Keltec Sub 2000


Army Veteran
May 15, 2012
Franklin, MA
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I purchased a Sub 2k in 9mm today, just because I haven't decided whether or not to stay with .40 version or go with 9mm,and it was too hard to pass up. What is the consensus here?

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I have had both versions. I like the 40 cal myself. It takes glock mags. I had to many failure to feeds from under powered 9mm. Never had a problem with the 40 cal. Also stay away from the aluminum cased stuff. Great rifle. Congrats
Shot one in 9mm. 1st gen model. It felt flimsy but worked. I much prefer the cx4 storm. To each his own.
I have had both versions. I like the 40 cal myself. It takes glock mags. I had to many failure to feeds from under powered 9mm. Never had a problem with the 40 cal. Also stay away from the aluminum cased stuff. Great rifle. Congrats

Was your 9mm a Gen 1 or Gen 2?

The .40? I've heard what you've described before- thanks for your help!

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I liked the 'coolness' factor of the folding sub 2k but I found it uncomfortable to shoot even with the buffer tube cover on. I also had lots of ftf unless I was using +p.
Once I tried the cx4 I found it much more comfy to shoot. It's the carbine that won't miss! The only downfall is cleaning the bolt with all the nook and crannys is a pain, and I'm one of those weirdos who actually enjoys cleaning guns.
I purchased a Sub 2k in 9mm today, just because I haven't decided whether or not to stay with .40 version or go with 9mm,and it was too hard to pass up. What is the consensus here?

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Just wondering where did you purchase it from? I've been trying to find one myself n 9mm as well. Preferable one that takes Sig mags.
I have a gen 1 9mm that takes glock 17 mags. Has been a great little rifle. Trigger sucks compared to a CMC drop in ar, but then again it's not a precision rifle. Do you have both the .40 and 9mm now?
I have the Gen 2 that takes G19 mags and what ever I have put in a Mag, it has never failed at all. Cheap Blazer, Fed Alum, Winchester white box, Etc..I put the tacticool pad on it also.
I can hit the steel plates at 100 yards with it.


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I have a gen 1 9mm that takes glock 17 mags. Has been a great little rifle. Trigger sucks compared to a CMC drop in ar, but then again it's not a precision rifle. Do you have both the .40 and 9mm now?

I do! Lucky me- ha ha. I am leaning towards moving the .40 and keeping the 9mm at this point.

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I do! Lucky me- ha ha. I am leaning towards moving the .40 and keeping the 9mm at this point.

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Noooooo!! I want it!

I was told the Gen 2 cannot use preban glock mags. Can anyone confirm or deny?
I've got a 9. Probably 1st gen as I've had it forever. Crappy sights. Like, "how do these even work?" sights. But damn it hits an 8" gong with scary regularity at 100yds. That, and the 9mm bullet runs pretty flat from 0-100 yds. I was surprised at that as well.

Fun gun.
Always really liked the sub2k. Shot the 1st gen (which had a few hiccups, but whatever) pretty well, and from what I hear the hen 2 is even better. Been considering trading my sks for one but, I really like the sks too! Decisions decisions...
I've been thinking about getting one of these.... can anybody name (or PM me) some shops that regularly carry these?
I bought a gen1 9mm about 12 years ago. I had to send it back to Kel Tec and have the sear replaced after a month of owning it because it started to double fire. Since then I've only had to take it apart once because of a pin that somehow moved and caused the trigger to bind. These aren't perfect guns and I'd never trust my life to one but we are talking Kel Tec here. Still, I've fired well over a thousand rounds through mine so I can't complain. They're kind of a pain in the ass to work on but like I said... Kel Tec.

If you're having trouble cycling certain ammo types, polish the feed ramp. Just about every Sub2000 I've seen needs to have it done.
I have someone interested in the .40 cal one now, wonder what the process is to sell to him since he's a CT resident... time to search NES...
Sub2k's have nothing in common with an AR or AK so they are Not Assault Weapons by the AG's definitions...

This is good.

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