Do you really want your wife shooting with you?

Mar 13, 2005
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Years ago I bought my Wife a 20 gauge Beretta shotgun for her birthday. What a mistake. The next thing I heard was, I like that silver gun of your's, can I have it.

So there go's my Model 66-1 2 1/2 inch barrel. She had been shooting that one happily for a while, untill I heard this. Can I have that 4 inch Model 67? So I said sure.

I went out and got her a 4 inch 1972 Model 34-1, really nice blue pinned and recessed. I figured she would like the little J frame 22lr to practice with. 12 shots later she hands it back to me and said, I need some thing bigger that's boring.

Then she asked me if she could have my new Model 66-5 4 inch with rubber hogues. I own a lot of S&W Revolvers, 13 in all. But right away when she shot the 66-5 she realised it was the best one I had.

The other day out of the clear blue, she says I need a new shotgun, See if you can find me a O/U 20 gauge trap gun.

Last week I was shooting my new Sigma 9ve and I asked her if she wanted to shoot it and she said no way. Let me have the gun in your holster. So I hand her my S&W 1911 which she instanly fell in love with. It was then I realized I was in trouble, I had created another me.
I often complain about my wife being a GFW, but really it's for the best. I have no impulse control. Zero. If my wife expressed an interest in the shooting arts we'd have to sell the house and live in a trailer (with an old Brink's truck serving as the gun locker... well... maybe TWO Brink's trucks...)
I feel your pain, Bugs100. Daughter has kinda taken over dad's gun cabinets. Luckily, she has a young person's facination with "shiny", so anything stainless distracts her.

But I've had to sacrifice an SS AMT Hunter 10/25 to save my H&R Model 65. Blue or not, she's also decided my Mini-30 is her hunting rifle; and now she's coveting my Star PD.
I took my eight year old daughter to the range to shoot a .22 rifle. I had got her her own Henry single shot bolt action youth model as a xmas present. We practiced loading and dry firing it at home for a couple of weeks.

When we went to the range, I had brought my 10/22 Ruger with a scope on it.
She took one look at it and said "I want to use that one", and that's what she did. I need to convince her somehow now that the single shot without a scope is more fun.
No.When I was married,I liked going shooting to be with the guys and talk about guy things.Make dirty bad jokes,swear,and be politically incorrect at all times.

Before I was married,it was "I am going to the range,be back later".Never once did I utter the words"Want to go shooting ?".

The last thing I need to do is watch my language at the range. :P

ETA: If my gf/wife wanted to go shooting,no problem.It would just be at a time when we could be alone.
While my wife is certainly not anti-gun (she grew up with brothers and a father who were avid hunters) she really isn't into shooting. I have taken her to the range but it is not an activity that she particularly enjoys. So I would have to say that no, I don't care if she joins me or not.

C-pher said:
Oh man, I can't wait until my kids can shoot with me. But I agree with Jay, it would be expensive if I were to get my wife liking guns.

Straight-up? It is great! But no less expensive than Bugs100's situation. Daughter may not yet be able to legally own them in her own right; but a number of guns are already "hers".
I love the idea that my Wife will go shooting with me. No need to buy two of anything, if she wants to shoot one of mine, fine, I'll just shoot a different one. Then when she picks another one, I get mine back to shoot. Got more than enough pistols for 2 people. [wink]
SiameseRat said:
That happened to my husband, too. There is no longer a gun classified as "HIS"
They are now all "HERS" and "OURS" [twisted]

What's that saying... "After you get married, what's yours is hers, and what's hers is hers"

Seriously, Kim grew up around guns, her father is an avid hunter. She has even been hunting with him a few times. With the little one, it's hard to find ANY time that both of us can go to the range together. She had her license a few years ago, but let it expire. We have both agreed, that now she is done with Chemo, and feeling better, she will retake the NRA course, and she'll get her license again.

I honestly can't wait for her to go shooting with me. I think I am going to have to go out, and buy a 22 auto for "her". :D

SiameseRat said:
That happened to my husband, too. There is no longer a gun classified as "HIS"
They are now all "HERS" and "OURS" [twisted]

BEAUTIFUL!!! [lol]

I realize that most college campuses are gun-fearing zones; especially the ones that interest Daughter. So In a year or two, I can offer her guns secure (Navy version:)) storage, and to keep them exercised.

Tactics. Tactics help.
Adam_MA said:
She had her license a few years ago, but let it expire. We have both agreed, that now she is done with Chemo, and feeling better, she will retake the NRA course, and she'll get her license again.

I honestly can't wait for her to go shooting with me. I think I am going to have to go out, and buy a 22 auto for "her". :D



I'm not 100% sure on this one, but check the MGLs on LTC requirements. IIRC, if she had an FID or LTC effective in October 1998, by MGLs she may not need to take any class to get her license renewed (even if there is a lapse of years). That is NOT to say that your chief may not require it, as they are free to require damn near anything under "chief's discretion", but don't assume she needs one without checking the law first and then querying your local chief (with law firmly in hand [wink] ).
K-DUB said:
Think about this boys, would you rather your wife have a shoe collection, or a mini-arsenal? 8)

K-Dub, I'm with you here.

My Wife's guns are neatly placed in the safe.

On the other hand, my Wife's shoes cover the ENTIRE floor of OUR closet!! [roll]

Do you think there is much trade-in value on dozens of pairs of shoes? Can I swap them for a gun? [lol]
I believe you had let me know that info once before. However, the instructor that taught me my class, is a family friend of Kim's family. I think she feels more comfortable with taking the class again, to re-familiarize herself with guns. And as a bonus, my mother wants to take the class with her!

So, for the $100 I think it will be worth it.

Thanks for the info though.


More training than "required" is always great!

No problem with that. I just wanted to make sure that both you (and anyone reading this thread) understands the requirements.

She could also apply for the LTC ("late" renewal) and then take the course at her leisure (while she's waiting a month or 3 to get the LTC issued) so that she's "good to go" shortly after taking the class.
Think about this boys, would you rather your wife have a shoe collection, or a mini-arsenal?
Mrs M1911 and I have a deal. I don't count her shoes and she doesn't count my guns.

She's got a few guns of her own, but she only shoots a couple times a year.
LenS said:
K-DUB said:
Think about this boys, would you rather your wife have a shoe collection, or a mini-arsenal? 8)

K-Dub, I'm with you here.

My Wife's guns are neatly placed in the safe.

On the other hand, my Wife's shoes cover the ENTIRE floor of OUR closet!! [roll]

Do you think there is much trade-in value on dozens of pairs of shoes? Can I swap them for a gun? [lol]

LenS, if you want the pretty lady to stick around, don't mess with her shoes! Actually, I should have said that we CAN have both the shoes (boots for me) & the gun collection, not 'either or'. [twisted]
K-DUB said:

LenS, if you want the pretty lady to stick around, don't mess with her shoes! Actually, I should have said that we CAN have both the shoes (boots for me) & the gun collection, not 'either or'. [twisted]

I don't mess with her shoes . . . except occasionally try to shovel them all over to her side of the closet! [wink]
K-DUB said:
Think about this boys, would you rather your wife have a shoe collection, or a mini-arsenal? 8)

Mini-arsenal. I'd much prefer the guns. If she starts bringing home the kind of weapons she works on, it'll get crowded here REAL quick... I'm not sure we have room for many Trident II's in the back yard. :D

Besides... she's not really a shoe-aholic.
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