Gun Parlor does it again…

Here is my Monday QB take on this. Did he pay too much? I suppose. Prices have been all over the map recently. I've seen swings from $500 to $1000 for the same gun from different dealers. Have I over paid for a gun in the past? Probably. I pretty sure we all have. A couple of the higher priced items I've purchased were mainly due to convenience. To me it is worth paying a bit extra sometimes to save myself a few hours of my time.

I think case I think where your friend really got screwed over was getting 1 mag. The only way I would have bought a gun with a single mag was if it were some oddball on consignment. Was this a new "frame transfer"? If GP is keeping mags from new guns then they are really boning people.
I had a guy ask me about an AR purchase just before 8/1. I told him about a certain pot with a crack in it and even offered to drive. Instead he went to a local place that told him that he couldn’t buy one unless it was pre 94 and proceeded to sell him an overpriced kel tec in 7.62 that the shop had “worked the bugs out of.”
Some people you simply can’t help.

Newbies tend to armflap and spaz around quite a bit like flailing toddlers and make dumb decisions. There's no stopping it. At some point you just have to let go.

This. Sometimes people have to make their own mistakes like most of us did early on. I had no one to advise me early on, didn't find NES until much later.

I have a friend, LEO, was talking about an AR15 for a long time. Then he was talking about a Spear but didn't want to spend the money. Offered to take him to the Mill, we almost went a couple of times. Then he's telling me about the M&P15. Told him to forget the M&P and to go to the Mill where he'll get much better value for his money. Also discussed optics, which he knows almost nothing about. Offered for him to come check out one of my red dots w/ magnifier, that for an AR it may be a better option since it's his only AR and he's not using it for prairie dogs or long range shooting. Goes to Gartman, buys an M&P 15 w/ a low end LVPO scope. Takes the rifle to his job, is informed no scopes allowed to qualify, only red dots. Finally listens to me and picked up a Holosun and loves it.
Isn't this bass ackwards? Personal responsibility? Literally everything I own is for sale if someone wants to pay me stupid money for it. You don't like the price, don't pay the price. It ain't all that complicated.
I get the feeling from someone posts on nes that there are a handful of members here that do not grasp the concept.....and benefits.....of the free market.
I guess. My point was I had the cash and wanted something. DGAFF and made the transaction.

I feel the same about the delivery counter charging $850 for the sam glock that was rode hard and put away wet. There is a market for all
That's deli counter.

Many of their used gun are on consignment with the prices set by the consignor. The store does not have a policy against sellers asking high end prices, however, they will relay lower offers to the sellt. BTDTGTG. (been there, done that, got the gun)
The guy knows you and he never asked you any questions beforehand?

I kinda feel bad for the guy but if I had a buddy who knows his shit I'd touch base before spreading my cheeks for a gun store

Gun parlor definitely sucks. But I’d call him a sucker. Why would he do that? All you have to do is see Dean safety. There’s a sucker born everyday.
New gun owners are notorious for this sh*t. I taught a guy, worked with him and went to the gym with the guy. He would still pull stupid sh*t like this all the time.

Some people don't want to listen or ask questions.
He is on nes. He knew right from the start he got a raw deal. I had to pull the price out of him

I asked if I could tell the story as a warning and here we are.
The warning is good for the new gun owners who will actually listen for sure.

The Gun Parlor is going to continue to gouge people because of the guy your talking about which there will never be a shortage of.

I can only imagine how many people of all walks of life got absolutely f***ed during the panic gun buy during Covid era.

To whoever you are here on NES, let this thread be a lesson to you, hope you learn from it and are a better consumer going forward.

It would be great if people would educate themselves and actually follow the education then maybe these retarded prices in the gun stores would grow cob webs on them.
I know of the previous issue woth gun parlor and yes they suck. However, I fail to see where the owner of an object....offering to sell that object at a specified price.......and a free man willingly paying the asked price for the in any way a problem.

They also took two mags out of the box. So he did not even get the whole package. I hope the next car you get only comes with two tires and a market adjustment add on of approx. 30% tacked on... You know, free market and all....

This happened to me before.

I warned @chris_1001 the street walker was a tranny. He didn’t listen and told me he overpayed and the next morning his ass hurt.

Some guys just need to walk funny for a while before they learn.

It was dark... and I was drunk...

In other words, you can't name one. Thanks! [thumbsup]

I know several, And I "Won't" mention them out in the open. And if you are going to be a jerk about it, I won't even in private.

Won't, not can't.

^ This
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They also took two mags out of the box. So he did not even get the whole package. I hope the next car you get only comes with two tires and a market adjustment add on of approx. 30% tacked on... You know, free market and all....

It was dark... and I was drunk...

I know several, And I "Won't" mention them out in the open. And if you are going to be a jerk about it, I won't eve in private.

^ This
Dude.....I'm not f***ing dumb enough to buy a car missing 2 tires and 30 percent over msrp. Your buddy apparently market and all.

I bet he learned someone else here stated.....sometimes people gotta walk funny after a purchase to learn something. Your buddy is a classic example of that.
Dude.....I'm not f***ing dumb enough to buy a car missing 2 tires and 30 percent over msrp. Your buddy apparently market and all.

You sure are in a mood over this... You like picking on people?? Guy paid up, dealer took advantage of him and took two mags just to make the deal that much more shitty...

You don't need to have sympathy for him, that's not what the tread is about... Its a warning that a shitty dealer is still shitty. Buyer beware...

I was not able to help him, but I'm posing this to help others.

Enjoy your attitude...
Did did they say why they weren't including the magazines? Did they just take them out of the box right in front of the guy and nobody said anything?
Did did they say why they weren't including the magazines? Did they just take them out of the box right in front of the guy and nobody said anything?

Prob took them out before. That would be even more outrageous if they opened the box, took two out and put then on the back counter...

Sorry, this one only comes with 1 for $850, if you want the other 2, $950... The other ones in the box were a mistake.
Dean Safety. End of August - G19 - $625 out the door. 3 mags
I appreciate an answer (thank you), but I should have been clearer. :(

I'm talking the guns & lowers about to be banned on 10/23 under Maura's new law (unless lawfully possessed in MA on 8/1).

If any dealer is still selling off remaining stock at something approaching semi-reasonable prices, I'd love to hear about them. [cheers]
Prob took them out before. That would be even more outrageous if they opened the box, took two out and put then on the back counter...

Sorry, this one only comes with 1 for $850, if you want the other 2, $950... The other ones in the box were a mistake.
So they found out after he left the store that 2 were missing? Did your friend ever see all 3?

Did he try calling the place or going back and asking?
How many people on this thread that are calling the buyer a fool and getting ripped off by GP bought an AR for $1500 or more, knowing it is truly only worth $400? How many here have paid more than 11 bucks for a 30 round mag?

Yet, you feel perfectly fine with your decision. Value is in the eye of the owner.
How many people on this thread that are calling the buyer a fool and getting ripped off by GP bought an AR for $1500 or more, knowing it is truly only worth $400? How many here have paid more than 11 bucks for a 30 round mag?

Yet, you feel perfectly fine with your decision. Value is in the eye of the owner.
I've never done either of those things lol

But.....keep in mind here.....the buyer isn't on nes bitchin about what he paid. The guy here is bitchin about what his buddy paid. There is an odd chance that the guy that actually bought the pistol is OK with what he paid 😁

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