How Many Mags Can You Carry In Mass?

loaded or unloaded, it's more of a weight issue, properly kitted out I'd say more than 100 mags (1000rd) could be an issue.

Oh, wait, you mean LEGALLY ..... no there is no limit. [laugh]
Delete thread, call lawyer.

Seriously though, you can carry as many as you want. I wonder what would happen if someone walked through Boston with a tactical vest loaded down with full mags. It’s not illegal, but the pant shitting would be legendary.
A tactical vest full of 10 round AK mags and a semi-auto AK SBR on a sling would be equally legal.
Delete thread, call lawyer.

Seriously though, you can carry as many as you want. I wonder what would happen if someone walked through Boston with a tactical vest loaded down with full mags. It’s not illegal, but the pant shitting would be legendary.

That's why you sew mag loops into your CCW sash.
It's important to wear a garment with a calming effect on passersby.
So if Mass residents can no longer legally carry standard capacity mags in their pistols over 10 rounds is there a limit to how many 10rd mags they are allowed carry?
As many as you think you need.
I usually carry an extra mag, unless I am wearing a shoulder holster. Those hold 2 extra mags and I usually wear one when I go to church or have some other reason to wear a jacket.
There are very few human problems that can not be addressed with 31 rounds of 45 ACP hollow points. If you need more than that, hopefully you have enough ammo to fight your way to your rifle..
I would suggest to carry as many as you can carry. Maybe carry three guns that all use the same magazines and if you can get twenty magazines on your person you will most likely be prepared for any firefight you may get into. 230 rounds with the capability of doing three NY magazine changes.
Please don't take one post from one pants shitter in mass as the basis to judge all mass gun owners.
Given the current state of affairs in MA.....where they made your pre ban standard cap mags illegal to carry with the stroke of a pen......its not out of the realm of possibility to think they would limit the amount of crip mags you can carry as well.

Pantshitting maybe to a normal MA gun owner and totally batshit crazy for people down where I live...... but I view it as a somewhat valid question by someone who is not following along or is new and trying to navigate the f***ing 1000 pages of new bullshit.
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