Martlet said:
11 days from putting in the mailbox to getting it back. Now that has to be a record.

No books though.

Wow, I just sent off for the application materials. I can't wait. 11 days for the federal government to do anything is very good. I'm going to save a bunch of money.

It has arrived... both packages same day!

Count me in with a C&R!!!

Total time from mail out to receiving: 18 days
How long to wait?

I sent the paperwork in and my check was cashed March 16. The package with the regulations and paperwork arrived about a month later but still no sign of the license itself.

Should I call ATF or give them a few more weeks? Based on the post above it seems something may have gone wrong.
Received mine yesterday, 21 days from requesting application to receiving both envelopes. Not including 7days the coompleted app. spent sitting under a pile of crap on my desk before I found and mailed it.
I sent in my forms and as instructed saent a copy of the application to my LPD. I got a call from a LT. there regarding my application and he left me a message to call him back.

Any idea what he might want?
Follow up

Mid May and still hadn't received the license so I sent an e-mail to BATF and received a response within a few hours. The license was mailed on 03/31 but never arrived. They are sending a duplicate.
daceman63 said:
I sent in my forms and as instructed saent a copy of the application to my LPD. I got a call from a LT. there regarding my application and he left me a message to call him back.

Any idea what he might want?

Maybe you did not fill it out correctly--- let us know where this leads... based on what others have said and what I have read he should not have any say over if you can get one or not.
Dirtypacman said:
Maybe you did not fill it out correctly--- let us know where this leads... based on what others have said and what I have read he should not have any say over if you can get one or not.

The application didn't look like rocket science. The only information he didn't get was the payment information which was blacked out on his copy anyway.

I wonder if the chief will have an issue with me making that application. I've only been in the town three weeks and it's not as if they know me as I've never had a license renewal here.....maybe he just wants to get to know me....lol

Anyway, I've left him two messages and gave him all my numbers to contact me and he hasn't called back yet.....the suspense is killing me....NOT....lol

Thanks for the reply and I will definately post back what he wants....
well.....I finally got in touch with the Lt. from my LPD. He got my application for the FFL but indicated to me that he hadn't received my change of address notification. Thank god i sent it certified return reciept and scanned a copy into my pc. He said it was no big deal and all i really need to do is come down and leave him a copy of my ltc. he was really noce about the whole thing and explained the process of the new LTC's which I guess are like the new drivers licenses.

So, no issues with the FFL and he said he'll continue to look for the letter even though I offered to bring him a copy. So no big deal......thanks for your replies....
LenS said:
Greg has it right. C&R eligible guns are those >50 yrs old or on a special list published by BATFE.

So no USPs for ~40 more years. :(

BTW, nothing wrong with used guns, as long as they weren't abused. H&K gives a lifetime warranty anyway. Both my USP Compacts were purchased used and I saved ~$50 on the first one (it was only 2 weeks old prior to the owner trading for a Glock) or ~$200 on the second one.

One trip to the range and my guns become "used" . . . IMNSHO not worth $100 or more just to be the "first shot" on a gun.

I took the advice and sent in the application. They received the application on May 22nd and I got a package of books and forms today....16 days after they received the app. but no license..at least there wasn't one in the package. Does that come soon after? I got the congratualtions letter and all...will they be sending a license or will I be contacted to go somewhere for a photo or something???? Any info would be great.
dreppucci007 said:
You will get the license VERY shortly...Probably in the next couple of days, if not tomorrow even! Congrats!!!

That's good to know. Thank you and thank you for the quick reply.
Here's a new one for ya...

<minor rant on>

So, last week I finally got around to taking the 1st step in applying for my C&R license.

I logged onto the ATF website to order the necessary forms.

This morning when I got home, there's a letter from the ATF in my mailbox.

"Excellent!". "I'll get to work right away filling the forms out". But then I realized that the envelope was a standard business one and felt a little.

Upon opening it, there was a single page letter that read...

"Dear ATF Customer:

The items you have requested are presently on backorder and will be sent to you when new supplies arrive. other items requested at the same time which are not on backorder will be sent without delay.
Should any questions arise, please contact us at the above listed telephone number or address".

Okay, so it's nice of them to let me know that there's going to be a delay. And I guess it shows that there's a lot of interest by people in getting their C&R
license. But, what is it with a federal agency (in this case either the ATF or GPO), that they can't keep a simple form in stock to keep up with demand?

No big deal, just means waiting a bit longer. [frown]

</minor rant off>
highlander said:
I've been thinking of getting a c&r my question is it valid for ordering reloading components?
Valid? Don't know what you mean but some reloading distributors will give you a discount if you hold a C&R.
highlander said:
I've been thinking of getting a c&r my question is it valid for ordering reloading components?

"Valid for ordering reloading components" is non-sequitur (C&R only pertains to firearms)

If you're asking by having a C&R can you avoid the crap the AG is pulling with regard to mail-order reloading components, then no, having a C&R is about as helpful as having a fishing permit.
One of the things that irritates me about the C&R application is that ATF still doesn't make it available on-line. There's no reason that they couldn't post a PDF version on their site as they do with a lot of other forms and publications. MSP has the same problem with their application to become a state-certified BFS Instructor.

KMaurer said:
One of the things that irritates me about the C&R application is that ATF still doesn't make it available on-line. There's no reason that they couldn't post a PDF version on their site as they do with a lot of other forms and publications. MSP has the same problem with their application to become a state-certified BFS Instructor.


Could it be more convenient?...Yes. Was it really that bad?...No. I waited a little less than a week for my C&R application to come in the mail from when I ordered it online. As for the BFS Instructor application...I sent out the letter asking for it on Monday, and it came in today's mail...Freakin' amazing.
I sent in my application......got the manuals and a letter saying i got the license......but almost three weeks later I still haven't recieved the license. I called and left a message at the ATF but have not recieved a return call...Oh well...I guess I'll just have to keep checking the mail box...
It may be a bit confusing but the license is just a piece of paper - a single piece of paper with a place for you to sign it ( DO NOT SIGN IT) ... Make copies as stated earlier. Daceman make sure that "letter" is not the license itself.
I looked through the package pretty carefully. I'll double check. There was no place to sign it and it did not display a number of any kind. I could be wrong but I assumed my license would have a number. If that letter is my license I'm going to feel like a pretty big idiot.
Im sure the letter is not "it" if there is no License # and Signature spot.

The license will be a piece of paper:

"Department of the Treasury Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms"

License (18 U.S.C. Chapter 44)

Then on right hand License # and Expiration date.

Beneath that Name & Premises Address


Chief Signature

Then spot for your Signature.
daceman63 said:
I sent in my application......got the manuals and a letter saying i got the license......but almost three weeks later I still haven't recieved the license. I called and left a message at the ATF but have not recieved a return call...Oh well...I guess I'll just have to keep checking the mail box...

The same thing happened to me. I got my package first and then the license came a few weeks later. I was told they come from two different departments and that was why. It will come eventually, just be patient.
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