Cruiser shot in Millis

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A high school senior, while glancing out a classroom window, claims she saw a pickup truck appearing to prowl around the area a few hours before.

"It's like they were positioning themselves," Brigit Hourigan, 17, told WCVB-TV of the vehicle which she said had two people inside as it was seen driving on and off the grass while slowly circling the driveway.

"I made eye contact with the guy," she said.
I'll bet he was texting and crashed the car... he needed a good cover story.

I'll take the over. It's worse than that. The cop called in the threats to the school. He planned this entire scenario up front. This cop is the Mall Ninja for real.

High school senior eyewitness account is unrelated.
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Let's all be happy that none of us who drive trucks weren't killed as a result of the cop's mental illness- the excuse he will use to claim back pay and pension.

He literally swatted himself and put all of US in danger
I'm guessing he had a ND while driving. Shit himself. Crashed his cruiser and then needed a cover story

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Well, shit. I'll go first:

I was wrong.

What a friggin looney tune, though. I mean, that's MANY steps beyond full retard.
I'm voting for texting while driving. Do you at least have to go to the reserve academy before becoming a part time officer?

The dude should be billed for all the resources used, I bet that chopper isn't cheap.

At least he didn't blame a black guy. What a sh*tstorm that would have been.

ETA: The guy should be identified, i want to see what stupid looks like.
Lots of hating going on in here. I'm not saying it's not possible the story is fabricated, but I haven't seen or read anything to make me believe it was. If he made it up, it will come out and I hope charges are made. If he did not, I hope they catch this dickbag.

Looks like it was fabricated by the 28 yo cop who was a dispatcher for Millis.


Not a very bright person not to understand ballistics and facts.
Whenever you fabricate shootings, you need to say the dude had a revolver. Big mistake saying it was a semiauto.

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do you think jamoke is the guy that also called into the school and reported upcoming crime?

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I'm guessing he had a ND while driving. Shit himself. Crashed his cruiser and then needed a cover story

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Practicing drawing from Level 3 while driving... LOL
Nope. The actual story is friggin insane. Sorry for the teaser, Ill disseminate when I can.

Dog or roid rage involved? (Trying to estimate how many pages I'm going to have to read through later)

Did he get a new job
So uh, where are all the apologists claiming those who cried foul were cop haters??

Haha this is great.

MILLIS (CBS) – Police say a Millis officer has been fired after fabricating a story about exchanging gunfire with a suspect.

Millis Police Sergeant William Dwyer made the announcement at a Thursday afternoon press conference.

Police initially said that Wednesday at about 3 p.m. a suspect fired 2-3 shots at a police officer, who returned three shots of his own.

The cruiser burst into flames and eventually had to be towed from the scene.
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