cabal keeps it that way. You could be the second coming of Bernie Sanders "sans anti gun" and you would get screened out. I think it has even penetrated higher offices as well, like where do you think pieces of shit like Ayanna Pressly and Seth Moulton came from? They got picked in part by the cabal either for their anti tendencies or were groomed as such in exchange for political favors.

Admittedly I haven't had time to map out all the changes over the years, and things are considerably different now than they were years ago. Like Waher says, fundraisers, town halls,
shit like that. If you went to enough of them you could probably build a chart. I think there are also other influence peddlers involved (like maybe Kennedy types etc) that aren't strictly
anti gun but are firmly allied with the cabal. Also think various MA government hacks as well as other public office holders like Mayors, etc. Some of the most powerful operatives, however, may be hardest to map.

Someone might say "well, Mike, doesn't this just describe the democratic party?" Partly, yes, but let's put it this way.. the cabal has made being anti gun a cornerstone of whatever the
urban cup democrat/liberal platform is all about. If you, as a political operative, don't meet that sniff test you don't get in the gate. Contrast this with, say "seats of lesser influence" outside the 93/95 belt. Over the years some of those seats in places like central MA have been occupied by either moderate or even relatively pro gun democrats. This is only because, however, the
cabal lacks that kind of influence out here, and democrats have to at least act more populist/moderate in order to beat a republican. The reverse is not true at all in the counties I mentioned
earlier. Dems have a hard lock in those counties so they can pick whoever they want.

People have always asked me what politicians are aligned with them but these days I'm not sure. Some would say people like Linsky and Creem are part of the cabal, and although they may have been helped into office by it, I think their influence going in the other direction is limited because they're both dumber than a sack of hammers. It's a fair bet that the pols in the counties I just mentioned have all been "courted' by various people within the cabal at one point or another.

One time a guy tried to tell me this group of people didn't exist. Go to a gun control hearing at the statehouse. When you show up and are allowed entry to one of the hearing
areas you're probably going to see a bunch of chairs pre-demarcated with anti gun orange shirts from MDA or whoever. This didn't happen because they showed up
early. Someone from shitberg's people called a politician in the cabal, or related to them, and simply "made it so" and set up the shirts for the antis ahead of time or whatever. These antis get a lot of favors, from the inside. And they sure as hell wouldn't be getting them if there wasn't a political payback in the mix somewhere.


Im guessing that a good number of Judges are mixed in with this as well?
Once the Second Amendment was "infringed" the damage was done. The slippery slope is indeed slippery. The infringements began back when the vast majority of us weren't even born.
We have been F@#ked since the mid 70s
"But on March 9, 1976, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court handed down its unanimous decision in Commonwealth v. Davis: there was no individual right to arms in Massachusetts. Period. Whatever the right had meant in 1780, as of 1976 nobody in Massachusetts had any right to keep or bear a firearm. A complete ban on all guns would be constitutional. The implication for the pending vote on handgun confiscation was obvious. "
We have been F@#ked since the mid 70s
"But on March 9, 1976, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court handed down its unanimous decision in Commonwealth v. Davis: there was no individual right to arms in Massachusetts. Period. Whatever the right had meant in 1780, as of 1976 nobody in Massachusetts had any right to keep or bear a firearm. A complete ban on all guns would be constitutional. The implication for the pending vote on handgun confiscation was obvious. "
This is an example of the "sua sponte" BS that someone mentioned the SJC pulls regularly. Its pretty unreal that they're so arrogant that they think they're basically a council of elders that sits above the legislature, reigning as kings. I read some of the recent 4th amendment decisions from the SJC and was shocked. They are out of control.
1902? One of the comments says the precedent was overturned later, but no idea if that's true...

A board of health quarantined the ship whose passengers sailed from a country that was a source of yellow fever outbreaks in Louisiana, and the Supreme Court denied the ship company’s allegation of violation of “due process,” protecting government powers.
“Compagnie Francaise makes clear that the Due Process Clause does not require government officials to take such time-consuming steps before acting on an emergency basis to stem a public health crisis (yellow fever),” attorney Julia Kobick wrote, referring to the name of the company.
This is an example of the "sua sponte" BS that someone mentioned the SJC pulls regularly. Its pretty unreal that they're so arrogant that they think they're basically a council of elders that sits above the legislature, reigning as kings. I read some of the recent 4th amendment decisions from the SJC and was shocked. They are out of control.
I think that was me in the Ramos thread. The SJC is infamous for this, at least in gun cases. But if you think about it, SCOTUS effectively did the same thing in Miller.

Yeah sure because one Walmart is open, and as the article demonstrates can be closed with a hammer, the 2A isn't being shat on. I guess freedom of religion still exists in the eyes of a court if the state only allows one church in east overshoe with one pew for one person to be open one day a year for 5 minutes if it isn't raining.
This is an example of the "sua sponte" BS that someone mentioned the SJC pulls regularly. Its pretty unreal that they're so arrogant that they think they're basically a council of elders that sits above the legislature, reigning as kings. I read some of the recent 4th amendment decisions from the SJC and was shocked. They are out of control.
I think it was mentioned in the article, but the 1976 sua sponte was a pro-active move to remove the "it might not be constitutional" from the handgun ban referendum that year, and thus eliminate an obstacle that would have discouraged some for voting from it. It was an attempted election fix.
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1902? One of the comments says the precedent was overturned later, but no idea if that's true...

A board of health quarantined the ship whose passengers sailed from a country that was a source of yellow fever outbreaks in Louisiana, and the Supreme Court denied the ship company’s allegation of violation of “due process,” protecting government powers.
“Compagnie Francaise makes clear that the Due Process Clause does not require government officials to take such time-consuming steps before acting on an emergency basis to stem a public health crisis (yellow fever),” attorney Julia Kobick wrote, referring to the name of the company.
That has to be one of the weakest responses ever.
Yeah he sure is a little twat isn't he. Take solace in the fact that gun ownership is exploding right now across the country and there isn't a damn thing these cucks can do about it. Every time these mouthbreathing commies pull this crap, gun ownership grows stronger.
Yeah he sure is a little twat isn't he. Take solace in the fact that gun ownership is exploding right now across the country and there isn't a damn thing these cucks can do about it. Every time these mouthbreathing commies pull this crap, gun ownership grows stronger.
Yep, I am sitting on my $ for a post-Wu-Flu commemorative toy...this run on toys will continue right up to the election at this point...I haven‘t purchased in 20 years and if they hadn‘t pulled this crap probably would not have, but the more toys in circulation the better, the less likely confiscation becomes a reality...I am sure they’re willing to try but probably not able..
Interesting side note. One of the lawyers that signed the memorandum is Gary Klein who is now a special assistant meaning he's not a regular assistant AG. He's now a consultant being paid by the state.
He was the main anti gun policy guy in the AG Office. I wonder how much he's being paid as a consultant?
Gary (not Gay) Klein. Interesting that he left the AG's office as an employee as he was the heir apparent to be the next AG when Healey runs for Governor and loses.
Don't assume he is being paid. There are some true believers in this mess.
Hard to say if he still works for the AG's office as the last MA biweekly payroll update was for 4/11/2020 in which he did get paid by the state. Supposedly he gets $99,996 as a contract attorney. But it's only showing $3,256 for 2020...
Edit: since he's a "contract" attorney that probably explains the $3,256 so far for 2020.
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Very interesting hour long insider webinar by Brady bunch about Covid gun closures. Absolutely revolting but worth seeing if you're in this fight to hear their thoughts concerning this issue. Now they're calling their issue "family fire".
The bike shop next to my place of business got a freight shipment of like 42 bikes yesterday. He’s doing a booming business and less than a block away from a police station. Are bike shops essential and gun shops/ranges not?
Obviously. I bought a new bike for my 3yr old grandson last week and ordered a new Specialized Cross/Trail bike from the same shop. It came in yesterday and I will pick it up tomorrow weather permitting. Remember, WE are Second Class citizens.
Yep, I am sitting on my $ for a post-Wu-Flu commemorative toy...this run on toys will continue right up to the election at this point...I haven‘t purchased in 20 years and if they hadn‘t pulled this crap probably would not have, but the more toys in circulation the better, the less likely confiscation becomes a reality...I am sure they’re willing to try but probably not able..

Well I'm not waiting, I'm been buying and supporting gun shops by increasing my budget significantly for purchases this year. Less fishing gear and more guns.

And in the meantime, I have introduced two new people to firearms. Going to shoot with a long-time friend this coming weekend. He's a virgin. We won't be social distancing and we won't be wearing masks.

Just the other day my town announced a mask order effective for May 1st (I won't comply), I'm commemorating the occasion by picking up a couple more handguns next week.
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