How do you explain 9/11?


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
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How do you explain?
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Yesterday, our older girl had a question for us...

"Why is the flag low? It's supposed to be up high..."

How do you explain 9/11 to your kids?

Hell, it's not like it has an explanation that makes sense to anyone; never mind to a four year old.

"Honey, you're right, normally the flag IS supposed to be hihg, but sometimes, to remember something sad, the flag is flown low. It's called half staff, or half mast".


Well, now... how exactly do you respond to that...

So, I showed her the picture on my blog, and I said "I've got something important to explain to you honey".

Mel brought our youngest girl over as well, and I sat them both on my lap in front of the computer.

"Honey, look at this picture"

"These were some big buildings in New York. Before you were born, 19 very evil men stole some airplanes, and they crashed them into these buildings. They killed 3000 people".

"But Why?"

"Because they were evil baby; and we're still fighting the people like them right now".

"Are there other pictures, I want to se what happened?"

"Yes honey, there are, but they're too grown up for you"

"But I'm a big girl"

"Honey, I'm not even big enough for those pictures, mommy isn't old enough for those pictures. No-one is old enough for those pictures".

Chris Byrne at Anarchangel
Shoot, I can hardly explain it to myself. Anyone that has to explain it to somebody that wasn't around for it... well, I can't imagine where to begin.
Because this is a free country, we are all allowed to believe what we want. I believe that 9/11 happened because of our country's policies in regards to Israel and the Palestinians. We could have made the Israelis do anything we wanted them to, but we didn't. So we paid for it. Don't get me wrong, I think islam is a stain on humanity and should be eliminated. But if your looking for a reason for 9/11, thats it. Again, my Constitutionally protected opinion.

(Notice how I didn't blame our imbecilic Preisdent for it. Do I get points for that?)
threejean, I dare say that you don't know anything about the Israelis!

They rely a lot on US help, BUT if we shut them off tomorrow, they would still persist and do what they feel that they need to do.

They don't answer to anyone, because they know that when push comes to shove, it is their lives (every last one of them) on the line. They will ALL summarily be executed if they back down from their hard-ass stance.
threejean, I dare say that you don't know anything about the Israelis!

They rely a lot on US help, BUT if we shut them off tomorrow, they would still persist and do what they feel that they need to do.

They don't answer to anyone, because they know that when push comes to shove, it is their lives (every last one of them) on the line. They will ALL summarily be executed if they back down from their hard-ass stance.

Minor clarification (I know that Len already knows), but the Israelis go out of their way not to rely on us or any one else. They're happy to get whatever assistance might be offered, but never rely on it, since they can never trust it to be there when needed. A realistic world view that we would do good to emulate, particularly with many of our "allies".

The israelis need to dump Ohmert or whatever his name is. That fool made them look weak in Lebananon and now it's almost time to deal with the Mad Mullah's in Iran. There's serious shit coming! They can't have a wimp as prime minister! Dump his ass and bring back bibi netanyahu!!!
Yes, the Israelis do not RELY on anyone. They are very resourceful folks.
One documentary I saw explained how they had munitions plants back in the 40's where used lipstick containers were recycled into ammunition!
They have 15 year old kids (armed) manning check points.
Civilians volunteer for security work (including snipers).
I am just glad we are on their side.
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