Do you have your C&R?

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
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You know, I got my C&R about a year ago. I haven't used it yet, but I keep seeing things that I want to get. So I have to get something sometime soon. I've already mailed most of the places that I would get something from a copy of my C&R. So we'll have to see.

But, it seems that talking to a lot of these places. They have reservations about sending items to MA. And one place that I used to go to all the time, Aimsurplus, won't ship ANYTHING to MA.

Anyway, I was wondering if many more of you have yours. I know that I've seen some people say that they have on other threads.

If you do, do you use it a lot? And have you found friction from companies not wanting to send to MA?
Yes, Chief Ron Glidden convinced me to get mine back in 1999. It is the ONLY legal way to get old (C&R qualified) handguns into MA.

The AG's sting operations has made a lot of online vendors scared of legal action if they ship anything into MA. Thus, many have ceased doing business here completely. Also, the AG has spies and thus if anyone publishes the name of an out-of-state vendor (who will ship into MA) in a public place, the AG is likely to stomp on that vendor. For that reason, as long as I'm a Mod here, I WILL remove any such references if someone goofs and posts the name of a "friendly". Any such sharing of info should be done privately and make sure that the person you share it with isn't a mole for the AG (who wants to shut down all gun ownership in MA).

Meanwhile Midway USA and Brownells give hefty discounts to FFL holders. I've taken advantage of both. I have not tried to purchase any "controlled items" from either company.
I got my C&R a couple of months ago. 1st thing I bought was a Tokarev SVT-40 rifle. The discount is great at Midway. I send them a lot of $$.

As for what Len says, he right. Careful with the info you have. I wouldn't even publicly admit that I had something shipped here that could get someone in trouble. I wouldn't want to find myself on the receiving end of Heir Reilly's suppeennies.

If you have your C&R and wish to buy a C&R qualified handgun from a private seller in another state, do they have to have an FFL ship it to you?
No, legally you can have the person ship it to you directly. You provide the seller with a copy of your FFL, obtain some proof of who you are buying from (you need a copy of the latest Bound Book to know what BATF requires for info to be logged in on seller).

That's the legal answer.

My personal answer is that I probably would NOT do that unless I personally knew the person who was selling to me.

Thanks. The reason I asked is that a member of the smith&wessonforum had a very early pre-Model 15 for sale. However, it can't be shipped to my FFL under the AG's rules. But I might be able to have it shipped to me, IF I had a C&R. I think it is about 53 years old by the serial number. I guess I'd have to check first to insure that it's C&R eligible.
50 years is the magic number to qualify as C&R.

The law on selling guns that aren't on the List is AGAINST THE DEALER, the buyer is Scot free . . . there are NO penalties that can be levied against you as the buyer.

Slightly different law (actually regulation by Herr Reilly) but it will serve to illustrate the point.
Do you recall the Glocks that were sold, then the AG determined that they didn't meet his standards? Glock sent letters to dealers and requested that they all be returned for a refund. My best guess is that many/most did NOT comply! Good for them. Nobody came door knocking for the buyers and they know who each buyer is (FA-10s). The AG may fine the company (Glock) and/or the dealers, but NOTHING he can do about the buyers who refuse to return them. [BTW, even if you returned the gun, you will still be FOREVER listed as the owner with CHSB and BATF (4473).]
I have a C&R. I haven't bought any hand guns on line or through a catalog (I have bought hand guns, but they've been in person sales), but I have purchased a couple rifles. I haven't had any problems buying the rifles, but it's been a couple years since I got something, so the folks I've dealt with in the past may have changed their opinions of shipping to a MA address, even if it's attached to a C&R.
Yes, that's what really bites. You go about things the correct way by getting your C&R, and it still doesn't matter. Most compaines won't sell to MA.

Oh well, I'm with you. Keep it quiet if you find someone that will work with you, even if you are in MA.

I can't tell you how many places said, "We'll give you a discount on gear and accessories. But we won't send any firearms or ammo to you."

Hey, at least I can get my sling for my AR for a discount. :D
One more question:

If you get a C&R license do you have to keep track of any firearms acquired under this license in the same way an FFL keeps track of his? And is it limited to just THOSE firearms that you keep track of?
FPrice said:
One more question:

If you get a C&R license do you have to keep track of any firearms acquired under this license in the same way an FFL keeps track of his? And is it limited to just THOSE firearms that you keep track of?
Anything you aquire or dispose of that falls under a C&R has to be kept in a bound book. If the firearm doesn't fall under the definition of the C&R, you don't log it. The C&R firearm you had before you got the license does not go in your book until you dispose of it.
A 3yr license for $30 is a good deal. You'll save that on one transfer fee charged by your local 01 plus it comes to your door!
It took 1 month for me to get mine back after mailing it in. Check the BATFE webite for ordering info. They have an 800#. Call them and they'll priority mail you the application.
I just downloaded the application off the website. But it did take me about 4 months to get mine. So maybe calling them for the application would be quicker.

Here's a question I have. As I've only had mine for about a year. When the three years is up, do you get a notice? Something that lets you know that you need to renew your C&R? Or are you just supposed to keep track of when it's going to happen and submit the paperwork?

Also, when you renew, do you have to send all the paperwork to you local PD again?
Yes BATF sends you a notice. Got mine last month and my C&R FFL expires in August.

Yes, each time you renew you need to send a copy to local chief. Mine files it without ever looking at it, and he's an anti-RKBA person. It's a NON-Issue.

New form has lots of new questions for C&R FFLs.

One comment for security:

- BATF allows cc payment of the $30 now, you put cc number on form.
- BATF also says to copy form and forward to local chief.
- I STRONGLY suggest that you either redact the cc info (block it on photocopy) or leave it blank before making your copy and write "redacted" in photocopied block for cc info for PD copy. Do NOT give your local PD your cc info . . . there is NO ASSURANCE that the info will be secured and if info is misused/thrown out and stolen you'll have more hassles than you deserve.
- Obvious to me that BATF doesn't take personal financial security very seriously, so we need to do so.
FPrice said:
One more question:

If you get a C&R license do you have to keep track of any firearms acquired under this license in the same way an FFL keeps track of his? And is it limited to just THOSE firearms that you keep track of?

In the info you receive there'll be an example of a log to record the purchase or sale of a C&R firearm. It similar to an FFL's (after all, C&R holders are like junior FFL's. We just can't use it to buy and sell to make money, and sales need to be infrequent.)

You are responsible for keeping track of your renewal date. Make sure that you send it in at least 30 days prior to expiration (keep copies of all paperwork you send). Mine was a renewal/relocation so I had to notify the new CLEO in the area. I can't tell you for sure on just the renewal. If you screw up on the application the ATF will not notify you concerning any errors. If you havn't received your new 03 in 30 days give them a call. Be aware that they can misplace paperwork also. That's why keeping copies of the renewal paperwork is important.
I've had mine for a little over three years and have aquired the following:
2-Mosin Nagant 91/30 rifles
3-Yugo SKS rifles
1-Mosin Nagant M44 rifle
1- MAS 49/56 rifle
1-CZ52 pistol
1-Manhurin/Walther PP pistol
I missed out on the last sale of original Nazi marked Walther P32 pistols. I was short on cash. Fortunately I landed in CT instead of MA so any additional purchases of firearms shouldn't need an act of congress. I can find no "regs" restricting purchases of C&R firearms or ammo so far in the state regs. If anybody in CT knows of any, post it and let us know.
2-Mosin Nagant 91/30 rifles
1-Mosin Nagant M44 rifle
1- MAS 49/56 rifle

Nice! These are all on my wish list. I have a Walther P38 AC44 Two Tone that was a capture, aquired pre-C&R License.
Something else that I mentioned on another forum is to explain to your CLEO that there is no action required on his part. Explain to him that it is required by law that you give him a copy of the application, but he doesn't have to do anything but file it away.

I've had my C&R for 5 years now. Not used much at all, but I'd never let it go.
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