I was behind the bravest driver in MA today

Ditto. I got an '87 Integra new and ran it for 13 years. When I sold it at 137,000 miles, the body was rotting, but drivetrain was in great shape. That was a great car.

Yup, same here, it went ~160K and needed work on the front end (~$300) and the A/C compressor needed replacing so we donated the car and took the tax write-off.
blah, blah, blah.... As usual, I see your lips moving, but can't hear what you're saying!

The speed limiter is for the tires. Stock sedans usually come with H- or V-rated tires, good for 130 MPH and 149 MPH respectively. If you had the nuggets, you would have found that out the fun way by now!

As usual, your utter ignorance of the subject is exceeded only by the arrogance of your pontifications upon it.

Translation: Dodge puts crap tires on its testosterone toys to keep costs down and owners from getting in even deeper over their heads.

The GLI came with V-rated tires (along w/the Audi 6-speed transaxle) because it has an UNlimited top speed of 148. I upgraded to W-rated tires - for a reason.

Enjoy your limitations - they're there for YOUR protection! [slap]

Note the significant oil staining on the driveway. Additional evidence of Dodge being a POS. Sure, they look nice, have improved in quality, but are still an inferior product. Sadly Chevrolet and Ford are not much better, the Japanese build a better product (Tundra and Titan).

Note the significant oil staining on the driveway. Additional evidence of Dodge being a POS. Chris[pot]

Might be...


That's NOT where I park my truck. It's always parked in the position it's in. Which is clean.

All I can claim is the experiences I have had with Dodge products which have been good for the three vehicles I have had.

And our appliance repairman. His work truck is a Dodge Ram with 150,000 miles of in-town, stop-and-go short trip mileage on it. Loaded with appliance parts large and small. He has had next to no problems except some ball joints. His original battery lasted six years in New England weather.

Some POS.

[slap] Take that, pot-stirring boy!
As usual, your utter ignorance of the subject is exceeded only by the arrogance of your pontifications upon it.

Translation: Dodge puts crap tires on its testosterone toys to keep costs down and owners from getting in even deeper over their heads.

And as usual, your arrogance, leads to reply without realizing that the vehicle you are talking about is A TRUCK. Not built for speed! And again YOUR ignorance, and generalization of a what tires Dodge puts onto their vehicles just shows your lack of knowledge...

The GLI came with V-rated tires (along w/the Audi 6-speed transaxle) because it has an UNlimited top speed of 148. I upgraded to W-rated tires - for a reason.

Enjoy your limitations - they're there for YOUR protection!

Oh I will... And come winter, I'll wave as I pass by all the VW drivers digging out their cars so they can go anywhere...

Hmmmm... Interesting....
Sport-oriented drivers will surely find pleasure behind the wheel of a GLI, as will those who measure performance satisfaction by miles per gallon. An Environmental Protection Agency fuel economy rating of 32 Highway/25 City and an electronically limited top speed of 130 mph confirm that power and economy can come in one package.
Hmmmm... Interesting....

Hmmmmmmmmm. What YEAR vehicle are you allegedly quoting figures for? I'm betting it's a new one.

My manual says 148. I've had it to 129 and it was still pulling.

You can go back to pulling, too - within your limits....... [flame]
And come winter, I'll wave as I pass by all the VW drivers digging out their cars so they can go anywhere.
One thing I will say about my 2000 GTI -- with dedicated snow tires and traction control, it was excellent in the snow. Not as good as my 4Runner (which also has dedicated snow tires) but it really was quite good.
I'll second that M1911, I've had my GTI for 3 years...lots of ski trips to nh,vt, me, in some pretty awful conditions, never gotten stuck. Coilpacks and faulty electrical work leaving me stranded, that’s another story all together. Sadly that’s part of the deal these days with owning a VW, maybe the finally will get it right with the new Jetta/GTI.

I laugh at how small my car looks every time I pull into BRP and park my GTI next to the Ram's, F-250's, Silverado's, etc. Then I think about the nightmare it would be to park one of those in Boston and I'm grateful for my small car.
This thread is like the "Jelly of the Month Club". It's the gift that keeps giving the whole year through. [smile]
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I think we should put Keith and Adam in a cage match. If I were running it I would put in a chainsaw, a ladder and a set of nunchucks.

What 3 items would you put in?
The good thing about Trucks and Jeeps...

Is that they are good for pulling...

Even pulling out the Jettas and Passats that are off the side of the road because they think that they can fly by you in a foot of snow on 95...

I love to see those guys on the way to work... They fly by me, then are waving me down when they flew off the side of the road.

I just smile and wave back....

And of the VW's I've owned, they did spend a lot of time being worked on... Most were really old...one was my sand rail, and the other was a Fox. That Fox I swore was a lemon, but then I spoke to other Fox drivers and everyone said the same thing..

I have two guys I work with and both had Passats, both of them sold them after a year and bought Volvos because they were spending more money on thier VW's in repairs than they spend on thier boats.
I think we should put Keith and Adam in a cage match. If I were running it I would put in a chainsaw, a ladder and a set of nunchucks.

What 3 items would you put in?

[laugh2] [rofl] That's OK... I'll bare knuckle it... Scriv can have anything he wants though, besides a firearm! [smile]
Then I think about the nightmare it would be to park one of those in Boston and I'm grateful for my small car.

Yet another reason to be glad that I am far away from Bahstun.
Then I think about the nightmare it would be to park one of those in Boston and I'm grateful for my small car.
A fellow I know commuted to MIT in his old F350. He was in several accidents where small japanese cars cut him off. After a while, he started painting little Japanese flags on the driver's door of his truck, one for each car that he totaled with his truck [grin]
[rofl] [laugh2]

Maybe Jon should ask his Captain for permission to paint a little Santa on the side of his cruiser? [devil] [rofl2]
I have two guys I work with and both had Passats, both of them sold them after a year and bought Volvos because they were spending more money on thier VW's in repairs than they spend on thier boats.

Curious... 3 year 36,000 mile warrenty and every VW dealer I know provides loaner cars. Where's the expense in the first year?

And Volvo is owned by FORD. aka - Found On Road Dead.


Although I have to admit, the XC70 is a wonderful car. However, the Audi (Owned by VW) Allroad far outshines the XC70 with its variable height suspention system. Able to rise up when clearance is needed and get down and low when on the highway.

Of course, the Subaru Baja Turbo with the WRX motor would spank either car in just about any road course.
A fellow I know commuted to MIT in his old F350. He was in several accidents where small japanese cars cut him off. After a while, he started painting little Japanese flags on the driver's door of his truck, one for each car that he totaled with his truck [grin]

He should mount telephone poles for bumpers.

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