Healey and old people

Dec 17, 2005
South of Boston, MA
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I had an interesting disucssion with my mother today. I was bitching about all the Patrick signs all over Norwell - you should see the place, it's sickening. Anyhoo, my mother has always been a Republican, she's just become unenrolled. She said she would never be able to vote for Healey, and I asked her why. I'd forgotten about this, but Healey had made some stupid statements about 'overhoused seniors'. Well, my mother is an 'overhoused senior'. She lives in the home she and my father bought in 1967 and put tons of sweat and money into to make a lovely home for us. She's all on one floor, the place is filled with her stuff and her memories, and she says she'll live there until she no longer can. Many of her friends are also in their homes still. Good for them! My mother's young yet, she's only 72, many of her friends are much older. In any event, I guess amongst seniors Healey is still a bad word. She really stuck her foot in that one, and those old ladies have looooong memories! I was very happy to hear that she's voting for Mihos, at least the moonbats she's surrounded with haven't spun her completely around. [thinking] Yea, I know, many of you will bitch and moan because of her vote, but you know what? Some people are sick and tired of holding their noses to vote.
From what I've seen "overhousing" if that's a real word, is a real problem for some people. You're fortunate in that your mother is healthy as are my mother and mother in law. My cousin is not so fortunate. She was a single child and now has a husband and two kids. She's also had two bouts with cancer.

Her parents live about an hour's drive in a house they have owned since about 1970. It's a biggish colonial style house and needs a lot of work. My aunt and uncle both have health problems and neither can drive any longer.

The smart thing for them to do would be sell the house, which has a ton of equity, and move into an assisted living complex near my cousin. But will they? NO.

This is the type of situation that Healey was addressing. We're very fortunate not to have the type of problem my cousin has.

From what I've seen "overhousing" if that's a real word,

The kind of "overhousing" being discussed here is living in a big house while complaining about the inability to afford the taxes that could be afforded by a working family which is not "overhoused."
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Don't forget.....its all those libtards in Norwell and other suburban communities that took advantage of many an "over housed" senior that had to move from their home because the tax rates were driven up by young yuppie families who were willing to pay way overinflated prices for homes in the suburbs or built McMansions on existing lots, driving the surrounding home prices and taxes (to support their school aged children)through the roof. The people who blame Healey for a true and correct statement of seniors being "over housed" are the ones who created the situation to begin with. As always, they are hypocrites, unable and even more so, unwilling to take the responsibilty for their own actions. It is the Deval voting type people who created the mess here, not Healey. she just happens to recognize it for what it is.....and the libtards don't like being exposed.
Don't forget.....its all those libtards in Norwell and other suburban communities that took advantage of many an "over housed" senior that had to move from their home because the tax rates were driven up by young yuppie families who were willing to pay way overinflated prices for homes in the suburbs or built McMansions on existing lots, driving the surrounding home prices and taxes (to support their school aged children)through the roof. The people who blame Healey for a true and correct statement of seniors being "over housed" are the ones who created the situation to begin with. As always, they are hypocrites, unable and even more so, unwilling to take the responsibilty for their own actions. It is the Deval voting type people who created the mess here, not Healey. she just happens to recognize it for what it is.....and the libtards don't like being exposed.
Huh? You obviously didn't read my post. My mother is no libtard, nor did she 'create the situation'. She is a senior citizen living in her own home, she has the means and the health to do so. Kerry Healey is the one who calls her 'overhoused' and thinks she should sell and move, probably into a managed care place where some corporation can make more money off of her than if she stays where she's comfortable (and still perfectly capable of taking care of herself). Norwell has traditionally voted Republican (I grew up there), the old money in town is fairly conservative. It's the new yuppies who have their heads up their ass that vote for people like Deval.

As for the 'true and correct statement of seniors being overhoused' I'm in awe that you think that's correct. That is something up to the individual, not for you to judge. There are many senior citizens living in their own homes quite happily, you deciding that they shouldn't is just plain amazing to me. Yes, there may come a time where more care is warranted, that's up to the person and (hopefully) family members, not some politician or anyone else.
Huh? You obviously didn't read my post. My mother is no libtard, nor did she 'create the situation'. She is a senior citizen living in her own home, she has the means and the health to do so. Kerry Healey is the one who calls her 'overhoused' and thinks she should sell and move, probably into a managed care place where some corporation can make more money off of her than if she stays where she's comfortable (and still perfectly capable of taking care of herself). Norwell has traditionally voted Republican (I grew up there), the old money in town is fairly conservative. It's the new yuppies who have their heads up their ass that vote for people like Deval.

As for the 'true and correct statement of seniors being overhoused' I'm in awe that you think that's correct. That is something up to the individual, not for you to judge. There are many senior citizens living in their own homes quite happily, you deciding that they shouldn't is just plain amazing to me. Yes, there may come a time where more care is warranted, that's up to the person and (hopefully) family members, not some politician or anyone else.

I agree. My mother-in-law lives in her own house, and we plan on keeping her there for as long as possible. We live right next door, and hubbys other siblings all live in town except for one, so if and when the time comes she needs more care, we will provide it. Shoot hubby's grandmother is 95 and still live in in town. She's not in a nursing home or elderly housing either. Why should she.
Three of us live within four miles of mum, we'll take care of things if they need taking care of, luckily she's very independent for now (I'd have a hard time keeping up with her, as a matter of fact!). That's what we should all strive for, if possible (I know some can't), take care of our aging parents so they're happy where they are, whether it's in their own home or wherever. It isn't up to anyone else to do so, nor is it anyone's business how it's done.

Hubby's grandmother is still alive and kicking? Good for her! Good for your kids. Great grandmothers are hard to come by [smile] I had a wonderful great gramma, she is where my mother's and my garden-green thumb came from!
Yeah, hubby's grandmother is a trip. Love her to death. She's slowed down some, but man oh man she will keep any of us in line.[smile] [laugh]
I have a situation where my mother inlaw would be one of the "overhoused", but feels Healy is the only hope we have for the state this time around. I have no idea what is going on with her, when I started dating my wife 27 years ago she almost had a fit because I was a Marine. Now she's more rightwing than Rush Lindbaugh ?<sp>.I will never figure her out.
I was up in Maine and I was viseting with my Grandmother with my Mother. As many of you know my Mom doesn't approve of my favorite hobby (of course she's well aware she can't do a damn thing about it, so she doesn't bother)

I looked at my watch and told them I had to get going, as I was meeting some friends in the sandpit for a little fun.

Gram asked where I was going, and my Mom answered with a roll of her eyes: "He's going off to shoot guns."

My Gram's eyes lit up: "Oh I didn't know you were into that!" The she went off on a long story (filled with girlish giggles) about how my Great Grandfather used to set up cans on the fence-posts and let her and her brother plink them, and how much fun it was.

Well None of this has anything to do with the topic, so I'll just say if they don't want to vote Healy, at least Vote for Ross or Mihos.

Still Christy's plan will hamstring young home-owners (Moving isn't cheap, and suddenly having to pay into the higher tax rate when you do...plus you'll ALWAYS be walking out of a good tax rate to a worse one no matter where you move, unless it's out of state), Of course anybody thinking taxes will go down with Patrick in office probably needs to scrape the Kerry/Edwards sticker off thier Saab.

-Weer'd Beard

PS: how does Chrity's plan work with an estate transfer? If a senior plans to vote for Mihos for thier own taxes, they very well may be tossing a huge "Death Tax" to thier loved ones when thier time comes.
Whether you wish to believe it or not, "Over Housing" is a problem.

I deal with many elderly men and women in my business. Many of them keep the house "for the Children". The majority of them have all said at times, "I would like a smaller place that is easier to take care of but the children really don't think I need to".

Whether you wish to believe it or not, the larger houses are a burden and at times a danger. My best advice to my friends/customers is "Never mind what the Children want, do what you think is best for you" I gave the same advice to my mother who now lives in a Condo [grin]
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