But I don't know if certain people will start riduculous rumors- which wouldn't really bother me except I have kids. What are your thoughts on this?
(extreme sarcasm) Oh, heaven forbid someone start a rumor that that you've made an effort to protect your children by arming yourself appropriately.
I personally draw a sort of a line in the sand.... I might not proffer that
information to people that didn't necessarily ask about it, eg, customers,
etc. I have a few customers that I do consulting work for
that are flaming liberals, and it pleasures me greatly that I can deprive
them of money and use it to buy guns and ammo... and I'd like to keep
that trend going for as long as possible.

On the other hand,
though... if I'm talking to people, and the issue comes up, I'm probably
going to say something about it, and I won't hold anything back. I'm
not going to "hide" from anyone that I know personally about the
I don't have any NRA/gun manuf stickers on my car though... but that's
mainly from the "grey man" in the non-permissive envrionment
principle. MA is a communist state and as such, for gun owners, is generally
a non permissive environment. While it might be "legal" for us to carry
guns here, the general perception by most is that it's frowned upon. If a
"guns are bad for mere peons" LEO stops you in a traffic stop, you may
get a spanish inquisition about wether or not you are carrying a firearm,
and I'd rather avoid that exchange altogether. In some localities it
may make your car a theft target.