Dragunov style stock for my Maadi

Dec 15, 2006
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Just purchased this stock http://www.akparts.com/index.htm from Akparts.com thought I couldnt go wrong for $10 but, buyer beware. I had to do some significant cutting/sanding to get it to fit, and it is much thicker in the pistol grip area than I like (small Hands) it is also smaller than I had figured it would be.
All of my complaints aside, I have always liked the look of this style stock, and I like the way it looks on my rifle.


I still need to remove it again to poly it so I am thinking of thinning out the pistol grip a little, I dont want to take too much off though so it will be a long sand / test /repeat process.
Thinking that if I can get the stock looking the way I want it I will add a scope and have a cool little sniper look alike.[smile]
You can probably get some good results with a cheap cordless Dremel type tool and a few wood sanding/material removing bits. Being a tool with variable speeds and considering the size of the bit will allow you to work carefully without too much aggressive removal of wood.
The Maadi seems to have a more forward trigger so I'd start shaving on the lower rear side of the grip by the thumb area and keep checking for a comfortable fit. You don't want to remove too much material because it will make the stock weak where it bolts up by the pistol grip.
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Thanks for the advice milsurps, I was thinking that might be the best plan. I had not even thought about weakening it [shocked] , just didn't want to make too small to grip comfortably. anyway thanks again.[smile]
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