I thought eight was enough.

WOW That's a LOT of little mouths to feed...

How can you even remember all their names!

My dad is one of 13 and I thought that was a lot

I can't help but think of that Monty Python skit in The Meaning of Life where the lady is preggo and the baby just drops out when she's washing dishes...

Hell, after that many kids, her berth canal must be like a slip and slide...
Some people just love kids that much. When Tank and I first met, our first conversation revolved around him wanting 15 kids. I told him that would be fine as long as we adopted most of them! :)

More realistically, we wouldn't mind 5 or so, but will be thankful for whatever God gives us someday.
I originally wanted 3. I had the pregnancy that anything that could go wrong would. Glen thought he was either going to lose both of us,or he would be raising Alan by himself. Nothing like even scaring the anesthesiologist. We stopped at one.
I can see why! Perhaps after a pregnancy like that, we would just adopt the rest. I just wish adoption weren't so expensive. I know starting out as foster parents is cheaper, but I don't think I could handle the possibility of having to give the child back. Too emotional for me!
Yeah, I've thought of foster parenting,but I would be the same way. I would be heartbroken. You can adopt through the state though and supposedly not as expensive. Just alot of times it either sibling groups or older kids. Thought about it too, still think about it once in awhile.
We would take the "hard to place" children such as those. We just need to get a bit more settled in our lives first. Kind of hard to do things like that with Tank deployed and uncertainties about what he'll be doing when he comes home. Maybe in a couple of years.

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