FTF transfer require a federal form?


NES Member
Apr 30, 2005
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I read through the posts on the FA-10 and Chief Riddens sticky. Along the way, one of you more informed (sounding) folks said about an out of state purchase "He filled out the federal form, but not the FA-10." What federal form?

If I sell a pistol in state to another MA resident, according the CHSB's comments I send in the FA10. Buyer and I both keep copies. Is that all there is to do?

Hi Chuck:

That was probably me. The situation was that an out-of-state (Maine) dealer was selling me a rifle at a trade show. Like all dealers, he filled out the Federal 4473 form (it used to be yellow, now it's white). This is the one that asks "Are you a felon, are you a drug addict, etc". Dealers use this form to call in the NICS instant check via telephone.

But because he was not a Massachusetts dealer, he did not have to fill out the form FA-10, which is a state requirement. In that case, I had to fill it out myself and mail to the CHSB.

But in a face-to-face sale in Massachusetts (no FFL dealer involved), there is no 4473 filled out. The only requirement is that both parties be licensed (good idea for both of you to have a copy of each other's firearms license, and to draw up a bill of sale), and that the FA-10 form be completed. You each sign and get a copy of that, and the top copy goes to the CHSB.

If I missed something, I'm sure the others will chip in soon!

(from Northboro)
And just when I thought I had it figured it out...

I traded one Ruger MKII for another one at Four Seasons today and they did NOT use an FA10 for the first part of the trade, me selling mine to them. Because they are a purveyor they apparently do not have to. Just a "counter slip" or a sales receipt and that's all I have to prove I no longer posses that pistol!

They did fill out an FA10 for the sale of theirs to me, and I have a copy of that.

Anyway, look out bullseyes! I upgraded to a 6 7/8" barreled SS Competition Target model with red dot instead of my plain jane blued 5.5" with iron sights!

Wow! That's the first time I ever heard of that twist. But now that I think of it, I've never sold or traded a gun with an FFL, so I've never been through that experience. But if anyone would be striving to do everything 100% legally, it's Four Seasons.

Len - any comment on this one?

FA-10s are ONLY used for transfer to a "person". Transfers to a dealer ONLY go on the books.

This is another reason I say that there is NO "un-registration" and your gun is ALWAYS going to show up as "yours" even long after you sell it to a dealer, out of state (thru a dealer), etc. The state's database is useless as far as accuracy goes.

I've only sold a handful of guns in my 30 years of gun ownership, but the ones sold to dealers didn't even net me a receipt! I literally have NO PROOF that I sold it to anyone (FFL). I keep my personal records (like a bound book) with that info for my own benefit, but there is no official record that I could turn to as proof of sale to a dealer.
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