Do you think we’ll see any changes to our gun laws under Trump?

Congress could fix a lot of problems but they won't because republican congressmen want to give those government jobs to their own kids. Our system is too corrupt and beyond fixing at this point and they know they can satiate the masses by simply tossing them a check every now and then. Republicans are lucky if they hold congress for 2 years then it will be 2 more years of Nancy (bag `o bones) Pelosi for 2 more years.

I just sit back and follow the congressional stock tracker and put my money into the same things.
Pretty much this.

His appointments should be better than the alternative, the ABC agencies might have less power, and with any luck illegal crossings will be at least restricted again.

Don't expect new or better gun stuff unless the cases actually get heard by the Supreme Court.

Abortion if you care about it....I don't......will be a states rights issue and MA and many other states for that matter, will ALWAYS keep it open. Missouri even voted for it this year, which shows you the way that that's going. There should be a fathers right as well to abort or not abort..or opt out of care. But the blue haired lesbian feminazi hypocrites who fight for womens rights seem to forget that it takes two people to tango, and the one with a dick is always out of the equation when it comes to rights.
I doubt we will ever see national reciprocity. The Rs know it would give the Ds a talking point, so if thereis a vote there will be back room negotiations to arrange for some safe Rs to vote "No", allowing those who need a yes to assure re-election can do so with no danger of such a bill actually passing.
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Congress will not do anything as that branch only has the political will to enact further regulations on 2A and is filled with corrupt snakes that deserve to be skinned. After the next mass shooting, Trump will look to add routers to the NFA given their ability to make firearms from 80% lowers and all purchases of bits will have to go thru NICS. "Take the jigs, then due process."

At the next NRA convention Trump will show up on stage with a matchlock and proclaim that's what he'd have used in Butler if he were trying to whack a former President. This will cause an uproar in the media who will report that such firearms don't require background checks and Trump will immediately demand Congress classify antiques as firearms and even a flintlock will require a 4473 and an LTC to purchase.
Haven't trusted Roberts at all since he screwed everyone with his Obamacare vote.
Nor I and I do believe it was he that leaked the Dobbs decision, but he's yet to rule with the minority on a 2A case, so I'll give credit where its due.

Barrett has been nothing but a disappointment. The entire reason she ruled on Dobbs probably has more to do with her pregnancy kink. No doubt she gets aroused at the thought of women getting knocked up and giving birth.
Lol no he actually doesn't.... because presidential elections don't largely revolve around gun politics. If you look at most of like the last half dozen or so presidents they've all done nothing but kick the can on gun politics most of the time with the exception of Clinton. isnt even in the top 5 issues that the Trump / Vance has to address, so they are certainly not going to waste time or political capital on 2A issues that can be essentially kicked back to the state level. You currently have 29 constitutional carry states, more than half the country, so gun rights are way down the list of things to address

Border security, repatriation of illegal aliens, energy independence, reviving domestic economy & industry, leveling the gbl economic playing field, projection of US military strength while withdrawing from foreign wars that have no direct strategic or economic benefit to the US....these are the priority for Trump / Vance and it is more than 4 yrs of work
I’m glad about the LTC reciprocity (if it actually goes through) but what about everything else? Snopes got rescheduled so that’s off the table for a while presumably, lower circuits seem to have a circle jerk with everything state side by sending it back over and over. Do you think we’ll see congress drafting and/or passing any pro 2A bills like national stand your ground or constitutional carry this term?
No. And we do NOT want LTC reciprocity. It is not a national issue and not something the federal government should be involved in. We want a smaller federal government with fewer regulations, not the opposite.

Your drivers license is good in all 50 states and that has NOTHING to do with the federal government. Your marriage is recognized in all 50 states (as is your divorce) and that was not true 60 years ago. Again, the federal government is not involved.

We are a federal republic, a collection of states with a federal government to protect our boarders and manage foreign policy. Over time we have lost sight of this and the federal government is all powerful and evil. Federal reciprocity is the wrong solution and likely only constitutional through ongoing abuse of the commerce clause.
No. And we do NOT want LTC reciprocity. It is not a national issue and not something the federal government should be involved in. We want a smaller federal government with fewer regulations, not the opposite.

Your drivers license is good in all 50 states and that has NOTHING to do with the federal government. Your marriage is recognized in all 50 states (as is your divorce) and that was not true 60 years ago. Again, the federal government is not involved.

We are a federal republic, a collection of states with a federal government to protect our boarders and manage foreign policy. Over time we have lost sight of this and the federal government is all powerful and evil. Federal reciprocity is the wrong solution and likely only constitutional through ongoing abuse of the commerce clause.
I presume you never travel? And if you do, good luck in a New York jail.

The right to keep and bear arms is a constitutionally protected civil right. States do not have rights. Humans do. Just like the bigoted southern states were told in the 1960s that people cannot be barred from dining in restaurants or sitting in the front of busses or in theaters, certain leftist states now need to be told they cannot arrest and jail people for carrying guns. Your location says Worcester county. Massachusetts is one of those states that will need to be forced to stop their anti gun bigotry. People have a right to armed self defense no matter where they may travel to,
Lol no he actually doesn't.... because presidential elections don't largely revolve around gun politics. If you look at most of like the last half dozen or so presidents they've all done nothing but kick the can on gun politics most of the time with the exception of Clinton.
This is the truth. Clinton was the last president to sign a "sweeping gun law" and he even admits it cost the dems control of congress the next cycle.
I just sit back and follow the congressional stock tracker and put my money into the same things.

Angela, that's brilliant! I didn't even know there was such a thing. Do you like any website over the others, and are there particular congress-critters you follow?
Angela, that's brilliant! I didn't even know there was such a thing. Do you like any website over the others, and are there particular congress-critters you follow?
I follow 2 people on X (twitter), congressional stock trader and nancy pelosi stock trader. In any event they beat the market year after year, so why not?
IMO, it largely depends who Trump picks as new ATF director if anybody. In his past term, he went from one interim ATF director to another.

Congress might revisit the existing exemptions of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) of 2005.
I’m glad about the LTC reciprocity (if it actually goes through) but what about everything else? Snopes got rescheduled so that’s off the table for a while presumably, lower circuits seem to have a circle jerk with everything state side by sending it back over and over. Do you think we’ll see congress drafting and/or passing any pro 2A bills like national stand your ground or constitutional carry this term?
The President doesn't pass laws. Congress passes laws, and while the Republicans hold both houses, their majority is very slim. So there won't be any significant federal gun laws passed by Congress. There may be some important SCOTUS decisions.
And the Dems likely taking the House back in 2 years.

Why do you think this? If anything the anger that ousted Dems in 2024 should oust more in 2026 in states where they couldn’t vote in 2024.

Unless there’s some reversal in sentiment. This was a statement from the country, so it would take a lot of flip it.
Why do you think this? If anything the anger that ousted Dems in 2024 should oust more in 2026 in states where they couldn’t vote in 2024.

Unless there’s some reversal in sentiment. This was a statement from the country, so it would take a lot of flip it.
The statistics are clear, the sitting US President's Party loses seats in the off Presidential Elections.

We just saw CA count mail in ballots for a month until they stole 3 Republican House seats. NV and WI did the same with 2 Senate seats. The mail in ballot scam is still alive and well.
I presume you never travel? And if you do, good luck in a New York jail.

The right to keep and bear arms is a constitutionally protected civil right. States do not have rights. Humans do. Just like the bigoted southern states were told in the 1960s that people cannot be barred from dining in restaurants or sitting in the front of busses or in theaters, certain leftist states now need to be told they cannot arrest and jail people for carrying guns. Your location says Worcester county. Massachusetts is one of those states that will need to be forced to stop their anti gun bigotry. People have a right to armed self defense no matter where they may travel to,

You’re missing @CrackPot point.

If the federal government is involved, the federal government can add restrictions or requirements that would apply to all states. That is bad.

The requirements for a driver’s license or to get married are set by each state, not the federal government.

There have been SCOTUS cases limiting states’ ability to restrict marriage and driver’s licenses, but that’s not the same as requiring reciprocity in some important and fundamental ways.
The reciprocity is bs and any version of it will be undone by the next dem in the oval officer.

States rights were mentioned.

What kind of bs hoops will gun owners need to jump through just to carry in anti-states?

How Many more restrictive state laws will be created to make reciprocity a joke?

To take a line from Rocky Balboa, it won’t be all sunshine and rainbows.

It will just be more gun control laws to make things as impossible for a gun owner to carry out of his/her home state.

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