Enfield No4 mk2 wider front sight b!ade

yeah NO, $600 to start by the info on the web site. f*** it going to by some new hack saw blades and start cutting

$600? The Hell? New stainless steel mini14 sights made from there are/were around $30. With $6 plastic prototypes.
$600? The Hell? New stainless steel mini14 sights made from there are/were around $30. With $6 plastic prototypes.
I dont know I followed the instructions on the web site down loaded some of the files you posted and thats what kicked back. I will run it through again and try to copy the screen.
tried it again still starts at $600 and recommends the $1000 option.

I tried some other places but none of the files you posted work. I keep getting this

Accepted file types: STEP (.step, .stp), SOLIDWORKS (.sldprt), Mesh (.stl), Parasolid (.x_t, .x_b),
Autodesk Inventor (.ipt), Dassault Systems (.3dxml, .catpart), PTC, Siemens (.prt), ACIS (.sat)
Max file size: 100MB
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tried it again still starts at $600 and recommends the $1000 option.

I tried some other places but none of the files you posted work. I keep getting this

Accepted file types: STEP (.step, .stp), SOLIDWORKS (.sldprt), Mesh (.stl), Parasolid (.x_t, .x_b),
Autodesk Inventor (.ipt), Dassault Systems (.3dxml, .catpart), PTC, Siemens (.prt), ACIS (.sat)
Max file size: 100MB

I should be able to figure out a way to export the files I made into one of those formats. I've done it before for work to have some ornamental aluminum panels cast.
You know, you could buy another front sight, mill the blade off, slot the base and braze a wider blade into it. If I had the correct dovetail cutter I'd make one for you...or ruin a perfectly good hunk of steel trying.
You know, you could buy another front sight, mill the blade off, slot the base and braze a wider blade into it. If I had the correct dovetail cutter I'd make one for you...or ruin a perfectly good hunk of steel trying.
Im going to order a few sights and just JB weld the F.n things
quick range trip and looking ok.
so windage is pretty much on. Not the most accurate rifle or ammo. I would like these groups centered a touch higher like 1" or so
lower group was a 6 oclock hold upper group was a center hold.

Now its just a matter of how well the plastic sight holds its position in the dove tail. If its going to move it will move in the next match!
I'd imagine all the usual places, Numrich, eBay etc..

You stumped me though... a No4 mK2? I thought it was a typo but I briefly looked it up and sure enough....

Whats the difference in the mK2 and mK1?

do you know it the sight blades are interchangeable with earlier Enfields? If so I have a box of various sight blades you can have, maybe one of them will work for you?

A Mk. I will have the trigger mounted to the front trigger guard. A Mk. II will have the trigger mounted to the receiver. This also means that the fore end wood is different. I hope that helps.
1732D316-996D-412D-B5C3-FC764AF03398.jpeg Made it to the match .
All in all I shot pretty good for a rifle I do not shoot much. Pretty happy with it .
After all a 4moa rifle in a 12 moa shooters hands can only do so much!

My eyes got tired quick today and I shot the M1 first. I tend to shoot low when my eyes get tired as I will “drop” the front sight down to “see” the bullseyr.

The fat front sight was a huge help!!!
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