I had an interesting disucssion with my mother today. I was bitching about all the Patrick signs all over Norwell - you should see the place, it's sickening. Anyhoo, my mother has always been a Republican, she's just become unenrolled. She said she would never be able to vote for Healey, and I asked her why. I'd forgotten about this, but Healey had made some stupid statements about 'overhoused seniors'. Well, my mother is an 'overhoused senior'. She lives in the home she and my father bought in 1967 and put tons of sweat and money into to make a lovely home for us. She's all on one floor, the place is filled with her stuff and her memories, and she says she'll live there until she no longer can. Many of her friends are also in their homes still. Good for them! My mother's young yet, she's only 72, many of her friends are much older. In any event, I guess amongst seniors Healey is still a bad word. She really stuck her foot in that one, and those old ladies have looooong memories! I was very happy to hear that she's voting for Mihos, at least the moonbats she's surrounded with haven't spun her completely around.
Yea, I know, many of you will bitch and moan because of her vote, but you know what? Some people are sick and tired of holding their noses to vote.
![Thinking [thinking] [thinking]](/xen/styles/default/xenforo/smilies.vb/010.gif)