FOR FUN ONLY: what "compliant" guns are you picking?

I was in three different gun stores this morning (all less than two miles from home) and two of them had Barretts just sitting on the counter. One was 5K and the other was $14k+. not even on the rack behind the counter. right there to see & feel. dozens and dozens of ARs, bolt & lever action rifles, and every imaginable handgun. Was in another store yesterday, and attended a small-ish gun show. No jerky guy, though
Just for giggles I was looking at the roster last night and I realized the complete dearth of 10mm. Options are 2 Springfield TRP models, an SW 610-3, a Ruger GP100, Ruger 1911 and a Ruger Super Redhawk.

Talk about slim pickings...
Don’t remind me. I had my heart set on a 10mm for years.
I would love to edc a compact 2011, but concealment is an issue in the summer. They are also -heavy-. In addition price is an issue as I am of the opinion that the edc needs to be semi toss-away, don’t care much about it type of pistol. The p365 fits the bill, but as I said I have trust issues with it especially when lives are at stake.

Here is my competition edc progression… the frame on the left is an Icarus air xmacro - prolly the best frame currently. It even has a gas pedal which works well. Loaded with softer hand loads there is virtually no muzzle rise.
I have carried only glocks for 20 years or so and I'm 10+ training classes and probably thousands of presentations deep into "no safety" muscle memory, hence the safety-less P365. I bought an EC9s when I first got here so I had a small on-roster gun (before I knew about frame transfers), but one day I found the safety I never used had turned itself on, and the next day bought the P365 cause it was available at the mill. I'm with you on the throw-away EDC guns. All of mine are 100% function.
Staccato C2 should still be easy to get right, since it’s on the roster? Would it still be ghey to get one of those now?

I’ll go to Four Seasons and trade my gen 5 MOS towards it.
Staccato C2 should still be easy to get right, since it’s on the roster? Would it still be ghey to get one of those now?

I’ll go to Four Seasons and trade my gen 5 MOS towards it.
I wanted a C2 for a while, spent the money on other toys. Just picked up a double stack nighthawk, and let me tell you....there is ZERO comparison.
I've never had the delight of handling one of those. How hard do you have to squeeze to get it cocked?
You know why the P7s are also called squeeze cocker? Because you have to exert about the same amount of pressure on your own cock when you jerk off, to cock the striker on the gun, i.e. ~10lbs, but it only takes about 1lb of pressure to hold the cocker in firing position, same amount of pressure as you relax your hand while the load shoots out.

The HK design was truly ingenious, as any man can get plenty of training, based on my description, even without an actual P7 in his hand. Too bad if you were a woman though, no design is perfect.

And the manual of arm is a real ambidextrous design too. So while I mostly shoot my P7 right handed on the range, I spank my money left handed just so I could practice my weak side.
I have carried only glocks for 20 years or so and I'm 10+ training classes and probably thousands of presentations deep into "no safety" muscle memory, hence the safety-less P365. I bought an EC9s when I first got here so I had a small on-roster gun (before I knew about frame transfers), but one day I found the safety I never used had turned itself on, and the next day bought the P365 cause it was available at the mill. I'm with you on the throw-away EDC guns. All of mine are 100% function.
I hear you loud and clear. As mentioned I am not concerned about me squeezing the trigger when presenting, but rather about the gun just firing because the pin “hammer” loses retention. The p365 fcu is sound and I like it, but the slide pieces are … cheap and i don’t like the overall design and mix choice of metal and plastic parts.
Put my double stack Walther P99 back in the safe and carry this beaut instead:

Not compliant, read 1st post. 🤣 with the conditions set out in his post it's impossible to own that gun here.

I like your sense of style though.
Anyone know if the Ruger PCC backpacker would still be available after this?

Not until it's on the roster, and it would have to pass the AWB test (so...probably not, the forend could be considered a "shroud"). You could go to another state and buy it though I think. I haven't paid super close attention to the new law, I'm a few months away from selling my house and moving back to NC.
Atlas is on the roster. All current and future models. Not sure how they swung that but all gun manufacturers should be hiring their lawyers.
Atlas is on the roster. All current and future models. Not sure how they swung that but all gun manufacturers should be hiring their lawyers.

Easy. Their pricing is in line with the strategic sinister plan to price regular folks out of guns.

I fully expect all Staccatos, SVIs, Atlases, Nighthawks, etc... to be on the roster as they are unobtainum for all intents and purposes by the masses. You want Glock on the roster? I am sure the TTI Combat Master or whatever the $$$$$ Glock by Taran is called will be on the roster too.

Just my conspiracy thinking here
Easy. Their pricing is in line with the strategic sinister plan to price regular folks out of guns.

I fully expect all Staccatos, SVIs, Atlases, Nighthawks, etc... to be on the roster as they are unobtainum for all intents and purposes by the masses. You want Glock on the roster? I am sure the TTI Combat Master or whatever the $$$$$ Glock by Taran is called will be on the roster too.

Just my conspiracy thinking here

... I dont have any of those guns - and by a long shot I might add, but this is my (conspiracy) thinking when I put 2 and 2 together. One way to fight the 2A very effectively is by rising the entry cost into gun ownership. MA has been doing this for many decades, why stop now. The current stupidity that is about to become a law on 8/1 is geared towards raising all the "worth having" gun prices even higher for new owners. A new owner that wants an AR would have to buy one of the pre 8/1s and they will command higher prices.... $4000-5000? Who knows, but such prices will limit the pool of new owners by a large margin.
What I was referring to regarding Atlas is that they have only 3 of each gun of each caliber on the roster: Limited, open, and single stack. Any future guns they make is covered by this, which means they don‘t have to submit a gun for testing each time they come out with a new SKU.

If all manufacturers follow this, it’ll be like Glock submitting a 9mm and that one submission covers all 9mm’s. They are smart and are doing it right.
What I was referring to regarding Atlas is that they have only 3 of each gun of each caliber on the roster: Limited, open, and single stack. Any future guns they make is covered by this, which means they don‘t have to submit a gun for testing each time they come out with a new SKU.

If all manufacturers follow this, it’ll be like Glock submitting a 9mm and that one submission covers all 9mm’s. They are smart and are doing it right.
Its also interesting to note that they are on separate rosters...

The Atlas lineup is on the "Formal Target Shooting Roster," versus the commonly searched "Approved Firearms Roster."

I would venture to say that there is some parameter that divides the two lists but I don't have the time or patience to dig into that.

Just a side note.

Winchester SXP or old Winchester 1300 - lightweight and crazy smooth action. Cheap.

Marlin 1894 .357 - beautiful, sends a fair amount of lead down range, can share ammo with a revolver. I’d already have one if black guns didn’t suck up all of my money.

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