How long did your LTC-A take in your town???

Based on LenS' description of the process (quoted below) and from what my LO was telling me, the holdup is in step 7 - the reply from the PD. According to my LO, he didn't even get the reply from the MSP that I wasn't a disqualified person until 10 days AFTER my old license expired - 6+ weeks AFTER I submitted my application.
I would think the holdup would be step 9 instead. My interview took 5 weeks just because the local PD was busy. I am assuming the approval would be faster (as they already met with you and know if you are going to get restricted or not) but still dependent on the local PD having to take the spare time to log into the computer and process the approvals.
Who says they are armed off-duty. It is a rare PO in MA that goes around armed all the time. It's officially frowned upon by many chiefs as well.
I know. I threw the smily face in there to show I wasn't completely serious. I guess spending most of my youth in Brockton (not there now) makes me look at leaving the house differently than if I lived/worked in a nicer area.
I would think the holdup would be step 9 instead. My interview took 5 weeks just because the local PD was busy. I am assuming the approval would be faster (as they already met with you and know if you are going to get restricted or not) but still dependent on the local PD having to take the spare time to log into the computer and process the approvals.

The LO actually had all the dates at hand when I contacted him at about the 8th week in the process. Clearly the backlog was at the Mass State Police - since this was my third renewal in my town, it was pretty much a gimme that if I wasn't DQ'd I'd be getting a no-restrictions. He could tell me the date he sent it to the MSP (Mar 27th, the day after I applied) and the date he got it back (May 16th - 10 days AFTER my license expired) and the date he sent it to the CJIS - same day he got it, May 16. So either he went to a lot of trouble to blow smoke up my ass, or he was telling me the truth. I'm leaning towards the latter explanation.
The LO actually had all the dates at hand when I contacted him at about the 8th week in the process. Clearly the backlog was at the Mass State Police - since this was my third renewal in my town, it was pretty much a gimme that if I wasn't DQ'd I'd be getting a no-restrictions. He could tell me the date he sent it to the MSP (Mar 27th, the day after I applied) and the date he got it back (May 16th - 10 days AFTER my license expired) and the date he sent it to the CJIS - same day he got it, May 16. So either he went to a lot of trouble to blow smoke up my ass, or he was telling me the truth. I'm leaning towards the latter explanation.
I can't understand why it should take more than 5 minutes for a renewal anyways. if you do anything during the 5/6 years to get DQ'd, Im sure they'd be all over your ass to take the guns away as soon as you are DQ'd.
I would think the holdup would be step 9 instead. My interview took 5 weeks just because the local PD was busy. I am assuming the approval would be faster (as they already met with you and know if you are going to get restricted or not) but still dependent on the local PD having to take the spare time to log into the computer and process the approvals.

My LO verified that mine was at step 9 on 6/5 (might have been there sooner, thats when i got the email reply) and as on 6/21 was still there. As far as I know it still might be there but who knows.
I think it also has to do with if they build up apps. I applied the 4th of may an mexitalia has already received theirs. There should really be a standardized process for this.
Yea man it finally came.. 7 weeks on spot.. if you don't get yours by Friday, I'd just give a call and check in.. it could be sitting on a desk..
I did last Friday said they were waiting from the state. I been anxiously checking the mailbox everyday.

yeah me too checking the mailbox... my wife said yesterday to stop looking with excitement everyday just to be disappointed when it is not there. "when you stop looking it will show up" yeah great logic behind that one, i told her. lol

Got it today , I guess she was right. Witch
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This is from the January 2012 DJIS Newsletter in the "Did you know" section.

Firearms License Processing:
The Firearms Records Bureau (FRB) has experienced a significant increase in calls from residents seeking the status of their license over the past few weeks. In response to these inquires, the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS) homepage ( has been updated to reflect the current FRB processing status. Please remember that the licensing statute only allows 40 days to process a license.
I am on week 6 right now and waiting in Marlboro, hoping I will have it soon.

Friend who recently got theirs was around 9 weeks I believe and ended up with restrictions. Good luck.

Marlborough seems to restrict the first license and issue "no restrictions" on renewal. Unfortunately.
Friend who recently got theirs was around 9 weeks I believe and ended up with restrictions. Good luck.

Did he expect restrictions for any reason?

Marlborough seems to restrict the first license and issue "no restrictions" on renewal. Unfortunately.

Guess I will just have to wait and see. Hopefully the wait will be over within a couple weeks...
Did he expect restrictions for any reason?

Is was a she, and no. As dwarven said, their policy is to start you off with hunting/target restriction and then drop it when you renew (and I believe hes been in the city for a number of renewals). Why is marlboro listed as a green town if this is the case?

I'm at the 8 week mark, still waiting.
Well made another call to the pd. I tried being sly an asking if there was anything else needed for me app. They said no it was all set approved and their waiting for the cards to come supp over 200. I find it weird since me and someone else on here diff town on the same day and got theirs. I tried calling FRB an was told they can't give me any information on it. Anyone got any advice. LenS please chime in!
I'm still waiting. Its now been 4 months 2 weeks and 3 days.

2 weeks ago he told me the state finally got back to him and that it would take 2 more weeks for my license to get to him in the mail.

I just called while I typed this out and no answer.
I'm at 6 weeks waiting to even get a confirmed appointment to apply. I asked one of the other officers what the deal was and he told me they have had a big uptick in applications and the part time firearms officer can't keep up.
My license finally arrived in the mail today. City of Boston, LTC-A, Restrictions-None. One hundred seventy-seven days from making the appointment for the interview, one hundred one days from the interview and submitting the paperwork.
IT sucks, my Police Department only does them one night a month from 6 to 7 PM for FIDs or LTCs.

Mine is up in August, I wanted to go last month but I was to sick to get out of bed, now I have to wait till the 2nd Wednesday in July and then hope I get it back in time.
Medford, MA - Applied 19 January 2012, Received 28 June 2012.

19 January 2012: I dropped off my application to the station. They have a box of applications that I had to cram my envelope into

At some point in early march: I call and leave a message about the application. No response.

9 March 2012: I get curious and email the Mass Firearms Registration Board to ask if my application has been filed.

14 March 2012: A kind gentleman from the FRB emails me back and has me call. We talk, he tells me that no, nothing has been processed, and if I wasnt fingerprinted and put into MIRCS when I applied for my permit (again, I just dropped off my app) then the PD hasn't even initiated the application. Also, that Medford has a history of just, hanging onto applications. Great.

19 March 2012: I mail a certified letter, return receipt to the police chief to the tune of: "Hey, i've called a few times, the state says you have a history of doing this, your website clearly states 'Please do not call about the status of your application, we sill[sic] contact you'" and "This lack of response from the Medford Police Department with regard to firearms licensing was noted as common during my conversation with the Massachusetts FRB." and dropped a reference to MGL 140 s. 131.

20 March 2012: Return Receipt mailed to me. Someone got it.

26 March 2012: I get a call from Medford PD asking me to come in and get fingerprinted. The detective notes a resistance to changes in policy.

27 March 2012: I get fingerprinted.

15 May 2012: I call. Leave a message. Hey, interesting, the website doesn't say that thing about "don't call us" anymore! Also, you're no longer allowed to just drop off applications, you have to come at certain times. Interesting!

22 May 2012: I call. Leave a message.

29 May 2012: I call. Leave a message. I draft a second letter. (I never sent it)

12 June 2012: I call. Leave a message.

27 June 2012: I call. Someone picks up! Not the licensing detective, but, they take down a message.

28 June 2012: Open my mailbox and... there is my LTC-A, with a Target & Hunting restriction. Issue date is 16 June 2012.

(A shame I don't live in my hometown of Halifax; I used to do work for the police chief there)
I'm at 6 weeks waiting to even get a confirmed appointment to apply. I asked one of the other officers what the deal was and he told me they have had a big uptick in applications and the part time firearms officer can't keep up.
About the same here (Fitchburg)... made 1st call 7 weeks, 5 days ago... called again at 5 weeks and 7 weeks...nobody calls back :( I don't care if the appointment is 6 weeks away, I just wanna get the process started... wth?
28 June 2012: Open my mailbox and... there is my LTC-A, with a Target & Hunting restriction. Issue date is 16 June 2012.

(A shame I don't live in my hometown of Halifax; I used to do work for the police chief there)

Should have called your buddy in Halifax back in January and asked him to call the Medford COP.
I live in Gardner, took the class on 4/21, met with the police on 5/3 and received my class A (no restrictions) on 6/29. 8 weeks and 1 day from the meeting with the licensing officer.
As of July 3rd, 2012 the FRB is currently approving and printing licenses that were submitted for review by police departments between June 28th - July 2nd.

Looks like they have been making up some time.
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