Comm2A, SAF, GOAL and FPC file against Baker admin on shop closures

Constitutional issues aside for the moment, the actions of Gov. Baker are particularly vindictive in this crisis. He orders gun shops to close, and then he also excludes those same shops from being able to apply for state small business loans that could help them pay rent and employees.
Talk about an End-Run on the Constitution. De facto ending of the 2nd Amendment by ensuring no new gun owners or, ranges to shoot for those who currently own...
Shuttering gun shops and ranges accomplishes this.
Talk about an End-Run on the Constitution. De facto ending of the 2nd Amendment by ensuring no new gun owners or, ranges to shoot for those who currently own...
Shuttering gun shops and ranges accomplishes this.
18 U.S. Code § 242.Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law was written to prosecute Jim Crow style bullshit like this. Too bad the DoJ's Civil Rights Division has been a joke for a long time.
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Covid-19=Forgo the constitution and show our true colors!
This is a blessing in disguise.
It may bring more open minded people that may or may not own firearms to our side do to the severity of the civil rights violations.
If nothing more it will expose the lower/upper courts bias toward law-abiding firearm ownership in the current times!

This goes from your local police departments, to the state police, to our local / state representatives, to our AG and finally our Governor!
As well as to our President and the Supreme Court.
Hell, Trump could have spoken up about these violations and had the Feds bring charges against the perpetrators.. But NO!
Everyone knew what they were doing was wrong, but who can stop it?
When the wrong is more deadly and ingrained than this virus!

Freedom's coffin just got a few more nails in it!
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I would note that the CARES Act allows for a $300 above-the-line deduction for charitable donations for individuals ($600 for married couples) for tax year 2020. This is available even if you don't itemize. I'll be making it count...

Sue the Gov for 2nd Amdt rights AND screw the IRS legally???

I'm well in....More donations inbound above and beyond..
We can still get in, but any transaction info will be forwarded to the local PD/BOH for investigation according to the DCJIS letter.

@Comm2A - this is fantastic and as mentioned on FB another donation inbound.

Also, while I respect the folks involved - can we pull the other suit? This one is so much more carefully crafted. I worry that the other one gets run up the flagpole and sets a bad precedent for us.

I contacted a small LGS to see if he could do a transfer by appointment. Told me he can not run MIRCS.
This second lawsuit is exactly what I was talking sbout with muddying the waters. I gave up when they brought up abortion. Ugh.
GOA has a habit of stepping on their on dick. This is an example. They should consolidate their suit rather than be the Commonwealth's patsy for bad precedent.
What's so bad about it? Other than, yeah, the abortion thing is pretty dumb and should have been left out.

I believe the included reference to abortion is simply a comparison to another established right. The point is that all rights have to be respected by the courts. I wouldn't read any more than that into it.
Thank you for stepping up to represent us. Healy’s justification re protecting law enforcement and domestic violence victims by keeping US out of gun shops and off ranges is quite insulting and literally backwards.
They are out to bankrupt the shops... put them out of business... no more, no less. And they are getting away with it. It's insane. It's... loony anti-2A Massachusetts where the Constitution is regarded as a joke. [crying]
I believe the included reference to abortion is simply a comparison to another established right. The point is that all rights have to be respected by the courts. I wouldn't read any more than that into it.
That can be true and still result in folks reading it as an attempt to make an unrelated argument to "rally their base." The enemy will take advantage of any perceived weakness in our argument, why hand them more than we must?
Waste of time. Governor has UNLIMITED emergency powers during times of war, natural disasters, pandemics, etc.
Armchair militia members may not like it but no MA liberal judge is going to change anything.
Do governors have the authority to order extra-judicial field executions for violation of curfew or being in public without your papers?

If the answer is no, your first statement is false.

ANY action in federal or state court on behalf of gun rights is always subject the risk that the "cuz guns" doctrine will be applied. That's why we were not even allowed to argue the effectiveness of the Glock loaded chamber in court.
Covid-19=Forgo the constitution and show our true colors!
This is a blessing in disguise.
It may bring more open minded people that may or may not own firearms to our side do to the severity of the civil rights violations.
If nothing more it will expose the lower/upper courts bias toward law-abiding firearm ownership in the current times!

This goes from your local police departments, to the state police, to our local / state representatives, to our AG and finally our Governor!
As well as to our President and the Supreme Court.
Hell, Trump could have spoken up about these violations and had the Feds bring charges against the perpetrators.. But NO!
Everyone knew what they were doing was wrong, but who can stop it?
When the wrong is more deadly and ingrained than this virus!

Freedom's coffin just got a few more nails in it!

This might be sugar coating it a bit. Someone was pissing and moaning on a different forum about the lawsuit and how ridiculous it was because these are not essential businesses. Any argument to the con got hit with the herd mentality that "guns r bad, mmmkay". I'd say that there is little to no political sway from this, and that more than 50% of Massachusetts residents would prefer every gun shop go under.
Best case scenario this gets settled in 2023 ?

Most of the state gun shops will fold by that time, I reckon...Probably sooner. Then they will ponder about all the guns in the law abiding folk's possession. State police task force? No ranges open for a couple years? It ain't to hard to see what may happen.
I feel like I never see the NRA-ILF doing much here. FPC, goal and comm2a of course, and I think even nssf, but I don't remember the NRA doing battle for us

NRA filed suit against this crap, but in NY. It is ridiculous that MA isn't ground zero for litigation by these national groups. NY laws are strict, but so has MA.The entire suitability bullshit has got to get in front of the Supreme Court at some point. Why it has taken so long for this to be struck down is a grave injustice.

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