Long LTC delays?

May 1, 2006
Warren, MA
Feedback: 2 / 1 / 0
Anyone having long delays in recieving LTC renewals with the new license format? Been waiting since May for my renewal-now expired. I noticed on my bank statement two weeks ago that the check just got cashed. I called to check on it right before I got the statement, but no luck-not in yet.

Any recourse here? Anyone have similar issues?
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While previously there have been some delays at the State Police end of the system, almost all the delays that people experience today are due to their local police either dropping the ball or deliberately dragging their feet.

It took 100 days for my LTC to issue the first time. I think this is not too uncommon.

My guess is your PD dropped the ball and submitted the paper work after you called.

For me, it took calling my state senator's office and having them call the local PD to get the thing to issue.

Could somebody please explain to me how, without spending tens of thousands of dollars, can we persuade law enforcement to actually follow the law? Does or does not MGL say that they have FORTY days for the process and decision to be completed? [frown]
Could somebody please explain to me how, without spending tens of thousands of dollars, can we persuade law enforcement to actually follow the law? Does or does not MGL say that they have FORTY days for the process and decision to be completed? [frown]

Yes it does. And do you know what penalty it specifies for failure or outright refusal to comply with this requirement? That's right, none whatsoever. Sort of like passing a law making murder or armed robbery illegal, but not imposing any punishment for violation. Wait a minute! That's what we already have here, de facto. [shocked] Maybe that's part of the problem in that area, too. [rolleyes]

Our government loves to pass the laws. It's enforcing them that's tough. Then again, if the AG wasn't so freaking busy trying to enhance his political career by pandering to the electorate or pushing his own personal agenda, and actually made an effort to enforce the laws, we might actually see if the laws really worked. I can't remember an AG that haddn't had desires of higher office.....
Yes it does. And do you know what penalty it specifies for failure or outright refusal to comply with this requirement? That's right, none whatsoever. Sort of like passing a law making murder or armed robbery illegal, but not imposing any punishment for violation. Wait a minute! That's what we already have here, de facto. [shocked] Maybe that's part of the problem in that area, too. [rolleyes]





Chapter 265: Section 37. Violations of constitutional rights; punishment

Section 37. No person, whether or not acting under color of law, shall by force or threat of force, willfully injure, intimidate or interfere with, or attempt to injure, intimidate or interfere with, or oppress or threaten any other person in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the constitution or laws of the commonwealth or by the constitution or laws of the United States. Any person convicted of violating this provision shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year or both; and if bodily injury results, shall be punished by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than ten years, or both.

Seems that a chief of police is acting under the color of law in the issuance of an LTC......and that in his or her willful delaying of its issuance that he or she is "interfering" with the free exercise or enjoyment of a priviledge(because the LTC is a permitted process).

I'd be interested if there is case law based on this statute in MA. I don't have time to look it up right now.

I know I almost filed a suit based on it with regard to my machinegun license years ago and from discussion with the potential defendant I would have won hands down by their own admissions during an interview.

I also suspect that there isn't a judge in the entire state that would impose such a penalty because they are spineless, corrupt and are sheep.
Commonwealth v. Davis --- There's no individual "right" involved, either in the 2nd Amendment or in the Massachusetts Constitution, so there's nothing to be violated. [frown]

Commonwealth v. Davis --- There's no individual "right" involved, either in the 2nd Amendment or in the Massachusetts Constitution, so there's nothing to be violated. [frown]


It says rights or privileges.......the issuance of an LTC in MA, is a permitted privilege with a fee/TAX attatched to it.

It qualifies.

And, I can't believe that you think that the second ammendment doesn't infer an individual right. Does it not say "The right of the people"? Well? You and I are those people and it is OUR right that the government is barred from infinging upon. It does not say the right of the state, it does not say the right of the military, it says the people....ALL the people, the citizens.
Just because some schmuck on a court, even the Supreme Court, or some leftwing anti gun group spouts off an iterpratation of the Constitution, doesn't make it so. The Supreme Court has been wrong before and reversed itself and it will be wrong again. So has almost every other court in the nation at one time or another. It all depends on who's bringing the case, how much money is involved and the political views and leanings of those hearing it. If you think the court system in this country is legit, you are so drastically mistaken.
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A student in an NRA Personal Protection course asked your
question of the LEO who was doing the legal section of
the course.

The Licensing Officer of Lawrence PD said (in reference to
the 40 day time period for approving/denying a
license): "What's the matter with those people (meaning
the state reps/senators who passed the law)? ... Don't they
know I get six weeks vacation?".

Could somebody please explain to me how, without spending tens of thousands of dollars, can we persuade law enforcement to actually follow the law? Does or does not MGL say that they have FORTY days for the process and decision to be completed? [frown]
And, I can't believe that you think that the second ammendment doesn't infer an individual right.

I think that if you knew Ken better you would not make this inference. I believe that he was quoting a court decision, not his personal views.
Sorry Ken, my humble apologies, I mistook your post as a personal opinion.

I guess we agree then, ......the courts are wrong.
Heads up--

I sent an e-mail to the chiefs clerk (see below) seems it was a mix up at the front desk. Here is the whole conversation...

From: Paul McCarthy
To: wpdma@verizon.net
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:50 AM
Subject: LTA Renewal

Hi Ruth-

I submitted my LTC renewal back in May and have not heard any feedback as to the status of it. I was hoping you could take a moment to get some information for me in that respect. I called the dispatch desk? (413-436-9595) and asked if they had it. Nothing there yet. I didn't want to intrude on your schedule, so I thought I'd drop an e-mail. I appreciate any help you can be. You may respond either to this e-mail address or to any of the numbers below. I am in my office daily until about 3:00PM or anytime on my cell.


Recieved this in addition to calls to my office voice mail and home that afternoon

From: WarrenPoliceClerk [mailto:wpdma@verizon.net]
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 3:45 PM
To: Paul McCarthy
Subject: Re: LTA Renewal

Hi Paul,
I went out in dispatch and found your card right away. I'm not sure why the Dispatcher couldn't see it when looking in the folder. I issued the card on June 26th ,2006.... but, Maybe it was busy in there and they were preoccupied with police calls at the time you came in. I will send an e-mail to all to just remind them where the cards are in dispatch. (just in case) The letter or pin number letter, is attached. The Firearms record bureau has issued everyone a pin number because you need to use it when purchasing a weapon at dealers who are on line with the state.
Sorry about the mix up.
Take care, Ruth Davis
Warren Police Department

Hi Ruth-

Thanks for the blazing response to my e-mail. I picked up my license this weekend. I just wanted to drop a line and say thanks. Sometimes things don't move as smoothly as we'd all like, and when it does, we rarely make mention of it to those who deserve it. This efficiency reflects great credit on the Department and your contribution to it. Thanks again.

Paul McCarthy

From: WarrenPoliceClerk [mailto:wpdma@verizon.net]
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 10:28 AM
To: Paul McCarthy
Subject: Re: LTA Renewal

Thank you so much for the kind words. You are so right about not hearing good things.
Thanks so much again,
Ruth Davis
Warren PD


From: Paul McCarthy
To: WarrenPoliceClerk
Cc: wpdchief@verizon.net
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 6:06 AM
Subject: RE: LTA Renewal
CC'd this to the Chief as well when I sent it. Sometimes not all the right people hear the right things. Thanks again.
Nice letter! Way to use honey instead of vinegar. :)

My non-residnet initiall app took 30 days to get back to me (actually they mailed it back within a day or so because I had neglected to fill "N/A" in some blank spots).

I submitted my renewal in early august (old one expires Sept 15). We'll see when this one comes back!
ltc application in chicopee ma

I applied for my class a LTC in Chicopee MA on March 25th. They told me 90 days to get mine. I asked why so long and he told me because the state police were receiving so many applications that ot what their fault. So anyways six weeks after I put in my application I got a call from chicopee police asking me a question about application. I asked the officer if this mean my license was all set for me to pick up and he said no and that they have not even submitted it to the state yet. I was furious! The police. Department has been sitting on my application for almost 2 months. So who knows when I will get in now. I asked the officer and he told me maybe in July. That's. 4 months! B.S. my buddy submitted his at the same time as me in belchertown ma and has already received his. Just goes to show you it varies by town and city. On top of all that my buddy who does not have the cleanest past record got his in 5 weeks and it was unrestricted. I will be waiting atleast 4 months in chicopee and the police department there already told me that they don't issue unrestricted and that everyone gets a hunting and target restriction. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Any recourse here? Anyone have similar issues?[/QUOTE]
I applied for my class a LTC in Chicopee MA on March 25th. They told me 90 days to get mine. I asked why so long and he told me because the state police were receiving so many applications that ot what their fault. So anyways six weeks after I put in my application I got a call from chicopee police asking me a question about application. I asked the officer if this mean my license was all set for me to pick up and he said no and that they have not even submitted it to the state yet. I was furious! The police. Department has been sitting on my application for almost 2 months. So who knows when I will get in now. I asked the officer and he told me maybe in July. That's. 4 months! B.S. my buddy submitted his at the same time as me in belchertown ma and has already received his. Just goes to show you it varies by town and city. On top of all that my buddy who does not have the cleanest past record got his in 5 weeks and it was unrestricted. I will be waiting atleast 4 months in chicopee and the police department there already told me that they don't issue unrestricted and that everyone gets a hunting and target restriction. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Any recourse here? Anyone have similar issues?

I renewed mine in Feb, they told me to prepare to wait. My town used to get them in and back in about two weeks. I know the licensing officer in my town (he's also a member of my club) and he said that he's going to send it in that day as he has several other people that were coming in as well. I called a week before my birthday which was about 6 or 7 weeks later and he said that it was approved, they are just waiting for it to come back from the state. He said that as soon as it comes in, he'll activate it and give me a call.

They said that they usually only get a 20 or so a month but they have been getting close to 80-100 a month lately and it's been causing a bit of a backup.

Anyway, he called me about a week or so later and told me to come and pick it up. I got it before it expired, but I would guess that normal wait times are 6-8 weeks...so I would get in and renew a little earlier if you can.
"And, I can't believe that you think that the second ammendment doesn't infer an individual right."

In any case, I think you mean "imply."
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