Hanson MG Shoot...Attention Shooters...

Feb 27, 2006
South Shore MASS
Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0
The Machine Gun Shoot at Hanson Rod & Gun is returning this year. More info to follow over the next few weeks, but right now. I need anyone who has had a line possition in the past to contact me ASAP, to get on the mailing list.

Or if you know someone who is not online, can you forward me thier info.

Just send me an Email with your info.

C-pher said:
He's a cop, and that's a big weekend.

But I'm pretty stoked, I love that shoot. And missed it so last year.

They didn't have it last year because of a lack of club volunteers and politics within the club. If your a member there they used to have a sweet deal where you worked half a day and got in free all weekend. I don't think picking Memorial Day Weekend is even close to being a wise choice. Why they would'nt pick a weekend when more members would be available is beyond me.
Memorial Day weekend choice was an easy one. Up until this year it has been a one day shoot (on armed forces day) with "clean up" on Sunday. This year it will be a TWO DAY SHOOT, and we'll have monday to clean up.

While it being a holiday weekend may inconvience some, that we can have a two day shoot will benifit far more people (both shooters and spectators).
ArmedMainer said:
They didn't have it last year because of a lack of club volunteers and politics within the club. If your a member there they used to have a sweet deal where you worked half a day and got in free all weekend. I don't think picking Memorial Day Weekend is even close to being a wise choice. Why they would'nt pick a weekend when more members would be available is beyond me.

Really? I was under the impression that it wasn't last year because of the car and person getting hit up by the clubhouse? At least that's what was going around.

I'm not a member there, but I had a co-worker that was...he left for another job, but he said that's what he was hearing at meetings and on the range.

That's a tough weekend for us to get there because it's a weekend that we leave to go and visit family. But if I'm in town, and I can get away from the family, then I'll show up.
Nickle said:
Green Mountain Boys usually hold a MG event that weekend as well. I've made the last 3 or 4 of them.

Being aware of the Green Mountain shoot I checked with them before we set the date for that weekend, and was told there won't be a conflict this year.

ArmedMainer got it pretty much right when he explained why there wasn't a shoot last year (all basicly amounting to "politics"). But honestly both Greg and I (who will be running the shoot this year) are shooters, and inspite of any club politics of the past we are bringing back this event, which was enjoyed by so many, and clearly missed last year...
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I've been wondering about the Green Mountain Boys. They haven't posted a schedule on their Website yet. I've heard rumours of internal conflict, but, I'll believe that AFTER I ask a couple friends of mine (they know the folks running Green Mountain Boys) about it.
C-pher said:
Really? I was under the impression that it wasn't last year because of the car and person getting hit up by the clubhouse? At least that's what was going around.

I'm not a member there, but I had a co-worker that was...he left for another job, but he said that's what he was hearing at meetings and on the range.

That's a tough weekend for us to get there because it's a weekend that we leave to go and visit family. But if I'm in town, and I can get away from the family, then I'll show up.
The "Ironman" competition was also cancelled because of lack of volunteers last year. Not sure of the numbers but I was told they were over 15 volunteers short. The accident by the clubhouse very well might of been a factor as well with the MG Shoot. I'd love to go to meet some more members and just hear those MG's in action but if the weather is good enough my bride and I will be with the black flies and mosquitoes in No. Maine. Because of the drive time we can only do trips like that on three day weekends.
ArmedMainer said:
The "Ironman" competition was also cancelled because of lack of volunteers last year. Not sure of the numbers but I was told they were over 15 volunteers short. The accident by the clubhouse very well might of been a factor as well with the MG Shoot. I'd love to go to meet some more members and just hear those MG's in action but if the weather is good enough my bride and I will be with the black flies and mosquitoes in No. Maine. Because of the drive time we can only do trips like that on three day weekends.

Sorry, but what you heard about why there was no MG shoot last year is completely incorrect. You know how people like to flap their gums on the range whether they know anything or not.

It would be wrong of me to go into any great detail in a public forum, but I think it is ok to say that it had ONLY to do with the individual who used to run it not wanting to do it anymore and the "leadership" at the time not doing anything about it. Believe me, that is all there was to it.

I am excited about the possibility of it returning and will offer some of my time to help out. The two guys trying to make it happen are sincere and have the backing of the new club leadership, so it is looking pretty good.
securityboy said:
Memorial Day weekend choice was an easy one. Up until this year it has been a one day shoot (on armed forces day) with "clean up" on Sunday. This year it will be a TWO DAY SHOOT, and we'll have monday to clean up.

While it being a holiday weekend may inconvience some, that we can have a two day shoot will benifit far more people (both shooters and spectators).
Well, I dodn't think it's a good weekend for the attendees (spectators)....and I was planning on volunteering this year, I'm a HRGC member. But I'll be with hubby up north, as we always do on three day weekends.
spectaors pay a small admision fee at the gate (I think it has always been $5), then they can pay the MG owners if they want to shoot an MG, owner set thier own pricing on that (to give you some idea I go at $10 for a 30rnd mag of 9mm for an M11/9 up to $100 for a 250 rnd belt of 8mm for my Maxim) So there is a huge range of pricing if you want to shoot.
securityboy said:
spectaors pay a small admision fee at the gate (I think it has always been $5), then they can pay the MG owners if they want to shoot an MG, owner set thier own pricing on that (to give you some idea I go at $10 for a 30rnd mag of 9mm for an M11/9 up to $100 for a 250 rnd belt of 8mm for my Maxim) So there is a huge range of pricing if you want to shoot.

If I recall correctly, it was $6 last time. Traditionally, part of the entry fee collected has been donated to a charity, like the Shriners Burn Center for Children. I don't know if that is planned for this time around, but I always thought it was a nice thing to do. Given the ongoing need for public relations for all gun clubs, I wonder if there is a good charity in Hanson that the club could donate to (that is, if donation becomes part of the deal this time around).
securityboy said:
spectaors pay a small admision fee at the gate (I think it has always been $5), then they can pay the MG owners if they want to shoot an MG, owner set thier own pricing on that (to give you some idea I go at $10 for a 30rnd mag of 9mm for an M11/9 up to $100 for a 250 rnd belt of 8mm for my Maxim) So there is a huge range of pricing if you want to shoot.

Damn,ours is free and the club supplies the ammo.The MG owners just want donuts and coffee (club supplies these items as well) in exchange for the use of their weapons.

With the pricing,this event sounds more like a place for MG owners to recoup the cost of their weapons at the expense of people who are fascinated with MG's.
There is a charity within Hanson that could use some support if the club is going to donate again. The Playground commitee is working on funds to complete the second portion of the playground build.
If your talking to me, Yes, I am a member. I have PM'd Securityboy (who is planning the event) and have disscussed helping out at the event. I was at the club sunday afternoon and didnt see the signup sheet. Was there one down at the 100yd range?
I guess I'm talking to anybody that is in charge of getting help for this event.

There wasn't a sign up sheet, but a bulletin hanging by the indoor range. It gave two names to call, but I forgot to write them down. If no word I can get them tonight and post here.

Greg said:
Damn,ours is free and the club supplies the ammo.The MG owners just want donuts and coffee (club supplies these items as well) in exchange for the use of their weapons.

With the pricing,this event sounds more like a place for MG owners to recoup the cost of their weapons at the expense of people who are fascinated with MG's.
Greg,which club do you belong to and when do you hold your event?? Thanks
Greg said:
Damn,ours is free and the club supplies the ammo.The MG owners just want donuts and coffee (club supplies these items as well) in exchange for the use of their weapons.

With the pricing,this event sounds more like a place for MG owners to recoup the cost of their weapons at the expense of people who are fascinated with MG's.

That's nice of your club to fund the ammo. However, if you think about it- the amount of shooting that happens during the day the bulk of any money that the MG owners are making is just going to go to go toward the cost of covering wear and tear on a firearm that is ridiculously expensive and quite often difficult to maintain.
And I'd rather have any club I belonged to save the $$ they're spending on ammo and put it toward club improvements. That would improve my morale a lot more than the quick fix of a 10 second burst on a machine gun. [mg]

(of course don't get me wrong. I LOVE machine guns. I just would LOVE a new range or better ventilation or something like that even MORE [wink])
"I was at the club sunday afternoon and didnt see the signup sheet. Was there one down at the 100yd range?"
Although there has been some talk and even a few generic flyers, it really wasn't until this week that we've put the word out (we were waiting to confirm the dates), You should start to see much more "official stuff" popping up now that the date is set.

As well this thread has kinda gotten ahead of itself, I'll do my best to answer any questions, but really right now and for the next few weeks, my #1 priority is confirming "shooters" who want to be on the mailing list, are on the list. Second to that is getting additional volunteers.

Hopefully I can answer a lot of questions below:
I am a shooter, I don't care about club politics, but when there was no shoot last year I felt I needed to step in and at least give it a shot this year. I consider those who have run it in the past to be friends (like anything in life we agree on somethings & disagree on others), and understand the work that goes into running a shoot. I'm not doing this show up anyone or any other club, simply to bring back the shoot.
As far as admission goes, I appologize for speaking too soon when it was $6 not $5, but yes I assume like every year prior we will be making a sizable charitable donation. All of which are relatively minor details that have plenty of time to be worked out.
It is very unussual for clubs to provide ammo to the shooters at Machinegun shoots, I've been to one that did and it was more of an MG demonstration than a shoot. If you have never been to the Hanson Shoot, it is "real" Machinegun Shoot, like Knob Creek, the old North Country or HMHS shoots (on a smaller scale), none of which provide ammo, ammo is a rediculous cost to expect the club to pick up. With Miniguns running 4000+/-RPM and we had two at the last Hanson shoot, the club would go broke giving away .308 ammo for those alone...and those who have been as spectators can tell you there is ussually a line 1/2 hour long of people willing and happy to pay "MG owners to recoup the cost of their weapons at the expense of people who are fascinated with MG's"
And it is due to the fact that this is a "real" machinegun shoot, that really causes it to need a 3 day weekend. I understand that potential volunteers might go away that weekend, but we are a place to go. We have many people from many other states that come, and one of the biggest complaints I have heard in the past is it's hard to justify the 12 hour drive just for a one day shoot, can't we make it a two day thing...So this year we did...if it doesn't work as well as we hope, we can always go back to one day next year, but at least we will have tried...
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Hamar said:
There is a charity within Hanson that could use some support if the club is going to donate again. The Playground commitee is working on funds to complete the second portion of the playground build.

I don't like them. They packed the town meeting and grabbed (I forget the exact amount) $20k(?) of tax money to tear down the old playground claiming it was a huge danger to children when it was nothing of the kind. I was thinking more along the lines of a charity that actually helps people in need, like the food bank. The playground committee can hold a bake sale.
SiameseRat said:
That's nice of your club to fund the ammo. However, if you think about it- the amount of shooting that happens during the day the bulk of any money that the MG owners are making is just going to go to go toward the cost of covering wear and tear on a firearm that is ridiculously expensive and quite often difficult to maintain.

Wear and tear on a MG from shooting it..OK.I kind of see what you are getting at,but seriously,I don't think you have much experience with MG's to realize just how much any parts that MAY need to be replaced cost.The differance between a M16 and a regular semi auto is a $20 in parts.The cost associated with MG's lies in getting one,not replacing parts.Parts for UZI's and MAC10's,M16's etc are dirt cheap.MG's are made to throw thousands of rounds downrange.

If the MG owners want to make some cash,I have no problem with that.The thing is MG shoots at clubs are usually to introduce prospective members to the club, and shooting MG's.

I believe the only money donated to the Shriners was the admission fee charged by the club.Now if the club bought the ammo and sold tickets to the shooters and donated the proceeds to the Shriners,that would be a good idea.

Charging people to fire a weapon is insane.When I'm at the club,people want to try out my Bushy,I never thought about charging them for it though..Maybe I have been going about this the wrong way...
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