It is SO ON! Improved! Now 60% more evil then last month!


Resident HK Guru
Mar 1, 2006
Not in the PRM.
Feedback: 26 / 0 / 0
There's something evil, black and German-made coming to Foopatainia very, very soon.... [devil2]



Ladies and Gentlemen, without further delay:




I present to you, one HK94A3 with factory collapsible stock, barrel shroud, 3 factory 30 round mags and 1 forty round mag. Along with a wearable thigh-mount 3 mag holder and the factory tactical sling. 1986 import date in 99% condition.

Sorry to keep everyone in suspense, but I wanted to show it with the nifty barrel shround and K-grip, but the knuckleheads at (company to be named later after BS has been resolved) saw fit to not ship it to me (along with 3 others) for over 10 days! [angry]

I'll try to take some less sucky pictures later.

Now all I need is a pre-ban Beta-C mag for it, my MG license and 13,000.00 MORE dollars for the registered sear. [shocked]

I tell ya, I NEVER get buyer's remorse/sticker shock on purchases, but this one hurt just a little...


Well, I found out that there's no such thing as a pre-ban Beta-C mag for a MP5, but I managed to track down a bonafide C+S Metall Werkes 72-round drum in brand new condition and a genuine H&K "K" forward grip and adapter. I finally got to shoot this Bad Larry at the Mansfield shoot, and it runs like a top! Here are some pictures of the now completed rifle:




Stay tuned for pics of the "Sledgehammer"... [devil2]
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It's even worse for me as I'm at werk and can't even see the one pic. I'd curse the IT department, but I'm IN the IT department.[rolleyes]

It's a picture of four long, curved, double-stack magazines which appear to be full of 9mm ammo.
I was present to witness the momentus event. Well actually, I provided the necessary support and guidance to enable the fooped to come to the correct decision on whether it was more important to keep his money or acquire the lovely piece of german engineering. Now there have been rumours that my advice was very self centered and that cajoleing master fooped was just a means to and ends for providing myself a much more readily available range borrowing opportunity, and to those critics I say.........Yea...and?
[popcorn] Someone is going to be even MORE popular at the next group shoot. If that's even possible with all the toys he already has.

Hummmm, either he's single or independantly wealthy. [smile][laugh]
I can't wait to see it, I hope your going SBR if it's a rifle, if it is a pistol I will hound you at the next shoot.
SHOW IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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