How long did your LTC-A take in your town???

While i agree with rabbid they are very nice at the FRB. When they deal with people of a city that is consistently sitting on applications, they do give the answer at first of "call your pd or we are working with them to get the applications finished." I nicely asked them if they could just please let me know if they even have it.

They were nice enough to check after a little persistance on my part.
They were nice enough to check after a little persistance on my part.

I'm so glad to hear that they were nice enough to see if they were going to permit you to exercise your Constitutional right. After only a little persistence! Wasn't that nice of them. [thinking]

I'm thinking that with some permanent magnets in Sam Adams' coffin, and a nice coil mounted around it (and a really LARGE substation next to it!), we could solve all the power worries in the Northeast.
Franklin MA Applied 4/27 received 6/20. Seven weeks 4 days. Two others applied within 10 days after me also received on 6/20. So seems to be 6 to 7+ weeks here. Process is an interview with Lieutenant who completes the on-line form, electronic prints & photo. So it's all sent in pretty quickly. Ours all got mailed to us. Time to go shopping!
While i agree with rabbid they are very nice at the FRB. When they deal with people of a city that is consistently sitting on applications, they do give the answer at first of "call your pd or we are working with them to get the applications finished." I nicely asked them if they could just please let me know if they even have it.

They were nice enough to check after a little persistance on my part.

So they did exactly as you said, they told me to call local pd... i didn't persist.
App, finger prints and photo march 30th

Picked it up today. Almost 12 weeks.

LTC-A restrictions-NONE

Took a little longer than expected. They said 8 to 10 weeks, but not too bad. Looks like Worcester is getting better about restrictions.

Shopping time!!!!![smile]
4 months today or 16 weeks after he told 6-8 weeks. Worst part is that even after waiting this long, I know its going to be restricted to target and hunting. Due to the fact that i'm applying for my first time.
4 months today or 16 weeks after he told 6-8 weeks. Worst part is that even after waiting this long, I know its going to be restricted to target and hunting. Due to the fact that i'm applying for my first time.

Keep your hope alive. It could have no restrictions and it shouldn't really matter if you're applying for the first time. Brockton was a red city the last time I checked and I am not sure if the chief is the same. Good luck.
From a friend in Boston, his child FID card : 16 weeks and 2 days.

Said Caroline or Carolyn, the person that works in BPD licensing was
pleasant to talk to on the phone when they inquired about status.
Newer member here...Live in Boston.
Wife and I picked up our applications May 15th. We had an appointment to submit it today, June 15th. First available appointment to shoot at moon island is August 31st, maybe we will be licensed in time to get a nice Christmas present.
Welcome. My sympathies on living in Boston. I find it incredibly offensive that you are required to WAIT a minimum of 4 months to exercise a Constitutional right.

For Boston, does the wait time start at application, or at the Moon Island date ?
While i agree with rabbid they are very nice at the FRB. When they deal with people of a city that is consistently sitting on applications, they do give the answer at first of "call your pd or we are working with them to get the applications finished." I nicely asked them if they could just please let me know if they even have it.

They were nice enough to check after a little persistance on my part.
I just got off the phone with them. I was asked if I was a MA resident and then told to check with my local PD. I tried to push a little more saying "its been quite a while", "I just want to see where my status is in the system", etc. and they still insisted I call the local PD.

Oh well... no biggie. I should hopefully be in the next "batch" of applications per their status on their website. Thats if the BG checks and such take the amount of time they claim and the PD approved it in a timely fashion (which I feel confident they will, the interview seems to be the biggest hangup). I'll see what the time is changed to on Monday.

Time will tell.
Why would it take 3 months just to get an appointment?????? That is preposterous. The whole thing takes maybe 15 minutes and a law abiding, tax paying citizen has to wait to even go in for an appointment? Could a lawyer move these things along?
Why would it take 3 months just to get an appointment?????? That is preposterous. The whole thing takes maybe 15 minutes and a law abiding, tax paying citizen has to wait to even go in for an appointment? Could a lawyer move these things along?

It takes 3 months because its a legal way for them to make it more difficult to get a LTC. The statute says 40 days from date of submission. So by making you wait before you even submit an app, they can technically stay in compliance with the law.

Not that they really care. Its just a way to add delay and inconvenience to the process.

Jordo - the problem is that you are COMPLETELY at the mercy of the Issuing Authority (IA). They can choose to deny your application based on suitability. They can encumber you with enough restrictions that the gun is useless for self defense.

And once is all said and done, you have no recourse other than the courts.

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Well called the PD today been 7 weeks and was told the chief approved it an are waiting for the state to send the card back. Im praying its in the next batch that gets sent out and maybe ill recieve it towards the end of next week. This is sure a preposterous process just to get a card. Good luck to everyone else. So much for the "40 day statute". Got to continue waiting like a kid on xmas. (7wks from date of interview and application)
Well called the PD today been 7 weeks and was told the chief approved it an are waiting for the state to send the card back. Im praying its in the next batch that gets sent out and maybe ill recieve it towards the end of next week. This is sure a preposterous process just to get a card. Good luck to everyone else. So much for the "40 day statute". Got to continue waiting like a kid on xmas. (7wks from date of interview and application)

I know I'm post game quarterbacking, but maybe next time followup with a question like "Can you tell me the date that you sent it to the state so that I can have that if I call them?, Thanks"
Of course I get that. However Don, as with you from reading your previous posts, I am consistently befuddled by this whole waiting process...... especially the idea of waiting such an exorbitant time just to go in for prints, pic, and application. There is now way it should be any more than one week from initial inquiry. Since it is a requirement here in MA, then it should a be simple uniform time frame all around. I don't believe any of us are asking for too much. With that being said mine was all handled in a fairly timely fashion when I got mine a few years back.
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I don't know I actually called almost 2 weeks ago and left a message so I called again. I was told they're booked til then
It's ok though at least the process is started.. wish there was no waiting like this though
FINALLY! 7 weeks on the dot.. from Northbridge.. 1st time applicant. No restrictions. Feels so good to have in hand..printed picture and interview same day 5/4.. nice guys, the officer was friendly, easy process..
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Took 10 weeks to the day in Lynn,MA to be issued my LTC-A no restrictions.Lynn is also known as a very green town. The process couldn't have been easier & more friendly at the Lynn PD. The day I was printed & had pic taken, I was told 10 weeks was the wait time, so I just had to be patient and sit it out. Well worth it though.
If every person in this thread wrote or called their state representative and state senator complaining that their PD wasn't following the law by either denying or granting an LTC in 40 days, I think that this problem would clear up pretty quick. Remember how fast the CHSB put up a PDF of the FA-10 on their website after people started calling and complaining? Representatives & senators all calling Jason Guida and breathing down his neck got the job done.

Here's a link to find your legislators:
FINALLY! 7 weeks on the dot.. from Northbridge.. 1st time applicant. No restrictions. Feels so good to have in hand..printed picture and interview same day 5/4.. nice guys, the officer was friendly, easy process..

Here to.. Interview April 9th, received today, Restrictions: None.
If every person in this thread wrote or called their state representative and state senator complaining that their PD wasn't following the law by either denying or granting an LTC in 40 days, I think that this problem would clear up pretty quick. Remember how fast the CHSB put up a PDF of the FA-10 on their website after people started calling and complaining? Representatives & senators all calling Jason Guida and breathing down his neck got the job done.

Here's a link to find your legislators:
My concern here is that we'd see an undesirable increase in groundless denials because the PD gets close to 40 days and they (or the state) just didn't get it done for some reason. I agree that interminable waiting is wrong, but we should be careful about which buttons we press... could have unintended consequences.

I think once we get "may issue" out of the way, we can start to push this point harder.
My concern here is that we'd see an undesirable increase in groundless denials because the PD gets close to 40 days and they (or the state) just didn't get it done for some reason. I agree that interminable waiting is wrong, but we should be careful about which buttons we press... could have unintended consequences.

Really? What towns do YOU know that want to be hammered with lawsuits appealing "groundless denials"?

Seriously, folks - G-d helps those who help themselves - start getting your legislators to earn their paychecks. Remember who they work for?
Really? What towns do YOU know that want to be hammered with lawsuits appealing "groundless denials"?

Seriously, folks - G-d helps those who help themselves - start getting your legislators to earn their paychecks. Remember who they work for?
Problem is that, until we fix "may issue", they don't need grounds for denials... Hence, shaky ground for lawsuits. Shall issue is the prybar that will open the door to a lot of the improvements we want, including enforcement of the time-to-decision. If we're starting a phone/letter campaign, that's where it should focus.

I think that a tactical application of pinging the PDs and state reps about delays WHEN they occur is a great idea, but would save the strategic salvos for shall issue for now. Just one ally's opinion...

I couldnt' agree more. In CT there is not statutory requirement for an interview. I don't think there is one in MA, except in MA you have that whole suitability litmus test. So any chief can say that the interview is necessary to determine suitability. Its pure crap.

In CT if a PD insists on an interview, you simply ignore them, get printed somewhere else like a local state police barracks and mail it in. If they deny at that point you can bring it to the board of firearms permit examiners (BFPE) who will order the PD to issue a permit. It takes 6 months to get on the BFPE's agenda, but thats still quicker than some of the worse towns who make you wait 4 months then take 4 months to issue.

Here is the reality. It could take 2 weeks for the entire process. If the PD sends the prints to the state, who has dedicated people working on it, they could turn it around in a week and you are out the door.

Captain LePore of the Windsor CT PD consistently turns around PP apps in under 3 weeks. His record for a student of mine is 5 days. I realize MA is a bit more complex because the state actually prints out a nice laminated license in addition to doing the check.

I do believe that Arlington waits until they've got a couple of weeks worth of prints then ships them off to the state. But while thats less than ideal for the applicant, its reasonable. As others have said, some towns hold the apps for months just to hold them.

Problem is that, until we fix "may issue", they don't need grounds for denials... Hence, shaky ground for lawsuits. Shall issue is the prybar that will open the door to a lot of the improvements we want, including enforcement of the time-to-decision. If we're starting a phone/letter campaign, that's where it should focus.

I think that a tactical application of pinging the PDs and state reps about delays WHEN they occur is a great idea, but would save the strategic salvos for shall issue for now. Just one ally's opinion...

Yes, you wouldn't want them to get mad when you demand your rights.
We should all be able to just walk into a store and buy per our 2nd amendment rights.

At most, we should have to take a federally (meaning: good in any state) certified course stating that we were trained in the safe use of a handgun (to buy) and safe use of the concealed carry procedure/lifestyle (to carry concealed).

If you have both of these certifications, you should not be restricted and the approval should be done like this:
PD: Do you have the BFSC cert?
Citizen: Yes, here it is.
PD: Do you have the CCW cert?
Citizen: Yes, here it is.
PD: Ok, here is your unrestricted LTC.

5 minute process.
Im thinking national background check.. don't want armed habitual criminals... and some sort of firearms handling course, what'ever the course should encompass should only take a couple hours tops..then from there the police would confirm your background.. and print it themselves.. people on here are complaining of an interview.. i wouldn't.say i was interviewed, i was asked questions like my occupation, parents maiden name, take picture do prints, 6-8 weeks thank you..i don't know if you would consider it an interview, i didn't..he only asked the questions to fill the paperwork out..either way my experience was fine and timely.. i think its purely local PD holding up all these people.. which IS unconstitutional.
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