How long did your LTC-A take in your town???

Im thinking national background check.. don't want armed habitual criminals... and some sort of firearms handling course, what'ever the course should encompass should only take a couple hours tops..then from there the police would confirm your background.. and print it themselves.. people on here are complaining of an interview.. i wouldn't.say i was interviewed, i was asked questions like my occupation, parents maiden name, take picture do prints, 6-8 weeks thank you..i don't know if you would consider it an interview, i didn't..he only asked the questions to fill the paperwork out..either way my experience was fine and timely.. i think its purely local PD holding up all these people.. which IS unconstitutional.
Although I agree with not feeling comfortable with letting criminals have guns, the second amendment doesn't say "except for criminals". Plus, criminals will not care about carrying a gun legally...

If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
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Lol. No doubt they will, but i wouldn't make it readily available, and legal for a violent rapist to carry.. there's gotta be a line somewhere..and obviously that's not gonna stop them if they really want one.. but not socially accepted and government backed. And i don't believe the background check is goin anywhere and honestly doesn't bother me...if there's gonna be any licensing process, id be happy its making it better for us that carry so we aren't victims..
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Lol. No doubt they will, but i wouldn't make it readily available, and legal for a violent rapist to carry.. there's gotta be a line somewhere..

If a person had been let put of prison, ten Rey have paid their due to society as decided by the courts. If they have paid their due, why not have all their rights restored? People would think about their safer and those who deem it necessary would arm themselves.

No one has a right to not be scared.
As said.. habitual.. so no they are clearly wired differently upstairs, and no, i would suppose if there were a licensing process at all, they wouldn't. And i stress habitual. If they're in and outta jail, no. If they want to make it a process there must be a form of accountability. But once again for people that walk the straight and narrow of today's society, they would be easily granted access to the rights they should be rewarded for being a progressive citizen.. and i say that as so cuz technically they take them away if ur not..
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As said.. habitual.. so no they are clearly wired differently upstairs, and no, i would suppose if there were a licensing process at all, they wouldn't. And i stress habitual. If they're in and outta jail, no. If they want to make it a process there must be a form of accountability. But once again for people that walk the straight and narrow of today's society, they would be easily granted access to the rights they should be rewarded for being a progressive citizen.. and i say that as so cuz technically they take them away if ur not..

the 2nd Amendment isnt just about owning firearms to me. It is much deeper and basically guarantees one's right to self defense, something I think no person should be deprived of.
I think that when you continuously make yourself one to be defended from, the state shouldn't grant you the right to tools that would make the offensive easier .. given the fact the state wants to take the process upon itself.. accountability.. not that it would be enforced..either way i do think a mistake or two is forgivable.. i stress habitual criminals would be the only ones limited..everyone else would be a 1 day process from class to purchase.. don't want to stray from original argument.
If a person is a "habitual offender" they need to be incarcerated. Not roaming that streets.

The habitual offender being on the streets is also why people have more of a need to get a gun to defend themselves.
Aside from whether the requirements are extraneous, the argument within these last number of posts is really about at least staying within a reasonable time frame.
Hi, new here... Fitchburg resident who's been following this thread for a while. Made my first call to try to get an appt 7 weeks ago tomorrow, called a 2nd time at 5 weeks.... still waiting for a callback :(
Hi, new here... Fitchburg resident who's been following this thread for a while. Made my first call to try to get an appt 7 weeks ago tomorrow, called a 2nd time at 5 weeks.... still waiting for a callback :(

Why on gods earth would you not hold them to getting back to you.

Its probably too late for you, but you should always be vague when you leave your message. "Hello officer Smith, my name is bob jones, a mutual friend said I should speak to you, I've got some questions about the law. Thanks"

I'd suggest you find out the name of the officer who processes the permits. He may not be the the issuing authority, but someone who works for him. For example, in Arlington, the chief is the IA, but a Sergeant (and two very helpful civilian women) do the work of getting the stuff processed.

Once you have his name, leave a vague message with him and wait 1 day for the call back. if you don't hear back, call back once more. If no response, its time to escalate. Maybe an email to the town manager/mayor/first selectman, with the chief CC'd.

If you have not yet mentioned a LTC, then someone will get back to you.

Its amazing. We recently had a level 3 Sex offender move into our neighborhood.

I've recently spent a lot of time talking to parole people, sex offender registry people, prosecutors, cops, etc. Its amazing how much more helpful they are when you call about getting information on a convicted child molester than when you are calling with firearms questions. (In fairness, my local PD was very very helpful with the LTC, its mostly the state people who seemed less than excited about answering firearms questions)

People bent over backwards to help me. I even had one woman at the court where he was convicted say to me. "Look sweetheart, just come down here and I'll help you get ahold of all the publicly available information.
Here is a question:

When the FRB processing time is updated, do the dates generally just move to the next week ( ie from june 3-9 to june 10-16) or is there a chance it may jump ahead depending on how quickly they are processing? I'm guestimating that my app was submitted last week and I'm trying to gauge when it might actually print.

I hope that makes sense...sounds alright in my head. thanks.
Hi, new here... Fitchburg resident who's been following this thread for a while. Made my first call to try to get an appt 7 weeks ago tomorrow, called a 2nd time at 5 weeks.... still waiting for a callback :(


I feel your pain, i had the same thing happen to me in my city, it took me 3 months to even meet with the LO and now its been 7 months and waiting for the actually license to get to my house. Its agrivating, best of luck.

All i can say is keep calling, they cant duck you forever. Try going down to the station

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Did you guys have to wait to do your application process? I'm confused because I called the licensing officer in my town (Sudbury=Red) and she gave me an appointment date of July 15th. I'm happy with that because I don't turn 21 until June 28th of this year. However after rereading the application I noticed that it states:

"All applications may be dropped off with all associated paperwork and check or money order at any time, however, if there is no one available to process the license at that time you may be requested to call back at a later time (24-48hrs) for fingerprinting and photographs."

Which leads me to my next question. Can I apply the day I turn 21 and basically force the date to be sooner based on their writing?


I wouldn't change anything. I dropped my application off in my town on April 7th, was told at that time that they'd "call that weekend" to setup the interview. I didn't get the call until May 21 (and I accepted the earliest interview of 1 hour after the call).
The 40 day clock (hahahahaha) doesn't start ticking until the interview/application process is started. Id stick with your July date.
Here is a question:

When the FRB processing time is updated, do the dates generally just move to the next week ( ie from june 3-9 to june 10-16) or is there a chance it may jump ahead depending on how quickly they are processing? I'm guestimating that my app was submitted last week and I'm trying to gauge when it might actually print.

I hope that makes sense...sounds alright in my head. thanks.

Occasionally it jumps by a day or two. When it updated last week, it went from May 30 as the end date to June 3 as the beginning date, so it looks like they made up an extra 4 days. They used to update it Monday mid morning, and last week they didn't do it until late Monday night, or Tuesday. We will find out soon enough I suppose.
Had my interview in Pittsfield almost 5 weeks ago, been trying to call to find out when they submitted it or any information but, cant ever get any answers. Today a secretary at the police station said she just got hers back from December. She said the back up is with the state. I dont understand how the back up could be with the state, when the records bureau says there only about a week and a half after they receive it. This whole process is so dumb.
The back up isn't with the state, its with the towns. A lot of people are getting theirs in 6-8 weeks while others are waiting 3 months plus. The common factor is the state and the towns are the variable. Some of us just have lazy towns.
Occasionally it jumps by a day or two. When it updated last week, it went from May 30 as the end date to June 3 as the beginning date, so it looks like they made up an extra 4 days. They used to update it Monday mid morning, and last week they didn't do it until late Monday night, or Tuesday. We will find out soon enough I suppose.

The net net of this is that the FRB is NOT the problem. What difference does it make if it takes 7 days or 14 days when the IA is jerking you around to the tune of several weeks or in some cases MONTHS!!.
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Does "submitted" happen automatically through the computer system at the time of interview or are we talking about something that has to be physically packaged up and mailed somewhere?
LenS' post about the process ( looks like the only thing physically mailed is the 10 print card for new applicants.

The cards are also mailed back to the PD and then activated and mailed to the individual.

BUT there are "stop points" that await action. When a response is sent (Email) to Officer Smith and Officer Smith is on vacation for a week or two, nobody else has access to his Email account and it sits and waits for his return and for him to have time to deal with it. If Officer Smith rarely reads his Email or is busy with other duties, sent off to training, etc. it just sits and sits. This is where I think that most of the delays are in many towns.
The cards are also mailed back to the PD and then activated and mailed to the individual.

BUT there are "stop points" that await action. When a response is sent (Email) to Officer Smith and Officer Smith is on vacation for a week or two, nobody else has access to his Email account and it sits and waits for his return and for him to have time to deal with it. If Officer Smith rarely reads his Email or is busy with other duties, sent off to training, etc. it just sits and sits. This is where I think that most of the delays are in many towns.
I think its time to set the police up with Blackberry/iPhones. If they can carry a gun when they're "off duty" because they are "technically never off duty" then they should also responsible for email when away from the office (like the rest of the free world).
The cards are also mailed back to the PD and then activated and mailed to the individual.

BUT there are "stop points" that await action. When a response is sent (Email) to Officer Smith and Officer Smith is on vacation for a week or two, nobody else has access to his Email account and it sits and waits for his return and for him to have time to deal with it. If Officer Smith rarely reads his Email or is busy with other duties, sent off to training, etc. it just sits and sits. This is where I think that most of the delays are in many towns.
You mean like when the Chief is in jail or rehab?
I think its time to set the police up with Blackberry/iPhones. If they can carry a gun when they're "off duty" because they are "technically never off duty" then they should also responsible for email when away from the office (like the rest of the free world).

Who says they are armed off-duty. It is a rare PO in MA that goes around armed all the time. It's officially frowned upon by many chiefs as well.

Regardless of what phones they carry, dealing with the public and LTCs is about as low on the priority list as anything in a MA PD, that's reality (with very rare exception)!

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You mean like when the Chief is in jail or rehab?

Well yes. If it is addressed to his personal account in a business(PD) that is exactly what doesn't happen!
Based on LenS' description of the process (quoted below) and from what my LO was telling me, the holdup is in step 7 - the reply from the PD. According to my LO, he didn't even get the reply from the MSP that I wasn't a disqualified person until 10 days AFTER my old license expired - 6+ weeks AFTER I submitted my application.

LenS said:
LTC Application Process

1. File Paper Application with BFS Training Certificate (if new application)/Application Fee – (this starts the 40 days)
2. Applicant demographic information entered into MIRCS – applicant interview (if required) – prints & picture taken via MIRCS
3. PD submits query to Dept. of Mental Health (Email)
4. PD submits fingerprint query to AFIS (10 print card via Mail or Email query for renewals)
5. PD requests sealed record review and microfilm (old records) if necessary
6. PD runs BOP, III, RMV checks in MIRCS
7. Response from MSP that person isn’t DQ’d legally (currently taking ~3 weeks)
8. Response from DMH (currently taking 1-2 weeks)
9. PD reviews responses, determines suitability, determines “proper purpose”/restrictions (if any)
10. PD clicks “Approved” in MIRCS and sends for FRB review
11. FRB review:
12. Verifies that BOP, III, other checks were done and reviewed by PD
13. Confirms applicant is eligible and, if so, approves LTC
14. Prints LTC and mails LTC to PD (done in batches 2-3x/week)
15. PD “Issues” LTC with PIN – MUST click a button on MIRCS to do this (otherwise LTC will not show as “active”).
16. PD Mails/Delivers LTC or Calls person to come pick it up.
I think it also has to do with if they build up apps. I applied the 4th of may an mexitalia has already received theirs. There should really be a standardized process for this.
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