DC Jan 6

So there is a nationwide conspiracy to stop Trump from being president for 4 more years..as if he is some huge threat to the system .only his massive ego thinks that.. while Trump and I share a favorite president. He certainly is not him... Old hickory himself

Lol. There was an actual conspiracy to try and impeach him for the last 4 years. Why would it be so hard to beleive the conspiracy to make him not president is continuing?
So there is a nationwide conspiracy to stop Trump from being president for 4 more years..as if he is some huge threat to the system .only his massive ego thinks that.. while Trump and I share a favorite president. He certainly is not him... Old hickory himself
Six of your dumpster-fire cities cheated the nation,
the same way they cheat their residents at every election
to keep them on the Voter Plantation.
Hundreds of thousands of dead people voting.
Sheafs of ballots run through machines like they were photocopiers.

And the fact that you're OK with all that means you're a part of the crime.
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So they use voter fraud to win presidency.. but don't use it to take more house seats or get a lot more senate seats.....no logic in that...they make biden president just to do nothing...
So they use voter fraud to win presidency.. but don't use it to take more house seats or get a lot more senate seats.....no logic in that...they make biden president just to do nothing...
It makes more sense that swamp pols would allow Biden cheating as long as they all kept their seats. Both parties are in on this.
So they use voter fraud to win presidency.. but don't use it to take more house seats or get a lot more senate seats.....no logic in that...they make biden president just to do nothing...
Watch the Georgia senate hearings. The fraud was caught on video.
I am not going to say there was no fraud...but fraud coordinated between states.... this same crap was said in 2008, 2000..and again here..how do you lose house seats..lose the senate....it defies logic...If it's so simple and easy..and americans don't care.. then just take it all
I am not going to say there was no fraud...but fraud coordinated between states.... this same crap was said in 2008, 2000..and again here..how do you lose house seats..lose the senate....it defies logic...If it's so simple and easy..and americans don't care.. then just take it all
Americans do care. Shut off the MSM and try and see how many people showed up to stop the steal rallies. Go to DC on the 6th and see for yourself how many Americans care. As for fraud between the states you know about the servers confiscated in Germany and the record amount of internet traffic between Germany and the states on election night? Or did Ms Maddow not tell you about that?
I am not going to say there was no fraud...but fraud coordinated between states.... this same crap was said in 2008, 2000..and again here..how do you lose house seats..lose the senate....it defies logic...If it's so simple and easy..and americans don't care.. then just take it all

If you're generating fake votes, whether physically printing ballots for Biden or writing a computer algorithm to inflate the total for Biden, which is easier?
  1. To create unique paper ballots and computer programming for EVERY voting jurisdiction reflecting Biden PLUS all Democrat options down-ballot, or if no Dem option to write-in someone else, or otherwise only with Repub down-ballot options to leave that portion of those ballots blank.
  2. Print ballots pro-Biden and and an algorithm inflating Biden totals, and otherwise all down-ballot choices blank/unaltered.
The cheaters took the path of least resistance with #2. If they had tried #1, the workload would be exponentially larger and ballots/programming from one jurisdiction would be incongruent with others, and a bunch of ballots pro-Biden and otherwise filled with different jurisdictions' down-ballot options would be an obvious forgery. Immense potential for a mistake.

But most voters write a ballot for entirely one party. A small percentage might be silent aside from POTUS. But several hundred thousand ballots, all for one candidate, all with no down-ballot options, all tabulated in one night, exceeding the number of ballots the machines could even process in the interval they reported it, exceeding the number of registered voters in the jurisdiction, exceeding the number of votes any prior candidate had ever received, and coinciding with the period in which poll-watchers were denied access?

They didn't realize how drastically option #2 would also stand out. It's a full-time job keeping up with the developments in this story, so I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you've crawled out from under a rock. Or worse, been watching CNN.
They will keep using the 2 party system to keep americans divided... Trump.. Biden..it really doesn't matter. As long as they make majority of americans believe either of these clowns really gives a shit about you or I ....I leave you with america's only president not beholden to a party .. this describes both trump and biden

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

I am sure every election has it's fraud..but enough in enough states to change the result..no way... people can't keep their mouths shut.. especially liberals.. and it would take too many extremely intelligent and hush people to turn that many states... I personally agree with a lot of his policies but despise his useless tweeting and POS personality....I don't see why it's so inconceivable to think he lost... people are stuck on him as some kind of savior.. .same thing happened with Obama.. it's dangerous to think of anyone like that..never mind a politician

Lol not sure if serious, they don't have to "keep quiet" about it anymore, hell they've verged on running their mouths or being proud about doing it.

I would buy that Trump lost in states that were close (Say, Arizona, which is being invaded by moonbats from CA) but PA, and MI, are completely f***ed up. If you don't concede that much at least, you're just burying your head in the sand.

Honestly trump losing doesn't bother me nearly as much as the idea that he lost by virtue of a scam. If that happened (and evidence would indicate it seemed to have happened in some states) and they are allowed to get away with it, then the entire idea of voting has just been turned into a sham. I mean it was always nebulous before but this is kind of like the point where snowden came out about the mass surveillance. Same idea. If this is allowed to stand there goes the validity of our election process, whatever little it had left. "Rigged" comes to mind. Rigged for the swamp.
Can you elaborate? what Time? What should I wear? Cookout afterward? Any hot chicks? Do I bring hor d’oeuvres?
Lots of chicks in bikinis. After all it was 30 today. Lol. I head off cape every weekend. And the crowd at the rotary is bigger and bigger. Today was about 150 people. Lots of stop the steal signs and trump flags
"Hey guys, bring your guns and protest for me! But not those guns that my ATF doesn't like, you know, no bump stocks or braces, maybe not any of those guns made from 80% kits, maybe a few other things we're working on. But all the other ones, because I've got your back!" - POTUS

So, a 1911?
They will keep using the 2 party system to keep americans divided... Trump.. Biden..it really doesn't matter. As long as they make majority of americans believe either of these clowns really gives a shit about you or I ....I leave you with america's only president not beholden to a party .. this describes both trump and biden

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

And both parties hate Trump. Hmmm. You are getting closer.
I've posted this before, but similar to above data:
Year/D cand/counties won/votes
2000 Gore 676 50,999,897
2004 Kerry ??? 59,028,444
2008 Obama 873 69,498,516
2012 Obama 698 65,915,795
2016 Hillary 487 65,853,514
2020 Biden 509 81,282,896
Lol not sure if serious, they don't have to "keep quiet" about it anymore, hell they've verged on running their mouths or being proud about doing it.

I would buy that Trump lost in states that were close (Say, Arizona, which is being invaded by moonbats from CA) but PA, and MI, are completely f***ed up. If you don't concede that much at least, you're just burying your head in the sand.

Honestly trump losing doesn't bother me nearly as much as the idea that he lost by virtue of a scam. If that happened (and evidence would indicate it seemed to have happened in some states) and they are allowed to get away with it, then the entire idea of voting has just been turned into a sham. I mean it was always nebulous before but this is kind of like the point where snowden came out about the mass surveillance. Same idea. If this is allowed to stand there goes the validity of our election process, whatever little it had left. "Rigged" comes to mind. Rigged for the swamp.

You and I agree on a lot, especially regarding economics. With that said, and I’m merely playing devil’s advocate here, you mention the act of voting itself being a sham based on the system in place. That same system put Trump in power even though a majority of voters voted for Hillary 4 years ago. He lost the popular vote, as did Bush. What does the less popular candidate winning an election(s) say about the current system we have in place? That, by definition, is minority rule over a majority. If it’s broken, it’s broken in all regards and directions, not just when our guy loses.
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