It is not about cause and effect, but different views of the relationship between the government and the governed.
No, I think it’s a lot to do with cause and effect.
When I talk with liberals I often hear phrases like “I just feel like everyone deserves this” or “with all the money this country spends on the military there’s no reason we can’t provide free XYZ”
When I hear from conservatives the discussion is a lot more like “if we take money from this part of the economy, it will stop producing XYZ and eventually the result will be even less of XYZ” or “The result of increasing XYZ subsidies results in the increase or decrease in XYZ”
That’s typical of my experience in these discussions. So in my opinion there is absolutely two very different methods of problem solving going on. One deals more with cause and effects and puts emotions on the backseat and one puts emotions in the foreground and leaves cause and effect on the backseat.