Comm2A, SAF, GOAL and FPC file against Baker admin on shop closures

They cite an ad for an out of production gun for which factory service (even non-warrantee) is not available and one may or may not be able to get replacement parts when things break. I'm almost surprised the AG did not argue the .22LR is an acceptable defense round because the Mossad uses it in professional assassinations.

Also under the list of website options to privately purchase firearms they list GunBroker. Funny they don’t realize an FFL is almost always needed with GunBroker to receive the firearm. Ordering a firearm online will have it stuck in limbo because of their closures. On top of this, the AG’s own regs on handguns make GunBroker useless in terms of handguns anyways. They’re really shooting themselves in the foot every time they try and open their mouths and their lack of education on the subject is telling.
That one's more complicated, I think. There is no state prohibition on the issuance of LTCs, the FRB is operating, and there are in fact police departments that are issuing LTCs. So you can't sue the governor or the FRB - there's no single neck to squeeze. Even if you find a group of plaintiffs from around the state, and sue the police chiefs in those towns, you risk getting an order that applies only to those towns. Or worse, an order that applies only to those plaintiffs.

I'm sure Comm2a and the other groups are working out the logistics of how to obtain an effective statewide injunction on LTC issuance, but that's best worked through in a separate case, with the gun shop ruling in hand for its persuasive value.

There is a reasonable chance that this ruling will persuade many police chiefs across the state that it's time to start issuing LTCs to new applicants again. Chiefs and other town officials may find it preferable to start pulling in application fees rather than racking up legal bills for their revenue-starved towns to fight a losing battle.

Four sales per hour... including ammo. Ammo sales count against the four transactions per hour, and can also only be done by appointment in the state's proposed order.

Does that mean they will retroactively mandate Walmart to limit ammo purchases to four appointments per hour as well?

That would be the only option using the states "logic".
Also under the list of website options to privately purchase firearms they list GunBroker. Funny they don’t realize an FFL is almost always needed with GunBroker to receive the firearm. Ordering a firearm online will have it stuck in limbo because of their closures. On top of this, the AG’s own regs on handguns make GunBroker useless in terms of handguns anyways. They’re really shooting themselves in the foot every time they try and open their mouths and their lack of education on the subject is telling.
Yeah, Gunbroker is a big f'ing help for private, in-state (i.e., non-dealer-involved) sales of handguns. Yeah, right. Once in a blue moon or two maybe? The odds of finding the handgun you want on GB from a private MA seller (with at least one private transfer left) close enough to home to be practical ... and then ultimately winning the auction and making it happen... are damn near zero. Never worked for me anyway. Always required a dealer. [thinking]
You actually think any judge isn't bias when it comes to anything firearm/2nd Amendment related.
They always go with the political view of the area they are in.
They tow the party line.
They, like law enforcement never go against any of their own.
No matter how wrong or unjust it is.
They can and will throw people in prison to cover up or enforce their masters will.

Going against our AG or Governor Baker will never happen.
They may loosen the restrictions a bit because the corona restrictions are being lessened.
But don't think this is because the courts rule that it was unjust in the first place.

Just like those cowards in the Supreme Courts.
They will never take a case or will be so bias that any others will see it is fruitless to resist!

Power corrupts.

This whole covid-19 thing is just bringing to light just how much power those in office think they have in restricting the people's rights.
This even could be a good thing in waking up people to the realization of how things escalated in the 1930's to where we are today.

Show no resistance and it empowers those in office to further diminish your rights.
If you show resistance then you will be labeled as the aggressor and anti-government.
In reality it is not our system of government the people want changed.
It is those in office destroying the rights of the people that they swore to protect.
All for their own job security and advancement!
They are the true anti-americans!
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It got lost in translation. Their proposal’s exact words are “four appointments per hour” not transactions.
All I can say is that I'm calling Carl today to get my appointment. He has a used gun I'm interested in and there are a couple new guns I'd like to get if they are still in stock. Got to spend that stimulus check ya know! [rockon]Would be nice to get an appointment by August so I can take advantage of tax-free weekend. [laugh]

Of course, being old, maybe I can avoid the long wait and take advantage of "Old Fart" hours if Carl sets them up? [cheers]
It got lost in translation. Their proposal’s exact words are “four appointments per hour” not transactions.
No, this is taken directly from their proposal,
"Gun stores can open by appointment only, no more than four transactions per hour, no extended hours beyond what they were open for before".
No, this is taken directly from their proposal,
"Gun stores can open by appointment only, no more than four transactions per hour, no extended hours beyond what they were open for before".
I would love it if the judge would ask them as to why they haven’t applied these same guidelines to other businesses.
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Why? After all we're fighting for, do we have to keep up this divide and conquer, gotta be angry at somebody always-BS? can you cite the study or research for this statement? Wow. After about 25 pages I was really happy about "united we stand". Now I just want to puke...........
FBI crime statistics, hopefully that’s good enough for you and won’t make u puke.
I can't wait to see how they rule on this.
It will once again show the bias towards our 2A rights.
It's too bad they will get away with whatever they want and the ruling will make a mockery of our injustice system!
I think we will all be even a little more stupid for having to decipher their logic in their ruling.
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Four sales per hour... including ammo. Ammo sales count against the four transactions per hour, and can also only be done by appointment in the state's proposed order.

The pdf referenced earlier in this thread says, “appointments”, not transactions or sales.

There’s nothing in the state's proposal preventing a customer from buying multiple guns and lots of ammo and targets and a cleaning kit and pepper spray in 13 separate transactions/sales.

Little people could even work around this stupid four appointments per hour thing if it wasn’t a felony to buy a gun for another licensed person and we weren’t limited to four gun sales per year.
No, this is taken directly from their proposal,
"Gun stores can open by appointment only, no more than four transactions per hour, no extended hours beyond what they were open for before".

Do you have a link to support that?

The PDF linked to earlier in the thread says “appointments”
I would love to see how they could enforce all the infringements that they are seeking.
Are gun shops going to have to keep a permanent record of appointments during this crap?
With photo id of people that shopped and then record what was sold to whom and at what time.

I mean you call/email and get an appointment.
Arrive at said time, buy bottle of lube and leave.
One transaction down, three to go!
Never mind that they have only three appointments left for that hour.
The shop better have video or they are going to need a court stenographer at every shop.

And how are they going to check on this and what happens if they violate one of these rules?
Put the police at every gun shop and watch them like children?

What a cluster F of our rights!

I swear maybe it is time for another show of force in Boston!
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Faker starting to cave

Don't worry, I'm sure DeSleezo and Mora will make sure gun shops and ranges are among the last given the nod to reopen. They'll draw it out as long as possible, and the courts will go along with it, because they don't give a shit how much it costs the state. It's not their money, after all!
You would think that if Maura hates us licensed gun owners so much that she would want us all to catch the virus and die. [thinking]

So why all the supposed virus-related restrictions she is proposing? Because she hates the gun dealers even more than she hates us. [mg]

Bankrupting the dealers and putting them all out of business is her ultimate wet dream. [banana]
Read that again. It was by Michaela Dunne, FRB Director, not Maura. And I know Michaela . . . she is nothing like the Wicked Witch of the West. Michaela probably got orders from the AG or EOPS (her bosses) to dig that info up and swear out an affidavit.

Yeah, but it was funnier to say it was Maura ;). I didn't mean it literally.

(Hi Maura!)
I would love to see how they could enforce all the infringements that they are seeking.
Are gun shops going to have to keep a permanent record of appointments during this crap?
With photo id of people that shopped and then record what was sold to whom and at what time.

Don't forget rectal exam, blood sample, DNA test, facial scan, hair sample, drug test, and psychological evaluation to determine "suitability".
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