I'll be looking for a German Mauser, perhaps in the next two years or earlier if a trade works out for my Finn M39. No hurry at all for this:
As usual, my #1 criteria is a good shooter. How nice should the bore be? Any way to measure throat and muzzle? Any other important points regarding Mauser accuracy?
#2 criteria is that it should look decent and be mostly matching or at least mostly correct. Dirty bird era only, though other than that I don't care about the year. No nasty looking pitted areas.
#3 Future collectible value. Not looking for 'investment' LOL, just so I don't lose my shirt in case I sell someday. Not looking for an Argentine 'German' Mauser etc., just 'German' German.
What makes, years, models, and prices should I be looking at? Thanks in advance NES!
As usual, my #1 criteria is a good shooter. How nice should the bore be? Any way to measure throat and muzzle? Any other important points regarding Mauser accuracy?
#2 criteria is that it should look decent and be mostly matching or at least mostly correct. Dirty bird era only, though other than that I don't care about the year. No nasty looking pitted areas.
#3 Future collectible value. Not looking for 'investment' LOL, just so I don't lose my shirt in case I sell someday. Not looking for an Argentine 'German' Mauser etc., just 'German' German.
What makes, years, models, and prices should I be looking at? Thanks in advance NES!