KAG ARMS at the MILL, Prices Are Awesome

You can get 54 of these if you sell one of the Noveskes. 216 if you find 4 suckers.

He will then sell the 216 for $648,000
You can get 54 of these if you sell one of the Noveskes. 216 if you find 4 suckers.

Are those Anderson's Pre Healey?

Or, will they be subject to confiscation after the new law passes?

Are those Anderson's Pre Healey?

Or, will they be subject to confiscation after the new law passes?


he has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, & conditions of existence:

he has incited treasonable insurrections in our fellow-subjects, with the allurements of forfeiture & confiscation of our property

And for the support of this declaration we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, & our sacred honour.

Join, or Die.
he has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, & conditions of existence:

he has incited treasonable insurrections in our fellow-subjects, with the allurements of forfeiture & confiscation of our property

And for the support of this declaration we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, & our sacred honour.

Join, or Die.

They way they are going everything will be subject to confiscation eventually, flood the free market now, flood the streets with tyrants in the future
I'm standing by my $500 buy in. That gets us $475 store credit must be spent same day. Need enough members to make it profitable enough to open on Wednesday, everyone must say "not that Chris" and @chris_1001 gets to say I'm the good Chris 🤣


Are those Anderson's Pre Healey?

Or, will they be subject to confiscation after the new law passes?


Dude… Seriously?????

They are pre tomorrow today.
I must have missed you, I was there around 1300-1330 :)
Yeah I was there with silversquirrel during that time.
You must have been the guy with the black coat talking to Sharif? I was the one standing around with carhart pants and a gray t shirt listening to you guys talk while I waited for silversquirrel to do the 4473 😂
Yeah I was there with silversquirrel during that time.
You must have been the guy with the black coat talking to Sharif? I was the one standing around with carhart pants and a gray t shirt listening to you guys talk while I waited for silversquirrel to do the 4473 😂
How does Sharif keep up with all those customers?

Does he use deli tickets?

Sounds like he's got lots of workers helping.

I mean if he sells 100 guns in an afternoon, somebody has to be helping.
How does Sharif keep up with all those customers?

Does he use deli tickets?

Sounds like he's got lots of workers helping.

I mean if he sells 100 guns in an afternoon, somebody has to be helping.
No. Sharif is one hell of a multi talker. I think it also helps that many of his customers know what they want and come in say I’d like to buy XYZ…
Not all customers though lol
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Yeah I think this is the Gl(c)ock ring you speak of. It's the one that hits the prostate too.

View attachment 857612

Which part goes on/in first????? No, I don't want one, but I'm assuming you've got experience and all that. ROFL!!!!

And that strip in the middle is gonna separate "the boys" like a momma breaking up a fight with her 4yo twins. Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
I moved on from LaRue a while ago.. In the beginning his mounts were the shit.

The best thing about LaRue now is the price of his triggers.

Yeah, back before 2010, his mounts were some of the best available. But now we’re spoiled with so many options.
Yeah I think this is the Gl(c)ock ring you speak of. It's the one that hits the prostate too.

View attachment 857612

Which part goes on/in first????? No, I don't want one, but I'm assuming you've got experience and all that. ROFL!!!!

And that strip in the middle is gonna separate "the boys" like a momma breaking up a fight with her 4yo twins. Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
No experience but I got some sick-minded friends...
Stopped by KAG tonight.

Might have spent some money…

All was quiet and peaceful until someone decided to hit the building by the loading dock and by the direct entrance to kag, not once but twice (20 min apart) with a box truck trying to get to/from the above mentioned dock.

Stereotypes exist sometimes for a good reason.

ETA: The box truck was a tenant of the mill, so that imho makes it that much more f’d up.
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