How long did your LTC-A take in your town???

I've updated a lot, but I need to release some steam...

March 6 application handed in

April 11 prints interview

12 weeks 1 day and still waiting. After being told it would take 6-8 weeks.

::crossing fingers for a call today::
I cant believe some of the isht I'm seeing from so called green towns.

The licensing authority shall, within 40 days from the date of application, either approve the application and issue the license or deny the application and notify the applicant of the reason for such denial in writing; provided, however, that no such license shall be issued unless the colonel has certified, in writing, that the information available to him does not indicate that the possession of a firearm or large capacity firearm by the applicant would be in violation of state or federal law.

Is GOAL or anyone addressing this violation of law with whatever committee is charged with overseeing this body of law ?
What makes the process so redicoulous is you cant even get your local PD to tell you were you are at in the process, cant get calls back and Im sure if I go down there that wont go anywhere either. No one wants to talk to you or be bothered. Also dont want to be to much of a pain becuase then you have to worry they would retaliate by giving more restrictions on license. What is the point of having law written that says 40 days when it seems it rarely is ever done before that point.
just got a call from Marlboro PD that my lisence is ready to be picked up. 43 days from interview to receipt. Won't know until I pick it up if there are any restirctions.

Edit: picked it up and was issued LTC-A no restrictions.
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Yup, I asked at the GOAL Board meeting... Jon Green's advice was to start contacting our legislators, which I posted. I suspect that only ONE person has done so; the guy who PM'd me for help finding out how his legislator was.

Why aren't people as outraged at the slowdown as they were about the lack of FA-10s?
Yup, I asked at the GOAL Board meeting... Jon Green's advice was to start contacting our legislators, which I posted. I suspect that only ONE person has done so; the guy who PM'd me for help finding out how his legislator was.

Why aren't people as outraged at the slowdown as they were about the lack of FA-10s?

They are afraid of repercussions. I think it unfounded for numerous reasons and have said so too many times, but that is what I firmly believe.

Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Staying quiet (or merely complaining amongst us like-minded folks) one may never get their LTC (yes some apps do really get lost . . . I had a MA Tax Return get "lost" for 8 months once until my State Rep made the inquiry for me)!
Yup, I asked at the GOAL Board meeting... Jon Green's advice was to start contacting our legislators, which I posted. I suspect that only ONE person has done so; the guy who PM'd me for help finding out how his legislator was.

Why aren't people as outraged at the slowdown as they were about the lack of FA-10s?

Im the guy i think, and i called both my senator and rep, and my senators office called me back and said they would do some digging, i called them 1 week after they said the were digging, and they said the understand the process is slow as molasses and that the senator himself should be giving me a call the following week, the following week is almost over and still havent recieved a call. And im coming up on my 8 month anniversary of applying.

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The MAJORITY of these times are not even close to 40 days........ It is law and one shouldn't have to contact anyone further/ higher up to push things through in order to get a license. Is anyone on top of this? Why doesn't GOAL just contact all the reps as it is clear from this thread that almost no one receives their license within 40 days and beyond that some can't even get an appointment to hand in their application for months. The state has it's way with all these procedures and at this point all anyone is asking for is a timely turnaround of a license we're paying to receive, not to mention the tax dollars handed over for anyone employed or owning property here.
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What makes the process so redicoulous is you cant even get your local PD to tell you were you are at in the process, cant get calls back and Im sure if I go down there that wont go anywhere either. No one wants to talk to you or be bothered. Also dont want to be to much of a pain becuase then you have to worry they would retaliate by giving more restrictions on license. What is the point of having law written that says 40 days when it seems it rarely is ever done before that point.
At my interview the LO told me he just got back from a week off (I had to wait over 5 weeks for the interview). I called today (45 days since the interview day) and I was told he is not in again until next Tuesday! Although to be fair, the officer that answered my call was extremely polite and put me on hold to see if it had come in before telling me to follow up next week. So they aren't blowing be off per-se but I'd like to know where exactly I stand in the process as well(did the BG checks come back, Is it approved and waiting to be printed, etc.)
They are afraid of repercussions. I think it unfounded for numerous reasons and have said so too many times, but that is what I firmly believe.
The problem in my mind is the whole "suitability" crap. Yes, complaining is probably the right thing to do, but in a state where the chief can decide on giving a restricted LTC based on the color shirt you wear to the interview or if he doesn't like your haircut because he feels you are "unsuitable", this is a legitimate problem.
Look at the Hightower case as a perfect example.
I agree politeness does go a long way. Genuinely one of my gripes is that feeling of awkwardness involved in having to ask to exercise a right. When it is handled in a pleasant manner it does feel at least a little less uncomfortable. Regardless............
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Somebody mentioned the "Hightower Case" I was unfamiliar so I poked around a bit. I found this buried in some of the docs, and thought it was interesting. It's sorta like the unemployment rate, people who give up looking for work are not counted. They can say that only 2% of licenses are denied, but they do not account for the applications that get "lost" and the appointments that are never granted. Many people "give up" trying for their license and are therefore not counted.

Under Massachusetts law, within forty days of receiving an application for a license to carry,
the licensing authority must “either approve the application and issue the license or deny the
application and notify the applicant of the reason for such denial in writing.” Mass. Gen. L. c. 140,
§ 131(e). In recent years, approximately 98% of applications have been granted statewide, with just
over 1% rejected because the applicant is categorically disqualified from receiving a license and the
remaining 1% rejected because the licensing authority deems the applicant unsuitable.
3Specifically, from 2008 through 2010, 92,765 applications for licenses to approve were
submitted, and 90,865 applications were granted. First Guida Aff., D. 35-6 at ¶ 7. Of the 1,900
applications that were denied, 969 were denied on the ground that the applicant was statutorily
disqualified to hold a license, and 931 were denied on the ground that the applicant was deemed
unsuitable by the licensing authority.
All GOAL tells you to do is to call your state rep. I called them once about a delay in my LTC renewal and I was told to call my state rep.
All GOAL tells you to do is to call your state rep. I called them once about a delay in my LTC renewal and I was told to call my state rep.

And that is what needs to be done and usually will work (but nothing is 100%).
Just wanted to give an update to this, I was issues a LTC-A no restrictions today on a first license so maybe this is not the case anymore.

Congrats. This is interesting, however. My friend applied with the other LO at the PD which took 3 weeks longer than your process and she received hunting/target restrictions.

I tried to call the LO who did my application, but hes on vacation. So I call the other one and get chewed out (don't call me - call your LO, FRB staff is overwhelmed, some guy died on them, I can't look up your app, etc...). Meh..
Just wanted to give an update to this, I was issues a LTC-A no restrictions today on a first license so maybe this is not the case anymore.
Hmm. Interesting. Just out of curiosity, did you talk to Oldroyd or Moran? And are you over 25?

Why doesn't GOAL just contact all the reps as it is clear from this thread that almost no one receives their license within 40 days and beyond that some can't even get an appointment to hand in their application for months.

Probably because A) there are 5 people who work for GOAL, so they can't possibly do that and the rest of their jobs, and B) (and more importantly), your representative won't give a darn if GOAL calls, because GOAL isn't their constituent. You are... and it's your rep's job to take care of his constituents. But YOU have to ask.

I will repeat myself - if all of you called and asked, your reps would be wondering what this sudden flood of calls about firearms licensing is about... and at that point, THEY'RE going to start calling the right people to move this along.

Do you know how many letters - actual paper letters - it takes for a Massachusetts state representative to start considering something a "hot" issue? TEN. If TEN people care enough to contact them, that's a hot issue and needs to be taken care of immediately. That goes for legislation, of course, but I got this directly for someone who worked in a representative's office, so I firmly believe that this would apply for this current mess, too.

It also says something about how many people are actually paying attention to what their representatives and senators are doing, but that's another rant for another day.

Here's the link to find out who your representative and senator are:

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I tried to call the LO who did my application, but hes on vacation. So I call the other one and get chewed out (don't call me - call your LO, FRB staff is overwhelmed, some guy died on them, I can't look up your app, etc...). Meh..

Ah... you talked to Sgt Moran, didn't you. I recognize that rant.

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All GOAL tells you to do is to call your state rep. I called them once about a delay in my LTC renewal and I was told to call my state rep.

And did you?
Would it be a good idea for everyone to setup a date and time that we all call our state representatives offices? Maybe all calling on the exact same day throughout the state around the same time (4-5 hour window) would get their attention?
Maybe, since GOAL has a Facebook page, they can organize this as a public event...
Hmm. Interesting. Just out of curiosity, did you talk to Oldroyd or Moran? And are you over 25?

The friend who received restrictions was 22 I think. I'm 28 so I hope its age related.

Ah... you talked to Sgt Moran, didn't you. I recognize that rant.

Moran indeed. Hes funny because he blows up and sounds like he wants the call to end, but then keeps talking to you.
Has anyone applied in Mansfield recently? If so, please share your experience with the application process. My app was sent to the FRB on June 12. I have not heard back from them yet.
Moran indeed. Hes funny because he blows up and sounds like he wants the call to end, but then keeps talking to you.
That's him.

Would it be a good idea for everyone to setup a date and time that we all call our state representatives offices? Maybe all calling on the exact same day throughout the state around the same time (4-5 hour window) would get their attention?
Maybe, since GOAL has a Facebook page, they can organize this as a public event...

Why, yes, it would. How about starting this Monday morning at 9 AM?

The reason that you don't want GOAL coordinating it is that it's all too easy to say, "Oh, it's just a stunt by those guys in Northboro". If everyone in this thread who's still waiting - and the lurkers who are waiting and not posting - started calling, you'd see action. Read the thread about the FA-10 shortage from last year if you don't believe me.
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