Justice Kavanaugh

I agree, but George Soros only cares about optics and media coverage.

Democrats are masters of the brainwashing. They care about small details. If you are an intelligent person, their protests, lingo and sophisticated BS is not for you but it certainly works on masses which are lazy to think. Masses need soundbites which they just repeat and inflate. Masses respect protesters. They like to see violence because in their minds violence is the only tool which may change their existing status.
Not sure if its just me but my feelings about the Republicans have gone from "Traitors!", to a raised eyebrow and a slight nod of the head to "Hell YEAH!" to a raised eyebrow and a nagging feeling that theyre setting me up to be stabbed in the back again. Have the Washington Generals of American politics gotten permission from the Globetrotters to start winning games?

They know they can't cave on kav. because the optics fail would cause poll abandonment in November, amongst other things. And trump would call them spineless and be 110% validated.
Not sure if its just me but my feelings about the Republicans have gone from "Traitors!", to a raised eyebrow and a slight nod of the head to "Hell YEAH!" to a raised eyebrow and a nagging feeling that theyre setting me up to be stabbed in the back again. Have the Washington Generals of American politics gotten permission from the Globetrotters to start winning games?

It sure makes you wonder. Have they finally grown a backbone or are we being set up for a back stabbing somewhere down the road.
I still watch the ones from the 2016 election.
Same here. It was only maybe a week of two ago when one popped up on my YT feed and I ended up watching 3 or 4 back to back for almost an hour. Love the Young Turks ones that go from "HEEHEE Hillary gonna win" to "OK no need for panic" to "God dammit what the f*ck is going on!!?" [laugh]
Looks like they are finally starting to realize you cant negotiate or coexist with communists. And the modern Democrat party is a radical bunch of communists bent on their destruction. It aint no conspiracy theory.

Not sure if its just me but my feelings about the Republicans have gone from "Traitors!", to a raised eyebrow and a slight nod of the head to "Hell YEAH!" to a raised eyebrow and a nagging feeling that theyre setting me up to be stabbed in the back again. Have the Washington Generals of American politics gotten permission from the Globetrotters to start winning games?
Not sure if its just me but my feelings about the Republicans have gone from "Traitors!", to a raised eyebrow and a slight nod of the head to "Hell YEAH!" to a raised eyebrow and a nagging feeling that theyre setting me up to be stabbed in the back again. Have the Washington Generals of American politics gotten permission from the Globetrotters to start winning games?

You may be easy to please. [kiss]

If you are serious about the future of our country you need to understand that we did not fill the swamp yet. Bulldozer needs to run 24/7 and both parties have to be retired and replaced in the next decade. Commies will work like a stimulus, they did not show what they can "accomplished" yet. Once they will show us how far they will go, we will quickly realize that naive Republicans, Bakers and Flakes are no match to young commies. Unless we want to stay in the underground forever we will need to move faster and without any illusions.
Looks like they are finally starting to realize you cant negotiate or coexist with communists. And the modern Democrat party is a radical bunch of communists bent on their destruction. It aint no conspiracy theory.

Democrats provided excellent conditions for commies who are planning to skip the socialist nonsense and they will go right after commie illusion. That will lead to a major conflict which will be quite welcomed by China and Russia.
It sure makes you wonder. Have they finally grown a backbone or are we being set up for a back stabbing somewhere down the road.

I would expect ones like Graham et al to revert to most of their typical rino BS in a week or two. They only circled the wagons on this because IMHO the political costs for allowing the far left to go unchecked on this would
be immense. It's easy to get away with wasting tax dollars. That happens all the time... on the other hand- chickening out because of a bunch of screaming moonbats? Very, very damaging.

They're already melting down. Dan Rather said:
So Collins misses her moment to be a hero, and the old bulls win again. Trump, McConnell, Grassley, Hatch, Graham—the whole lot of them-- win. Again. They are laughing, congratulating one another, and at least metaphorically are popping Champagne.

For most women and many men it’s a bitter, devastating loss. Which makes it all the sweeter for the old bulls, and for the forces of power, privilege and money everywhere. A sense that the nation’s climate of justice has taken another turn toward dark clouds rises. The age-old question for the country of whether we prioritize power, privilege and money over justice takes on renewed importance.

So I talk to the wife—the good, gentle wife—who is furious and deeply disappointed. Talk to my daughter—the lion-hearted eldest child—whose first words are, “Can we, will we survive this?” I answer, “Of course we can, and if we have the will and the spirit, we will not only, survive we will thrive. Eventually. But if, and only if, we are “get-up fighters.” Strong as she usually is, she doesn’t seem convinced.

So, I take a walk, to be alone with my thoughts and reminders to stay steady. Among the thoughts that emerge are these:

Cut through the clouds of the present, consider the long river of history, and one can see this as a breakthrough moment for women. To paraphrase the daughter who recently said in another context, "women have never had a better moment to be heard in politics, to make a difference.” That is, if they—and those of us men who support them—seize the moment (if they don’t miss the moment as Senator Collins has.)

What that requires is that women and the men who love them and hate what has happen adopt an attitude of “we can be beaten but never defeated.” Adopt it, cling to it and live it as a credo.

Be relentless. When things are bad, when the going is tough, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and carry forward. Also, maybe take as a goal what an old man once said to me: "keep trying, keep fighting, keep smiling every minute you’re alive; you’re going to be dead a long time.”

And recognize that you are not alone. Far from it. Look to your left and right, before you and behind you, at the millions who will support you on this journey for justice. Fill your lungs with the determined air of action. I find myself humming that old but powerful anthem of the Civil Rights Era. "We'll walk hand in hand!" "We are not afraid!" "We shall overcome!"


Here we go!
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They're already melting down. Dan Rather said:
So Collins misses her moment to be a hero, and the old bulls win again. Trump, McConnell, Grassley, Hatch, Graham—the whole lot of them-- win. Again. They are laughing, congratulating one another, and at least metaphorically are popping Champagne.

For most women and many men it’s a bitter, devastating loss. Which makes it all the sweeter for the old bulls, and for the forces of power, privilege and money everywhere. A sense that the nation’s climate of justice has taken another turn toward dark clouds rises. The age-old question for the country of whether we prioritize power, privilege and money over justice takes on renewed importance.

So I talk to the wife—the good, gentle wife—who is furious and deeply disappointed. Talk to my daughter—the lion-hearted eldest child—whose first words are, “Can we, will we survive this?” I answer, “Of course we can, and if we have the will and the spirit, we will not only, survive we will thrive. Eventually. But if, and only if, we are “get-up fighters.” Strong as she usually is, she doesn’t seem convinced.

So, I take a walk, to be alone with my thoughts and reminders to stay steady. Among the thoughts that emerge are these:

Cut through the clouds of the present, consider the long river of history, and one can see this as a breakthrough moment for women. To paraphrase the daughter who recently said in another context, "women have never had a better moment to be heard in politics, to make a difference.” That is, if they—and those of us men who support them—seize the moment (if they don’t miss the moment as Senator Collins has.)

What that requires is that women and the men who love them and hate what has happen adopt an attitude of “we can be beaten but never defeated.” Adopt it, cling to it and live it as a credo.

Be relentless. When things are bad, when the going is tough, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and carry forward. Also, maybe take as a goal what an old man once said to me: "keep trying, keep fighting, keep smiling every minute you’re alive; you’re going to be dead a long time.”

And recognize that you are not alone. Far from it. Look to your left and right, before you and behind you, at the millions who will support you on this journey for justice. Fill your lungs with the determined air of action. I find myself humming that old but powerful anthem of the Civil Rights Era. "We'll walk hand in hand!" "We are not afraid!" "We shall overcome!"

Dan Rather? #ME2 Dan Rather? He did not learn anything and he will be stuck in the last century forever. He has no impact on radical commies who will now focus on making Blue Waves in November.
They're already melting down. Dan Rather said:
So Collins misses her moment to be a hero, and the old bulls win again. Trump, McConnell, Grassley, Hatch, Graham—the whole lot of them-- win. Again. They are laughing, congratulating one another, and at least metaphorically are popping Champagne.

For most women and many men it’s a bitter, devastating loss. Which makes it all the sweeter for the old bulls, and for the forces of power, privilege and money everywhere. A sense that the nation’s climate of justice has taken another turn toward dark clouds rises. The age-old question for the country of whether we prioritize power, privilege and money over justice takes on renewed importance.

So I talk to the wife—the good, gentle wife—who is furious and deeply disappointed. Talk to my daughter—the lion-hearted eldest child—whose first words are, “Can we, will we survive this?” I answer, “Of course we can, and if we have the will and the spirit, we will not only, survive we will thrive. Eventually. But if, and only if, we are “get-up fighters.” Strong as she usually is, she doesn’t seem convinced.

So, I take a walk, to be alone with my thoughts and reminders to stay steady. Among the thoughts that emerge are these:

Cut through the clouds of the present, consider the long river of history, and one can see this as a breakthrough moment for women. To paraphrase the daughter who recently said in another context, "women have never had a better moment to be heard in politics, to make a difference.” That is, if they—and those of us men who support them—seize the moment (if they don’t miss the moment as Senator Collins has.)

What that requires is that women and the men who love them and hate what has happen adopt an attitude of “we can be beaten but never defeated.” Adopt it, cling to it and live it as a credo.

Be relentless. When things are bad, when the going is tough, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and carry forward. Also, maybe take as a goal what an old man once said to me: "keep trying, keep fighting, keep smiling every minute you’re alive; you’re going to be dead a long time.”

And recognize that you are not alone. Far from it. Look to your left and right, before you and behind you, at the millions who will support you on this journey for justice. Fill your lungs with the determined air of action. I find myself humming that old but powerful anthem of the Civil Rights Era. "We'll walk hand in hand!" "We are not afraid!" "We shall overcome!"

The Latest: Murkowski calls Kavanaugh decision 'agonizing' | Boston.com

8:20 p.m.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she opposes Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh but will ask to be recorded as “present” during Saturday’s confirmation vote to accommodate another GOP senator who will be at his daughter’s wedding in Montana.

Senators often partner like that to allow an absence without affecting the outcome. Murkowski’s vote will allow Sen. Steve Daines to walk his daughter down the aisle.

The Alaska Republican was laying out her reasons late Friday for opposing Kavanaugh, a decision she called “agonizing.”

7 p.m.

Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor are raising concerns about partisanship on the high court.

Kagan and Sotomayor spoke Friday at an event at Princeton University.

Without mentioning President Donald Trump or Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the justices responded to a question about the politics of the moment.

Kagan says there had traditionally been a “middle” of the court and it’s not clear there will be going forward. She says it’s important for the court to guard its legitimacy, or the public could lose respect for it.

View: https://youtu.be/oGQQ8y4afE8
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I would love to rain down a couple thousand cats on these losers lol.


The Latest: Murkowski calls Kavanaugh decision 'agonizing' | Boston.com

8:20 p.m.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she opposes Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh but will ask to be recorded as “present” during Saturday’s confirmation vote to accommodate another GOP senator who will be at his daughter’s wedding in Montana.

Senators often partner like that to allow an absence without affecting the outcome. Murkowski’s vote will allow Sen. Steve Daines to walk his daughter down the aisle.

The Alaska Republican was laying out her reasons late Friday for opposing Kavanaugh, a decision she called “agonizing.”

7 p.m.

Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor are raising concerns about partisanship on the high court.

Kagan and Sotomayor spoke Friday at an event at Princeton University.

Without mentioning President Donald Trump or Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the justices responded to a question about the politics of the moment.

Kagan says there had traditionally been a “middle” of the court and it’s not clear there will be going forward. She says it’s important for the court to guard its legitimacy, or the public could lose respect for it.

View: https://youtu.be/oGQQ8y4afE8

Wow, a live pairing.... With someone of the same party.
SCOTUS nomination of kavanaugh live

Lisa can say its agonizing all she wants, but this makes her record look a little better than the NO vote would have.
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