Hank Phillipi Ryan to "investigate" MA CCW

Lynne said:
Lynne Roberts was denied an LTC. It was a WOMAN that was denied folks. If it had been a man, people would not have noticed that, or they would have shrugged and said, "oh well, he's probably done something wrong that he just isn't talking about" . How many people could look at Lynne Roberts and think she's committed some type of crime to keep her from getting an LTC? If there was a really good part of that piece, that was it. For the ladies on this forum...how many of you would have perked up hearing and seeing that? I would have. I would have wondered if I could have gotten one (if I wasn't already a gun owner). Back in the old days when I was a liberal feminist, I most certainly would have perked up hearing that.

Lynne (Dube), I can almost guarantee you that if you moved to Norwood, you would NOT get a LTC-A/ALP (or anything but target & hunting) upon renewal!!

Some chiefs are sexist and WILL NOT issue ALP to women (exception being those that are well connected)! That is a fact and it is also a crime (literally), but it is also reality.

Norwood: A business associate (former military and currently LE) had 5 interviews in Norwood to get his LTC-A/ALP (renewal from original issue in another difficult town). It took him >6 months to get his LTC renewed. They buried his app, they lost it, etc.

Lynne Roberts has a LTC from Norwood, but it is restricted so it is useless except for target practice.

I doubt that there are more than a handful of LTC-A/ALPs amongst the Eastern MA contingent of women in SAS!
While I worked there for about 9 years, by map has a blank spot inside 128 with the caution Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate (abandon all hope, ye who enter here). I'll take the unknown wilds outside of 495 any day (and the further the better). [wink]

LenS said:
Lynne said:
Lynne Roberts was denied an LTC. It was a WOMAN that was denied folks. If it had been a man, people would not have noticed that, or they would have shrugged and said, "oh well, he's probably done something wrong that he just isn't talking about" . How many people could look at Lynne Roberts and think she's committed some type of crime to keep her from getting an LTC? If there was a really good part of that piece, that was it. For the ladies on this forum...how many of you would have perked up hearing and seeing that? I would have. I would have wondered if I could have gotten one (if I wasn't already a gun owner). Back in the old days when I was a liberal feminist, I most certainly would have perked up hearing that.

Lynne (Dube), I can almost guarantee you that if you moved to Norwood, you would NOT get a LTC-A/ALP (or anything but target & hunting) upon renewal!!

Some chiefs are sexist and WILL NOT issue ALP to women (exception being those that are well connected)! That is a fact and it is also a crime (literally), but it is also reality.

Norwood: A business associate (former military and currently LE) had 5 interviews in Norwood to get his LTC-A/ALP (renewal from original issue in another difficult town). It took him >6 months to get his LTC renewed. They buried his app, they lost it, etc.

Lynne Roberts has a LTC from Norwood, but it is restricted so it is useless except for target practice.

I doubt that there are more than a handful of LTC-A/ALPs amongst the Eastern MA contingent of women in SAS!

That's what I meant Len. That a WOMAN was denied an ALP because of where she lived. (And the Norwood PC isn't the only one who denies women - one of our students was given a "B", while her finace was given an "A" even tho he had a few misdimeanors and she never even had a parking ticket. That from a chief 10 miles from us. He retired, thankfully and it's gotten better.) I also know Lynne and went through the process with her on the SAS email dist list. What I was trying to point out was if I was a woman watching that (which I am, but I'm talking about a non-gun owner) I would wonder why Lynne (who doesn't look like a criminal or nut case at all) was denied the right to carry for protection. That's what I'm saying could be a good thing from that report.
I think I posted this a while back, but can't find it. [Derek: Is there something wrong with the "search" function? I can't get it to find it's own ass with a map, compass and GPS.]

About 20 years ago there was a older woman in one of the northern suburban towns. When her husband died, she applied for an LTC since she would be living alone. She'd lived in the town her entire life, never had so much as a parking ticket, and her late husband had had an LTC for years. The chief offered to give her an FID (mighty nice of him), but said that they had an official olicy to never give LTCs to women. If she needed protection, her sons should take that responsibility. Unfortunately for him, they did just that. A couple of them were attorneys who explained the facts of life to him. The said that he could either do this the quick and easy way or the long, slow, and excrutiatingly painful and embarrassing way, and that they sincerely hoped that he would stick to his guns and choose the later approach. Unfortunately, he folded immediately. [Damn, someday I've got to dig out the documentation on this incident. I know I've got it someplace.]

Lynne said:
That's what I meant Len. That a WOMAN was denied an ALP because of where she lived. (And the Norwood PC isn't the only one who denies women - one of our students was given a "B", while her finace was given an "A" even tho he had a few misdimeanors and she never even had a parking ticket. That from a chief 10 miles from us. He retired, thankfully and it's gotten better.) I also know Lynne and went through the process with her on the SAS email dist list. What I was trying to point out was if I was a woman watching that (which I am, but I'm talking about a non-gun owner) I would wonder why Lynne (who doesn't look like a criminal or nut case at all) was denied the right to carry for protection. That's what I'm saying could be a good thing from that report.

No Lynne, you missed my point.

Norwood chief believes that NOBODY but his LEOs should be armed in Norwood. He is one who doesn't discriminate against women, but DOES discriminate against ALL citizens equally! Perfectly legal under our lousy discretionary system.

I don't expect any backlash against him. He's in a liberal sheeple environment where self-protection/self-responsibility are dirty words.
MrsWildweasel said:
I think I'd be spitting nails if I was denied.

Sue, Norwood wouldn't deny you, they would just restrict you so that the LTC would be useless for anything but target practice.

Most other towns that won't issue LTC-A/ALP to common citizens do similarly. Even those that discriminate specifically against women usually will issue restricted LTCs to the women.

Not right, but not a denial (in the eyes of the court).
Still wrong. Even Alan doesn't think it's right he has to wait until he's 21,but Uncle Sam sees fit to trust him with alot of weaponry. [roll] I'm thankful the hill towns aren't like that,even though we might have to wait awhile,at least we do eventually get them.
MrsWildweasel said:
Still wrong. Even Alan doesn't think it's right he has to wait until he's 21,but Uncle Sam sees fit to trust him with alot of weaponry. [roll] I'm thankful the hill towns aren't like that,even though we might have to wait awhile,at least we do eventually get them.

And the funny thing is that Alan CAN carry an issued M9 concealed, while on duty. Military exemption, that preempts ALL state laws (and it should show in Mass's laws as an exemption). Scary, isn't it?
Before you take that too far, remember ON DUTY and ISSUED handgun. Him carrying his personal M9 or 92FS concealed on his way to drill (after he gets back) won't cut it.

IF you lived in a free state, I'd suggest levering the Governor to change the laws to allow Vet's to get CCW Permits under 21. But in Mass, I wouldn't waste the time. (I won't live there, either. Some nice people, but FUBAR laws and politicians.)
LenS said:
No Lynne, you missed my point.

Norwood chief believes that NOBODY but his LEOs should be armed in Norwood. He is one who doesn't discriminate against women, but DOES discriminate against ALL citizens equally! Perfectly legal under our lousy discretionary system.

I don't expect any backlash against him. He's in a liberal sheeple environment where self-protection/self-responsibility are dirty words.

No - I got your point hun - I thought you missed mine. I'm thinking eye brows would be raised by other women who heard that a woman was denied (because that's how the story came across) an ALP. It won't cause an outright protest by feminists, but you can damn well bet that set quite a few teeth on edge. I used to be one of them - I know.
MrsWildweasel said:
Up this way maybe,but not so sure about down your way Lynne.

Actually, I've used the story about our female student that was issued a "B" to tell a few women who're anti's. Our student was told "keep your nose clean and maybe in 4 years we'll upgrade you to an A." She already had a clean nose (like I said in a previous post - not even a parking ticket), and when I've relayed that story, there's literally been raised eye brows. It may not change their mind about gun ownership, but it's the principle that a woman was told she couldn't have an ALP for protection that gets them.
MrsWildweasel said:
He can on a military instalation.

Not any more, and definitely not at Fort Dix. I was there in February. They carded everybody, even 50 year olds. Of course, there are ways. He'd have no problem around me. If you're "wearing the uniform", you're 21 in my eyes.

Write letters to the local papers, use the the words "Anti Self-Protection" and never "Anti-Gun". Get other women to write, the more the better. If enough of you get people thinking, enough presuure MAY be brought to change policy.

Want to get a politician to do what you want? Get him thinking he may not get reelcted. Then you've got their attention.
That's kind of our feeling. Wow the Army changed that. Not right. Old enough to go to war,you should at least be able to drink. [evil]
Back in the dark ages there was an easy fix for that problem. It was called the American Legion. If you were the same age range as the typical college student, the shock at finding that you were a grunt rather than a protester was so great that it was impossible to spend your own money on beer.

That is true, it does get hard for a young vet, just back from a combat zone to "Buy a Drink" at the Legion, or a VFW.

When James got back, he found out he was already a member in the VFW and the American Legion, without knowing it. All I can say, is that it wasn't me that did it. Wife's grandfather, IIRC.
Back on track, a follow up to my letter to the Free Press (though he'll never admit that is why) from our Liberal Senator Leahy. I did contact him about S. 397, but he'd replied to that once already. I think he's doing "Damage Control", since he's been "taking it in the shorts" the last couple of weeks in the Opinion pages "Letters to the Editor", in the state's largest paper.

Dear Mr. Farnsworth:

Thank you for contacting me about S. 397, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. I appreciate hearing from you on this issue.

On February 16, 2005, Senator Larry Craig re-introduced The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act in the 109 th Congress. This bill would retroactively provide liability protection for firearm manufacturers, dealers, and trade associations for criminal or unlawful misuse of a firearm by others. As he did during the last session of Congress, the Senate Majority Leader bypassed the Senate Judiciary Committee and directly placed S. 397 on the Senate floor calendar. On July 29, the Senate voted on the bill, and it passed by a vote of 65-31.

Several amendments were proposed during debate on Senator Craig's legislation. I considered each amendment based on its merits and voted on it accordingly. I opposed an amendment offered by Senator Kennedy which would prohibit ammunition for handguns and rifles that is "designed or marketed as having armor piercing capability." I was concerned that this amendment would ban some types of hunting ammunition. The Senate ultimately rejected the Kennedy amendment by a vote of 31 to 64.

After careful consideration, I voted against S. 397, as I did during the last session of Congress when the legislation was originally introduced. I oppose giving legal immunity to any one industry because such immunity may permit legal wrongdoers from avoiding accountability for their actions. I remain concerned that this bill could give the firearms industry special legal protections that no other industry enjoys. I am also concerned that this bill could override Vermont 's state laws setting standards for gross negligence and reckless actions. Lastly, I objected to the process by which this bill was considered; I believe that Senators and the public would have benefited if this bill had first gone through the Senate Judiciary Committee for fair and thorough hearings and debate.

As a native Vermonter, my experiences growing up hunting and fishing in the out-of-doors necessarily influence my approach to gun control issues. I have owned firearms since I was 14 years old and often enjoy target shooting with my friends and family in Vermont . I understand that the vast majority of gun owners in Vermont and around the country use and enjoy their firearms in a responsible and safe way, and I do not support efforts to ban the transfer of firearms between law abiding citizens.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Please keep in touch.

Patrick Leahy
Nickle said:

Write letters to the local papers, use the the words "Anti Self-Protection" and never "Anti-Gun". Get other women to write, the more the better. If enough of you get people thinking, enough presuure MAY be brought to change policy.

Want to get a politician to do what you want? Get him thinking he may not get reelcted. Then you've got their attention.

Been there, done that numerous times Nickle. And I use anti self-defense. Since our Rep covers a majority of left leaning territory, and knows it, she knows she'll get reelected. Infact I think she's on her 4th term...or it might be 5th - I can't remember. Our Senator, however, can be spoken to. He's a decent guy (for a "D") and will listen. Course, it helps that he grew up in a house hold that had guns (his father was a L.E.O who was the training officer for his department.) My Rep knows my name and will usually send me back a snip answer. [roll]
Well, you can always write the local paper and accuse the Rep of being "Pro-Crime". Just make sure to have proof of an anti-gun voting record, and be ready to show New Hampshire's and Vermont's laws and crime stat's. I've accused Leahy publicly of a range of things. Now, I'm no longer alone.
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