Fudd sighting: marshvegas

He let me shoot that once. He was working on sights for it. He had me shoot first with the can then without. What a blast. Never shot a with a can before. Friendly enough guy.
He let me shoot that once. He was working on sights for it. He had me shoot first with the can then without. What a blast. Never shot a with a can before. Friendly enough guy.

He was running a t-1 for optics today (just like me). My 10.5 was so loud compared to his suppressed rounds from the same barrel length - damn I hate this state :(

Seemed like a nice enough guy for sure.
Until recently it was 5 rounds, after much debate, the decision was made to increase to 6.

Is there any way we could figure out how to get Jerry Miculek down there with a 6 shot revolver for a demonstration on reloading practices?

That would cause the fudds to have an aneurysm, considering that JM is basically a human machine gun. [rofl]

Still have yet to figure out why clubs have magazine round limits.

Some of this is result of the fact that that the classic NRA "gallery course" (bullseye) requires 5 round magazine loads and, as a result, some clubs "back in the day" determined nobody had any "need" for more than 5.
Some of this is result of the fact that that the classic NRA "gallery course" (bullseye) requires 5 round magazine loads and, as a result, some clubs "back in the day" determined nobody had any "need" for more than 5.

There is a gun club in Richmond, Indiana that to this day refuses to allow any practical handgun sports to take place there and refuses to allow any kind of pistol shooting other than from a static line.

I used to patronize them quite a bit for HP rifle matches until I found out about their fudd policy. Now I just wish they would wither and blow away in the wind.
My dad and I got a talking to by a the vp of Reading Rifle about "rapid fire". 1 round in the magazine of all rifles at the 100 yard range is the rule. The guy talking to us also called magazines "clips".

I told me dad we can go to Harvard from now on to shoot rifles.
At the MRGC change is slow. But we are trying to move forward. This sunday we are having our first action shotgun shoot. We will be allowed to have 5rds in the gun. This is not just for members. Anyone can shoot. Go to http://www.marshfieldrodandgunclub.com go to events then click on shotgun action shoot on the calendar. See you sunday
My dad and I got a talking to by a the vp of Reading Rifle about "rapid fire". 1 round in the magazine of all rifles at the 100 yard range is the rule. The guy talking to us also called magazines "clips".

I told me dad we can go to Harvard from now on to shoot rifles.

If you were actually a member, you could go to membership meeting and propose a rule change.
Limiting the number of rounds in a magazine makes sense because the...um, you see it's a matter of, um safety...because the, uh, number of rounds in the magazine is higher if you put more in and then you have, well, you know, some stuff that's too complicated to explain right now, but trust me, it makes perfect sense.
If you were actually a member, you could go to membership meeting and propose a rule change.

It's a competition majority club, and I doubt many of them can realize the reason behind having more than 1 round in a rifle at a time. I understand they are big on competitions, but not everyone who shoots is in "competition mode" 100% of the time.
It's a competition majority club, and I doubt many of them can realize the reason behind having more than 1 round in a rifle at a time. I understand they are big on competitions, but not everyone who shoots is in "competition mode" 100% of the time.

There's actually a reason that we keep it to single-shot on that particular range, and it's not an NRA thing. It also has nothing to do with competition. If you were actually a member you'd know this. I don't understand why you'd claim to be a member when you're not and then come on here and talk shit about stuff that you clearly don't understand. Very strange.
There's actually a reason that we keep it to single-shot on that particular range, and it's not an NRA thing. It also has nothing to do with competition. If you were actually a member you'd know this. I don't understand why you'd claim to be a member when you're not and then come on here and talk shit about stuff that you clearly don't understand. Very strange.

I've never claimed to be a member, it's one of the two places I shoot at. And I wouldn't call that talking shit, unless you get easily offended and cry easily. The vp told us they didn't like people "blasting away" but if we ask before hand there's a chance we could shoot rapids.
I've never claimed to be a member, it's one of the two places I shoot at. And I wouldn't call that talking shit, unless you get easily offended and cry easily. The vp told us they didn't like people "blasting away" but if we ask before hand there's a chance we could shoot rapids.

Hmm, I guess I misread your sig line.
My dad and I got a talking to by a the vp of Reading Rifle about "rapid fire". 1 round in the magazine of all rifles at the 100 yard range is the rule. The guy talking to us also called magazines "clips".

Did you read the rules? Is it in the rules? Regardless of how dumb the rule is, if it was printed, you violated it, and got whined at for it.... I can't have much sympathy for you at that point.

I read the rules for clubs I shoot at. If I decide any of the rules are too retarded for me to handle I don't shoot there, or I limit my use of that facility to a specific purpose. It's pretty simple. There are so many clubs in this state it's not difficult to find something that will accommodate your needs.

Did you read the rules? Is it in the rules? Regardless of how dumb the rule is, if it was printed, you violated it, and got whined at for it.... I can't have much sympathy for you at that point.

I read the rules for clubs I shoot at. If I decide any of the rules are too retarded for me to handle I don't shoot there, or I limit my use of that facility to a specific purpose. It's pretty simple. There are so many clubs in this state it's not difficult to find something that will accommodate your needs.


I have zero problem with someone letting me know I'm not following the rules. We were under the impression it was a 5 round limit, but that's on the 200. Still a great place for pistol and competitions, but when I want to use my rifle for something besides competitions I'll head to Harvard from now on.
You should know what happens when you assume things.

So, what you're just a fan or something? I mean I am a member and I don't put it in my sig line, and apparently you don't like the place anyway. Seems very odd to me, that's all.

- - - Updated - - -

I have zero problem with someone letting me know I'm not following the rules. We were under the impression it was a 5 round limit, but that's on the 200. Still a great place for pistol and competitions, but when I want to use my rifle for something besides competitions I'll head to Harvard from now on.

Also wrong. If you actually shot competitions you'd know that too.
So, what you're just a fan or something? I mean I am a member and I don't put it in my sig line, and apparently you don't like the place anyway. Seems very odd to me, that's all.

Oh, well you don't do it so I guess I shouldn't. If your read what I already said, those are the two places that I shoot at. It's simple.

- - - Updated - - -

Also wrong. If you actually shot competitions you'd know that too.

Been told the 200 and beyond is where you can have more than one. Been told that by many people, including the VP three days ago.
Oh, well you don't do it so I guess I shouldn't. If your read what I already said, those are the two places that I shoot at. It's simple.


We were under the impression it was a 5 round limit, but that's on the 200.

There is no 5 round limit on the 200 yard range. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're trashing a good club and good club officers in a thread that's not even about that club. It's douchey.

There is no 5 round limit on the 200 yard range. You have no idea what you're talking about. You're trashing a good club and good club officers in a thread that's not even about that club. It's douchey.

Instead of 5 round limit it should have read no one round limit. WHOOPS. And no way in hell was what I say "trashing" the club. It was stating two facts. I would think trashing would look a lot worse.
At Monadnock Rod & Gun, they have a strict mag round limit.

If your 30-round AR mags aren't fully loaded they call you a pussy and give you a pretty severe wedgie.

Forewarned is forearmed ....
Instead of 5 round limit it should have read no one round limit. WHOOPS. And no way in hell was what I say "trashing" the club. It was stating two facts. I would think trashing would look a lot worse.

So you were posting to tell everyone how awesome you thought the club and VP are?
I was stating a rule that the club has so other people who may know more about the reasons behind it could chime in. That's where you could have been useful, but that was too much to ask for.
I was stating a rule that the club has so other people who may know more about the reasons behind it could chime in. That's where you could have been useful, but that was too much to ask for.

And now that your here, what is the reason there is a one round limit?

If you were a member, I'd suggest coming to a membership meeting to ask. Since you're not a member it's none of your business.
If you were a member, I'd suggest coming to a membership meeting to ask. Since you're not a member it's none of your business.

That's a really good point. It didn't sound stupid at all.

I was at the membership meeting, and the only thing that comes to mind is they don't want rounds over the berm.
That's a really good point. It didn't sound stupid at all.

I was at the membership meeting, and the only thing that comes to mind is they don't want rounds over the berm.

Not for nothing, but if you had asked respectfully instead of being a douche I might have been more interested in answering your questions.
Personally, I would ignore that rule because its stupid and risk the consequences. Loading 5 rounds at a time is useless to me, I may as well just not shoot.

By the way, how the hell are you supposed to test a 30 round magazine without loading it to capacity? Sounds like you pretty much just wasted an afternoon and your ammo if that was truly your objective....

Tell him you loaded 30, but only shoot 5 at a time in groups of 6. Ask him to count for you again as you dump 5x6 rapidly.

Hey mike, there's certainly some truth to that, ideally you want to test mags fully loaded.

Ah, fully loaded. ;-)

... Why not try to change the rules at the club to reflect today's standard practice?

Have you ever tried this? We cannot shoot at plastic soda bottles because they are afraid of ricochets off rocks traveling out of the county (despite berms and trees). Not even metal plate targets. Also no shooting until 1:00 PM on Sundays, and they bristle when you mention possibly changing that.

... The answer is to get involved with your club leadership and develop safety rules that are actually safe rather than nanny nonsense.

See above. The tough part is being able to back up the changes with facts and to overcome some past incident which most likely caused the rule in the first place.

... I find the new attitude and the people running Holbrook now to be quite refreshing. They have put the sportsmen's back in the sportsmen's club. The leadership seems to embrace shooting in all it's forms now. At the last NES shoot at Holbrook a lot of people didn't realize it but the president and a lot of the E-board were walking around and watching the shooters. They must have been impressed because at the next meeting they voted to give extra money to Comm2A because of their observations.

The only day all ranges are closed, I believe, is Easter Sunday. I used to know why, but, I'm an old Fudd now and forget a lot.

Like someone said, change is slow. Plus, the older Fudds are dying off, and newer people are replacing them with "newer ideas". Are you open on Sunday mornings? A LOT of clubs went from a Sportsmen's Club into a bar with ranges and horseshoes. I think things are starting to swing back again at a lot of these places now. The only thing to watch for is to not let them swing with a Fudd paintbrush attached. I had one guy declare at a meeting "This is a HUNTING club!", I think after someone proposed something slightly "out of line" to the norm.

Took my new SBR to Marshfield today. My hope of no FUDDs was fulfilled as the only other person there was set up with all sorts of equipment, like a chrono hooked up to a laptop.

He was running an sbr too, except the lucky bastard had a can on it. From a distance it looked like an AAC blackout. I was sooooooo jealous!

1. Was he shooting 5 at a time?
2. What does an AAC blackout look like "from a distance"?

There is a gun club in Richmond, Indiana that to this day refuses to allow any practical handgun sports to take place there and refuses to allow any kind of pistol shooting other than from a static line. ...

Not even pin shoots? I think pin shoots might be the outside edge at our club right now. Maybe you can lay on the grass if nobody else is around.
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