I love when the NY Times is unhappy!

NY Times

TheNY Times ceased to be a decent newspaper many years ago. Today you can't trust most of what is printed in the paper. They are living on their part reputation.
Joshua Kurlantzick is special correspondent for The New Republic and a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

This tells me all I need to know. (In addition to where this drivel was published.)

I always hate seeing fine peices of work being disposed of wastefully.

Two of the other gut-wrenchers that are burned in my mind.

Soldiers in Iraq piling SVD rifles onto a truck for destruction (I want one)

And Easter Europeans, I forget wich country, running crate after crate of TT Tokarev pistols (still in Cosmo!!! [crying] ) through a shredding machine.

You wouldn't do this with a classic car!


-Weer'd Beard
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