Do you readily let others know of your gun hobby?

I dont advertise it; the only firearms related sticker on the car is CMP and I generally don't buy much firearms name branded clothing, just a couple of hats & t-shirts. That being said, I don't have a problem talking about my hobby with people. Over the years I've been able to introduce several people to shooting and made others aware of different aspects of the sport. Most people at work know, I usually have ammo and the more expensive parts shipped here.
Possible responses:
  1. I don't make it a habit of discussing my security procedures.
  2. Details of my security procedures are on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know
  3. Looks like someone here has a problem with diversity.

[rofl] Excellent response. I'll use that if ever I'm asked...
Then again, if it had been an issue, I probably never got an interview.
I got my current job because someone I knew form the gun club was in the hiring managers office; saw my resume in a huge pile of ones for people not being brought in, and he asked that it be moved the the "call for interviews" pile. Best job I've ever had, and I'm still there 10+ years later.
But I don't know if certain people will start riduculous rumors- which wouldn't really bother me except I have kids. What are your thoughts on this?

(extreme sarcasm) Oh, heaven forbid someone start a rumor that that you've made an effort to protect your children by arming yourself appropriately. :)

I personally draw a sort of a line in the sand.... I might not proffer that
information to people that didn't necessarily ask about it, eg, customers,
etc. I have a few customers that I do consulting work for
that are flaming liberals, and it pleasures me greatly that I can deprive
them of money and use it to buy guns and ammo... and I'd like to keep
that trend going for as long as possible. :) On the other hand,
though... if I'm talking to people, and the issue comes up, I'm probably
going to say something about it, and I won't hold anything back. I'm
not going to "hide" from anyone that I know personally about the

I don't have any NRA/gun manuf stickers on my car though... but that's
mainly from the "grey man" in the non-permissive envrionment
principle. MA is a communist state and as such, for gun owners, is generally
a non permissive environment. While it might be "legal" for us to carry
guns here, the general perception by most is that it's frowned upon. If a
"guns are bad for mere peons" LEO stops you in a traffic stop, you may
get a spanish inquisition about wether or not you are carrying a firearm,
and I'd rather avoid that exchange altogether. In some localities it
may make your car a theft target.

I don't have any NRA/gun manuf stickers on my car though...

You see, that's the problem. Those stickers are NOT for you. They are to place over all those liberal bumber stickers that say "Clinton for God" and Reiley wil Save America" and such.

What's amazing is that the Liberals are so blind that they never notice the new decal until someone points it out to them.

Not that I've done this at all. Wouldn't think of it. It would be vandalism.
Possible responses:
  1. I don't make it a habit of discussing my security procedures.
  2. Details of my security procedures are on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know
  3. Looks like someone here has a problem with diversity.

I can't even remember what I said, but I was a little dumbfounded when she did that. This was the same history professor that taught the course about youth movements. She was a left wing, wing nut and had a personal experience in the anti-Vietnam war movement.

She came at it from the perspective of all youth movements are good! She talked about SDS and the free speech movement on college campuses yada yada yada, and about getting us out of Vietnam and so on an so forth. Not one mention of an out of control youth movement, or the fact that they have no real perspective or life experience and tend to have mini melt downs when the world doesn’t fit their vision.

I did my final paper on the Cultural Revolution (I passed up the Hitler Youth because that would have been too easy and someone else was using them) and the Red Guards in China. I spent a lot of time on how many millions were killed by rampaging adolescents and teenagers and the fact that they started out with their teachers and then moved on to intellectuals and fellow communists that were not red enough for them.

She was a stealth full Mao and Stalin apologist. Most of the students figured it out on there own though.

I'm self- employed for the last 20 years, so I do not care about what people may think. My customers may have an idea about my interests and I openly discuss that with them. I did have an electrician working for me on several projects and when I started talking about firearms he spouted that guns cause wars and other nonsense. He really annoyed me, so now I have to find another electrical contractor in my area who is not a hoplophobe. My plumber has his LTC and hunts, so I can get along with him.

I know several electricians, some in your area, who eithe have guns, or don't really care one way or the other. Let me know if you want me to make introductions.
Hey Lug, this is a good topic.

I don't wear any gun branded clothes (NRA, GOAL, etc) just because it's not my style, though I don't have anything against it. I don't wear any "tactical" clothes because that's a little ridiculous. E.g Dog the Bounty Hunter.

I try to keep a low profile when carrying, so my "holster" of choice is the smartcarry. I love the fact that it's totally concealed and very comfortable.

I usually leave The American Rifleman, CCW magazine & some Catalogs (S&W, Bushmaster, Ruger) in the first floor bathroom. Once in a while, other parents have raised an eyebrow after using it. I've gotten smart per SO's request and hide them with a Family Circle now. Nothing has been said so far and they continue to bring their kids over to play with mine. If they did say something I wouldn't have a problem stating that all guns stored responsibly in a well locked safe . Even going so far as to show them the safe.
I'm the GUN NUT at work . I have to sweep up my parkin spot free of .22 and 5.56 brass . Nobody cares .

They seem to have gotten used to finding .22 brass in the 1 tons . I always throw it in when a weekend delivery comes up to some drilling rig in BFE .

Then this is Wyoming and we live and let live !!
I don't advertise that I own firearms except perhaps in very low-key, discreet ways. Clues that another avid firearms owner might pick-up on. Just like I don't advertise if I am carrying a concealed firearm.

If the situation is appropriate I will let someone who doesn't already know that I am a "gunnie" know in a way that emphasizes my low-key, responsible nature.
I don't advertise that I own firearms except perhaps in very low-key, discreet ways. Clues that another avid firearms owner might pick-up on. Just like I don't advertise if I am carrying a concealed firearm.

If the situation is appropriate I will let someone who doesn't already know that I am a "gunnie" know in a way that emphasizes my low-key, responsible nature.

I'm about the same way ... Gun people usually seem to pick up on the clues, almost like the scent of Hoppes #9 is some kind of pheromone.
Are you kidding? Sometimes I go out of my way, just so I can drive down Centre St. in Jamaica Plain on my way home, for the sole purpose of scaring the locals with the stickers adorning the back of the Jeep.

OK, so yeah, Blanchard's Liquors just happens to be on Centre St. What's your point?
BTW- everyone in my company knows I'm a gun fanatic. I always talk with some of the applications engineers about how f'd up MA laws are and one really agrees... he's a strong believer in the 2nd ammendment. My boss wants me to coordinate a gun shooting field trip... my club won't allow me to bring more than one guest at a time so I'll have to work on something. Another employee was a LEO and hasn't gone shooting in years.. we're planning a trip to the range soon. Everyone in my office is cool... it's some of my neighbors I'm not so sure about. The guy accross the street wants one because his wife thinks they're cool. My best friend's wife always asks if "I'm packing heat"... it makes her feel safer.

So it's not EVERYONE in MA that has "issues". To be totally honest.. I'm not so sure where the radically left are in this state... other than the inlaws that is. LOL!
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My boss wants me to coordinate a gun shooting field trip... my club won't allow me to bring more than one guest at a time some I'll have to work on something.

Call it a "Membership Recruitment Drive".
oh yes

well its hard not to reply here. I am self employed and am in and out of
homes daily or weekly, mostly women with little childern, so i keep it to a minimum. I have worn a patriots hat and have had comments about the team
and the last game etc.

I have also worn a smith and wesson hat with my club pin ahd a goal button
i picked up at a show in marlboro. I had a bank teller comment on the hat
and Smith as her father was a gun fanatic, she passed it off lightly
and cashed the check.

I've decided to wear the hat to the club "only" and not on my calls.

I don't know their orientation towards my hobby and it could cost me
a job............... so i have to forgo the shirts and hats.

"I lost all my guns in a tragic boating accident"...



Seriously... depends who's asking (or whom I want to know or not know).

All my friends and coworkers know I'm the resident "gun nut".

My non-shooting acquaintances could care less. Sometimes someone at work will joke about it... "don't f*** with LoginName, he might go postal and take us all out". To which my response is "yeah, and you'll be the first one to go".

As far as my neighbors go... the less they know the better. Some of them would steal the eyes out of your head if you weren't looking. Of course it doesn't help any that I wear an NRA baseball cap, have an NRA sticker on my Jeep, and regularly receive gun related literature in my mailbox.

The one time one neighbor did ask "if I did a lot of shooting", I responded that I used to until the police revoked my permit and I had to either move my guns out of state or sell them to cover lawyers fees. Bald faced lie, but at that point they changed the subject. [smile]
All my friends and coworkers know I'm the resident "gun nut".

My non-shooting acquaintances could care less. Sometimes someone at work will joke about it... "don't f*** with LoginName, he might go postal and take us all out". To which my response is "yeah, and you'll be the first one to go".

Same here...Everyone at the pharmacy says that one day when I snap, it'll stop being referred to as "going postal" shortly after, and then be called "going pharmacy." That's what the tell me [rolleyes]
I do have the NRA sticker and my club sticker on my truck and I am a little leery about advertising that way. I know some skeet shooters who had their hotel rooms ransacked in Florida because some of the locals saw their NSSA and NRA stickers. (Their rooms were the only rooms broken into.) However while at jury duty this spring I did bring in Armed Response by David Kenik just in case they called me to hear a case. I figured a defense lawyer would not want to see that. It surely raised some eyebrows but people were asking some reasonable questions and nobody seemed pissed off about it. Other than that most everyone I know knows I am an avid shooter and hunter. A lot of people have a harder time with the bambie thing than the guns.
I work in "higher" education. Everybody, and I mean everybody around me are marxists and they are mean to boot.

Whatever you do, don't let your children go to college

Send them to MIT.
We had a national champion pistol team.
Every single roomate of mine was ROTC, as it turned out.
I'm having to tone down my presentation, I think. I had a picture of my niece with Nickle's AR-15 as wallpaper on my laptop, and apparently one of our customers said something to the boss. He said that he told them that it's my niece, but "apparently they think you might be some kind of gun nut". When my boss said that, it was all I could do to NOT say "But I AM!"

Anyway, I changed my wall paper.

And one time my doctor saw my Riverside button on my jacket and started making "jokes". This was before Malvo & Mohammed got caught... and she asked me if I'd been in Washington recently. I went off on her, I'm afraid. I don't even see her any more; I mostly just see the nurse practicioner in the office.

Now I just wear a NES ballcap with a Masonic pin and an S&W pin on it. Haven't had anyone even notice what they were yet.
It depends on who is asking, but I have no p roblem letting people know that we enjoy firearms.
People very seldom question us about it, instead, they ask to see the collection.
So I get to a friend's party today, determined to try and be a little more discreet... and I hear Ian yelling out "Hey, I need a gun nut here - where's Ross?"

Sigh. So much for discreet.

anyway, he wanted to know what this gun is. Anyone know? It's the poster from Man With The Golden Gun.

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