Mailed application 9/18.
CC charged 9/22.
License AND overly large envelope of documents arrived 10/14.

I am convinced this is a vast left wing conspiracy to drain the bank accounts of the evil gun owners.

I *think* I have a good selection of sources programmed into speed-dial for Monday morning, but if anyone has any favorite sources, please let me know.

C&R and FA10?

Moderator, please remove.

Found the answer to my question in a post by LenS on 8/31.
Last edited:
Mailed application 9/18.
CC charged 9/22.
License AND overly large envelope of documents arrived 10/14.

I am convinced this is a vast left wing conspiracy to drain the bank accounts of the evil gun owners.

I *think* I have a good selection of sources programmed into speed-dial for Monday morning, but if anyone has any favorite sources, please let me know.


BJ's / Sam's Club for Ramen noodles by the case ! [smile]

Enjoy !
Whew! I just read this entire thread...

When I visit the ATF site to order a license app, they have it set up with the C&R app in two place in the righthand column:

F 5310.16 (F7CR) - Application for License (Collector of Curios and Relics) Under 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44, Firearms


F 7CR (5310.16) - Application for License (Collector of Curios and Relics) Under 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44, Firearms


The only difference I see is the position of, and perentheses around, the F7CR, a word space between the F and the 7CR, and an extra F in front of one of the 5310.16s.

WTF???? [rolleyes]

Does it matter which one I order?



P.S. Ramen is LOADED with sodium.
I just mailed my app out today. So excited, I can't afford the app fee right now much less the guns, but it is better to have and not need then to need and not have. Am I right :)
Got my application in the mail yesterday. [smile]

I do have a couple of questions about it, though.

1. Does this look like the right form? (I think it does...)

2. How the heck are you supposed to fill in your name and other info in those narrow boxes for question 9 at the bottom of the page?

3. On the back (not pictured below) What is the deal with the hunting license question? Is that only to be answered if you are a nonimmigrant alien?

Image of the front of the application form. I added VOID so as to not be posting a "good" replica of a gov't form.


This is a link to the gallery with the image. If you click the "O" beneath the image, you can see it larger than life. DO NOT click "O" if you have a slow connection: http://emoto.smugmug.com/gallery/1939658/2/110769722
Got my application in the mail yesterday. [smile]

I do have a couple of questions about it, though.

1. Does this look like the right form? (I think it does...)

Yes, that's the one.

2. How the heck are you supposed to fill in your name and other info in those narrow boxes for question 9 at the bottom of the page?

Write small, but neat.

3. On the back (not pictured below) What is the deal with the hunting license question? Is that only to be answered if you are a nonimmigrant alien?

Skip the question, unless you are a nonimmigrant alien.

You're good to go.
your wrong..no your wrong..no wait your wrong

All C&R aquisitions have to be recorded in the book. ONLY C&R firearms must be recorded. If you had a C&R firearm prior to getting the 03 you not not have to record it.
FA10 must still be filled out for all C&R aquisitions.
No NICS checks for C&R purchases.
You made find that some local shops will not take your 03. The 03 C&R license was created to facilitate out of state purchases.

The next gun show you attend ask any dealer if he is selling a C+R rifle and a C+R buyer purchases the rifle if he completes a FA10..... They will record the transaction but will not send in a FA10). If I buy a rifle from Interordance they send me a copy of the C+R.
I recently bought a C+R rifle from a dealer here in mass. who follows the rules to the letter. he took a copy of my C+R I took a copy of his FFL and that was it. So maybe everyone is doing it wrong????

Anyway...leave me out of it. I am sorry I ever provided my opinion.[frown]
Mosinm39, it matters not what the dealer does, the buyer MUST make sure that an FA-10 is filled out (Registration, no seller info is OK) and filed WITHIN 7 DAYS. That's the law.

The FFL can do a FFL to FFL (C&R FFL) transaction on his books and nothing indicates that this violates any law. I've bought at least one C&R that way from a MA dealer, but we both understood that I'd file a FA-10 on the acquisition in addition to logging it in my BB.

If the buyer doesn't file an FA-10 in this case, they have committed a criminal act per MGLs and are subject to punishment as such. If this came out in court and "went public", I would expect legislation to get ramrodded thru in a heartbeat to "close the loophole" and prohibit such C&R transactions. Remember MGLs does NOT acknowledge that the C&R FFL exists, otherwise we'd be shut off from acquiring all old handguns. Ignorance is bliss and it behooves us to keep them ignorant, while still abiding by all the laws.
Len.......PLEASE end this. Again, I was stating my experience. Again, my experience. I am not telling folks what to do or quoting law.

To put it bluntly....stop sending me your comments on this subject! As I asked earlier.....leave me out of it.
I will remove myself from this thread
Len.......PLEASE end this. Again, I was stating my experience. Again, my experience. I am not telling folks what to do or quoting law.

To put it bluntly....stop sending me your comments on this subject! As I asked earlier.....leave me out of it.
I will remove myself from this thread

Buddy, take a pill. [thinking]

LenS is correct. IKt is just that you are on your own to submit the FA-10; the seller is not going to do it for you.
Oh great ....now two experts.... I asked in my last thread....drop it. if you beleive this wanna be cop go ahead. Just leave me out of it
Oh great ....now two experts.... I asked in my last thread....drop it. if you beleive this wanna be cop go ahead. Just leave me out of it

You're asking to be left out of it, yet you still respond...With an insult, nonetheless. A response like that just adds fuel to a fire. Here's an idea...Instead of a sophmoric response like this, take your own advice and drop it. If YOU drop it, noone else will bother to respond.
Oh great ....now two experts.... I asked in my last thread....drop it. if you beleive this wanna be cop go ahead. Just leave me out of it

What you appear to be doing is thinking that obeying federal law when purchasing a C&R firearm somehow means that you do not also have to obey state law. It is simply not correct. You must obey both federal and state laws. Show me the spot in the state laws about FA-10s where it says that C&R purchases by an 03 FFL are exempt from the requirement to submit an FA-10, and I will not only "drop it" but will apologize for being mistaken. Fair enough?
My experience is that whenever traffic conditions allow, everybody including the cops routinely dirves at 75-80 miles an hour on 93, 495 and a lot of other roads. That in no way should suggest to anyone that doing so is legal. I normally drive that fast or faster meself, and haven't had a single ticket in over 15 years. OTOH, the penalty for not filing an FA10 when required is significantly greater than a traffic citation. Even if I weren't certain of the legal requirements when making a C&R purchase, I'd tend to err on the side of caution and the continuation of my ability to buy more guns.

Got my C&R yeterday. Anyone know the protocol for setting up a dealer account with MidwayUSA and Brownells? Do I just fax a signed copy of the C&R with a cover letter containing my username? What about other people? Just fax it in unsolicited?
Welcome to the world of C&R.

I know you can legaly fax them now, but most of these places still prefer a mailed signed copy. Thats how JG sales are. Then you order away until you have spent everything in your bank account.
So giddy, Brownells called me back exactly two minutes after I faxed the C&R to confirm the address. I also sent one to MidwayUSA, gonna do Trinity arms next.
I'm gonna do it!

Well you fine folks have convinced me to apply for my C&R FFL. Thanks for all of the valuable information. I will be checking out the links offered.
The application arrived yesterday so I am going to submit it ASAP. [grin]

Good thing I don't have any kids to put through school, I can see were all of my "spare" income will be going. [shocked]
Hey honey? Is there a sale on Ramen noodles this week? [laugh]

Now for the BIG problem. My safe is pretty full as it is and I am loath to sell any firearms I currently have. [frown]

I once sold off a beautiful Dan Wesson .357 with four barrels just because I didn't shoot it much. I've regretted it ever since. [crying]
My C&R came in the mail today! [banana]

This is exactly one month from when I wrote the check. Not bad.

Of course, I've already committed to a non-C&R Christmas present to myself from my favorite Woburn funstore, so no C&R guns are in my immediate future. Besides, I really should wait until the big pack of info arrives and I read through it... [rolleyes]
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