Comm2A, SAF, GOAL and FPC file against Baker admin on shop closures

Mostly just venting here. It is extremely frustrating that the hearing date is over 2 weeks out, but if this case implicated some other right that wasn't so disfavored by the courts it would likely be fast-tracked and heard as quickly as humanly possible.
ibid. It's an automatically assigned date. More info coming.
Meethinks this is never going to get a decision, the gestapo will open up the economy and the stores and ranges to beat a decision. Strategically. Unless a friggin judge can stop it NOW !
Motion for TRO and PI was filed yesterday.
Hearing is scheduled for May 4.

Mostly just venting here. It is extremely frustrating that the hearing date is over 2 weeks out, but if this case implicated some other right that wasn't so disfavored by the courts it would likely be fast-tracked and heard as quickly as humanly possible.
Seriously. Where's our emergency stay?

How does one convey a sense of urgency to this case?
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Just got this from my local FFL.
Out them.

Out all bootlickers.

Before anyone says, "But they're good guys just trying to survive!", no: they're either closed to all, or open to all.

Would anyone support restaurants that were open to police only?
Out them.

Out all bootlickers.

Before anyone says, "But they're good guys just trying to survive!", no: they're either closed to all, or open to all.

Would anyone support restaurants that were open to police only?

On Target in E. Bridgewater.

He’s former LEO.
Out them.

Out all bootlickers.

Before anyone says, "But they're good guys just trying to survive!", no: they're either closed to all, or open to all.

Would anyone support restaurants that were open to police only?
You can add Cape Cod Gun Works to that list as well.

Funny, I thought pretty much all LEOs were issued whatever they needed to perform their jobs so why the need to allow them in to purchase items?
Need to pick up a shotgun once things calm down - I would normally just go to Shooting Supply but will probably go to one of the stores that is defying the order

Yes - I know Mark and his customer base was specifically targeted. Not saying I won't buy from Shooting Supply, I will, just that I will spread the money around a little more than usual.
View attachment 348358

Just got this from my local FFL.

F that S-word. If we can't have them, they can't have them. It's not like your local cop is going into the store and buying all sorts of things for themselves now or most any time. The potential increase (from zero) of business is just not significant enough to move the needle.

You can add Cape Cod Gun Works to that list as well.
View attachment 348718

Funny, I thought pretty much all LEOs were issued whatever they needed to perform their jobs so why the need to allow them in to purchase items?

Exactly. But it does appear that CCGW is doing online sales. If that is the case, I can cut them some (some) slack. If they won't ship to mASS - I hope they burn.



I just read the complaint. A great piece of writing! I especially liked page 7 -- the arguments for why the ban on firearm and ammunition sales are unconstitutional.
I'm no lawyer but this looks like a slam-dunk to me.
You can add Cape Cod Gun Works to that list as well.
View attachment 348718

Funny, I thought pretty much all LEOs were issued whatever they needed to perform their jobs so why the need to allow them in to purchase items?
Not always. When I was with the PD, we had 35 part-timers and only a handful had been issued guns. All the rest of us had to buy our own guns, plus leather and clothing out of our own pockets. We only were paid (less than a school bus driver/hour) when we worked a shift or a paid detail and we were certified, academy trained and held full police powers (unlike some towns that only used them to direct traffic at churches).

However, yes most (not all) full-timers are issued their equipement and given a clothing allowance each year to be spent at a designated police supply shop (AAA Police Supply and Atlantic Tactical are two of the largest in the area).

F that S-word. If we can't have them, they can't have them. It's not like your local cop is going into the store and buying all sorts of things for themselves now or most any time. The potential increase (from zero) of business is just not significant enough to move the needle.

Exactly. But it does appear that CCGW is doing online sales. If that is the case, I can cut them some (some) slack. If they won't ship to mASS - I hope they burn.
MGL prohibits a MA Dealer from shipping guns/ammo to anyone in the state. [There is no Federal prohibition, it is strictly a MA thing.]
Adhering to contracts that may require continued sales is one thing, but opening the pro shop to LE for general and personal shopping is quite another.
F that S-word. If we can't have them, they can't have them. It's not like your local cop is going into the store and buying all sorts of things for themselves now or most any time. The potential increase (from zero) of business is just not significant enough to move the needle.

Exactly. But it does appear that CCGW is doing online sales. If that is the case, I can cut them some (some) slack. If they won't ship to mASS - I hope they burn.

Going to point out before NES throws the baby out with the bathwater, CCGW has been attached to every lawsuit I've seen that works with this matter and has been a *very* strong proponent of the 2a in Massachusetts. I talked to him at the Boston rally, he sells hard to find handgun parts, he was a plaintiff in one of the awb cases, cut the guy a little slack, he's got a new building, new range, and is trying to survive by honoring his contracts.

I just read the complaint. A great piece of writing! I especially liked page 7 -- the arguments for why the ban on firearm and ammunition sales are unconstitutional.
I'm no lawyer but this looks like a slam-dunk to me.

… "but guns... For the children... If it saves one life...."
You can add Cape Cod Gun Works to that list as well.
View attachment 348718

Funny, I thought pretty much all LEOs were issued whatever they needed to perform their jobs so why the need to allow them in to purchase items?
CGW is a bunch of thin blue line bootlickers. Just a pile of tools in that shop LOL. The range was huge for them, otherwise no one would know the name.
Group Think ! Atta Boys run em Outa Business then Complain When Whoever Survives this Madness Raises their Prices to try Survive ( Whoever’s Left ! ) Kick them while their Down , then kick them again. Then Complain .
Atta boy keep inline with the communist party. Gun shops should remain open for all or none, not for just for a certain group of people with a certain job and a shinny piece of metal.
f*** that. you are missing the point.
Thought closing the shops was for the safety of the people? Right Maura? Ohh right. Coppers aren't people they don't get sick apparently.
Open for all or open for none.
I'm not sure what part of CLOSED is unclear.
If it's closed it's closed.
Closed doesn't mean "Just to YOU serf" it means freaking closed.
What does that mean in laymen's terms for those of us legalese challenged ? [wink]
Two parties filed cases raising the same legal issues so they have been merged into a single case. What is good for each party is that their case is not deep sixed. What is bad for each party is that they are not longer exclusively in charge of how their position is argued.
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