How long did your LTC-A take in your town???

Just got off the phone with the FRB and the woman was extremely nice and even tried not to throw my PD under the bus. After talking with her as to why i was concerned if anyone knew the whereabouts of my application, she took my name and date of birth. She informed me that it has not been sent to them and i interviewed and did my application with 3 letters of recommendation on november 9th 2011.

So, i understand that the FRB is understaffed, but its not all their fault when wait times go into the 7 month period. Some PDs still take their time.

This is making me anxious...I applied the end of May this year in Everett. I hope you find out what happened and please keep us informed...especially me...
Thanks thats good to know, im sure ill be checking that every 5 minutes, lol. Its bumming me out the longer I wait, and my birthday is the 23rd of this month and I was hoping to get it before, that way I can get myself a present....[smile]

I want to tell you not to check every five minutes like I do. I can tell you that they update it every Monday between 8am and 10am. It was stuck on May 21st for a couple of weeks, and I assume that since the gentleman that worked at FRB who passed away did so on May 24th, it was either his job to update it, or things just got completely chaotic down there when he died. Long story longer, do yourself a favor, don't check every five minutes, it will only drive you crazy.

Besides, you would have to be sure when if and when your LO had clicked accept into MIRCS to have any idea if they were even processing you.

All that being said, this has been a truly upsetting experience for me. I feel like I am one of the "good guys" who actually went through the trouble to apply for a license so that I may legally own and carry a firearm. Those who pose a threat to society do not bother getting licenses or registering their guns. I work hard, I pay my taxes, I stop for people in crosswalks, I am nice to old ladies, I should be able to protect myself and those i love... and so should you.

I have not been waiting nearly as long as many of you out there, but it has been long enough. I hope we can make some significant changes this election season. Many men died so that we would have the rights that we do. We have it easy. We can vote in the booth, we can vote with our feet and move to a free state, or we can stand up and assemble and let our elected officials know that we will not have our rights trampled.

I want to do all of this, but I am ashamed to say, that I will most likely wait quietly, not make waves, and hope my license arrives soon. And if and when it does I'll be careful not to speak out about the unconstitutional laws of this state so that it is not revoked based on a "suitability" issue, along with having my property(firearms) confiscated because it would no longer be legal for me to own them. I hate admitting that, but it is true and I don't think I am alone but I can only speak for myself.
Hey BillSail, im open to suggestions on how to approach the PD. I have gone to both of my representatives already and only 1 got back to me and he gave me the same song and dance as the PD.

How do i go into my PD and ask them to please process my app?

And to Battaglia, i will let you know when i get mine, and hope that this wait doesnt happen to you. I feel extremely defeated at this point.
Hey BillSail, im open to suggestions on how to approach the PD. I have gone to both of my representatives already and only 1 got back to me and he gave me the same song and dance as the PD.

How do i go into my PD and ask them to please process my app?

And to Battaglia, i will let you know when i get mine, and hope that this wait doesnt happen to you. I feel extremely defeated at this point.

You probably don't want to know my suggestion, so feel free to ignore this, but here it is anyway.

- 7 months and FRB hasn't received anything means that the PD has done NOTHING with your application.
- At this point I would not bother with the PD at all.
- I would re-contact (probably best with phone call, you'll speak with an aide but they are the ones who actually do the real work) your legislators and explain what you were just told and ask them to investigate what is going on wrt the PD and LTC applications.
- I seriously doubt that even an anti-2A legislator will be happy with a PD that basically throws away a citizen's application and doesn't bother to process it. I'm 100% certain that this would get positive action on your part.

Good luck!
What LenS said, unless it was truly an oversight, and your PD actually lost your app. You may be able to start the process again. If they claim it's already "in the works", then you have more of an idea where you stand (they're screwing you). Personally I would try this first, but Len has a lot more knowledge on these matters than me, so it might be best to follow his advice.
Lens, thank u will try that, and billsail, they have been telling me its with the state. So i guess im being screwd with.

Lens, what happens when the representatives assistant wont call back though? I called them last month when i hit 6 months and left a message but i never recieved a call back.

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Lens, what happens when the representatives assistant wont call back though? I called them last month when i hit 6 months and left a message but i never received a call back.

Call again! Don't leave a lot of details, just ask for a callback. When someone calls back, then you can unload the details to them.

I can't speak to your particular State Rep or State Sen, but mine both make their home addresses and phone numbers available to constituents (you might need to get them from your Town Clerk's Office) and actually invite us to call them directly.
Call again! Don't leave a lot of details, just ask for a callback. When someone calls back, then you can unload the details to them.

I can't speak to your particular State Rep or State Sen, but mine both make their home addresses and phone numbers available to constituents (you might need to get them from your Town Clerk's Office) and actually invite us to call them directly.

Lens, i do have my reps address and phone number. I will call them on monday with a general message. See what happens.

I appreciate your help and hope that it works. Still feel like the reps and PD are on the same side of this debate. Only because of what they said to me the last time and how strongly they stood by what the PD said. "Its in the states hands and its in the process"

im going to call ill let everyone know what happens.


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Now that you were told by the state that they never received it after 7 months, the Rep's tune should change when you tell them that new info.
Filed my renewal app this morning. My license does not expire for another 2 months and the licensing officer said he will have to wait a couple of weeks before he sends the paperwork in. Apparently FRB does not like when they send in too early. He said that the latest I should get my new license is sometime in the second half of June.

Got my new license restrictions. If the licensing officer indeed waited two weeks before sending my paperwork in that it means that it took four weeks. The date of issue is my birthday which means I will actually get six years out of this one instead of five and two months like my last one.
Anybody have any experience with a first issued LTC-A restricted, which at renewal was given as an unrestricted LTC-A? Salem gave me a restricted for my first time. I am hoping to lift the restriction come renewal time. Any input would be appreciated.
Anybody have any experience with a first issued LTC-A restricted, which at renewal was given as an unrestricted LTC-A? Salem gave me a restricted for my first time. I am hoping to lift the restriction come renewal time. Any input would be appreciated.

Yes. Marlborough did that to me when I moved into town 15 years ago. All subsequent ones were unrestricted (just renewed for my fourth one in Marlborough, I think)
Why? PD didn't send it? or is your PD still waiting to hear back from the state?

Received an email response from the LO on 6/5/12 saying that they had the response from the MSP and just needed to be reviewed by the Captain. Based on time frames I am seeing for other towns, seems like my PD has been sitting on it either before it was sent to the MSP or after...or both.
I just got the call that my license came in today. Class A LTC no restrictions, woo-hoo. So 15 weeks and 4 days for the interview and finger printing, 4 weeks and 5 days later it came in. Im wondering if they only allow so many ltc's out at a time, and as they expire, people dont renew and or move, then they process new applicants.
FYI.... From DCJIS website:

As of June 18th, 2012 the FRB is currently approving and printing licenses that were submitted for review by police departments between June 3rd - June 9th.
I turned in my application on 6/11/12 to the Springfield PD. I got finger printed and photographed. They said they were going to call me about the interview but I haven't heard anything yet. When I was going through the process they came out and said that it would be at least 3 months before I got. So much for 40 days...
Hello everyone.
I apply in Saugus ma on may 22 and was told by the LO that the state was behind and waiting time is about 8 weeks. Seemed to me like a very nice and respectful officer. Well good luck to everyone. I'm only a month in and can't wait to get home from work everyday to check the mailbox.
Based on everything I read here, I think everyone doesn't really care about the length of time of the process, but the lack of communication and lying done by the authorities involved.

If it is going to take 13 weeks, tell us up front. Stop pointing the finger and saying "its the other guys fault". Honesty will get you everywhere...
Based on everything I read here, I think everyone doesn't really care about the length of time of the process, but the lack of communication and lying done by the authorities involved.

If it is going to take 13 weeks, tell us up front. Stop pointing the finger and saying "its the other guys fault". Honesty will get you everywhere...

Wow skydiveguy, i could agree with you more. And after a while you start to wonder if your application is lost completely. Like me after 7 months i have no faith that anyone at the PD knows where my app is.

But honestly if they told me they take 9 months i would have less of a problem with them. A few times i felt like saying that. Look just tell me you take 9 months and ill stop calling.

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