MA Gun Grab 2024: H.4885 - Passed legislature, headed to the governor

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Just when I get out, they pull me back in.
So you don't understand that colloquial definition, official definitions and legal definitions can be wildly different and that most people use the colloquial definition as default unless they clearly indicate differently (or the conversation is a formal or legal discussion)
So we are using the definition YOU posted but now that's not the one you want to use, confusing [rolleyes]
ooo! oooo! i get to use the economics degree y'all (MA Residents) paid for!!

Money is a commodity accepted by general consent as a medium of economic exchange. It is the medium in which prices and values are expressed. It circulates from person to person and country to country, facilitating trade, and it is the principal measure of wealth.

pieces of paper can be money, metals can be money, dried grains can be money.

Currency is a medium of exchange for goods and services. In short, it's money, in the form of paper and coins, usually issued by a government and generally accepted at its face value as a method of payment.

Legal tender is any form of payment recognized by a government, used to pay debts or financial obligations, such as tax payments.
Perfect. I agree, legal tender is currency that is recognized(issued) by a government. But we aren't talking about "Legal Tender".
While currency may be issued by a government, it's not always so.
In addition, bitcoin was widely promoted as the next thing in currency, was the whole thing a lie? Well, maybe, but the point is anything that people agree to exchange for goods or services is currency, and it does not have to be issued by a gov.

And yes, we should make NES currency, we can get the paper here Welcome to Crane Currency - Crane Currency and they are right here in Nashua [devil]
anyone else, besides me, think the clowns are waiting for any SCOTUS decisions that could sink their plan?
Could be, but they only have until July 31st.
The Legislature has many bills in conference right now, wondering if it's been pushed down the priority list a little bit, other items are getting more attention right now like the illegal alien invasion, blow back is building on this issue.

Plus this thing will be rolled out in the dead of night.
anyone else, besides me, think the clowns are waiting for any SCOTUS decisions that could sink their plan?

If they are its Cargill they are waiting on in order to get a "clearer" definition of arms outside the second's protection.

I doubt they are waiting on Rahimi since that is about restoring rights and they don't believe in that.

If they are its Cargill they are waiting on in order to get a "clearer" definition of arms outside the second's protection.

I doubt they are waiting on Rahimi since that is about restoring rights and they don't believe in that.
I doubt it's Cargill, as they've already passed a 'bump stock IS a machine gun' law in MA
I doubt it's Cargill, as they've already passed a 'bump stock IS a machine gun' law in MA
If they are waiting for a SCOTUS opinion, it will be Cargill, not for the question specific to bump stocks but for the dicta around what exactly Heller meant when it states
cases, commentators and courts routinely explained that the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.
And juxtaposed against:
the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.
With the only real development between those seemingly opposed statements being

We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. Miller said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those “in common use at the time.” 307 U. S., at 179. We think that limitation is fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of “dangerous and unusual weapons.”

Given that the government has itself defined a bump stock as a machinegun and therefore an arm, the court must determine if it fits within the historical definition of unusual within the purvue of "bearing arms for lawful purpose" (Cruikshank). Since at the time of the ATF redefinition many millions of bump stocks were in circulation with very few (one?) uses rising to the level of unusually dangerous (Las Vegas shooting), it would be hard to argue that bumpstocks are not usually kept for lawful purpose.

So there is a material question of if bumpstocks can be banned because they are unusually dangerous and outside the 2nd's protection then what qualities define them as unprotected.
Given that dicta, the Mass House of Tyranny can rewrite the bill to use any ambiguity in the decision to widen their bans and solidify the state's antigun positions.

If SOTCUS finds that bump stocks are protected then any ambiguity between automatic weapons that can be banned and faux automatic weapons that are protected will be amplified and used against us.

And all of that goes out the window if SCOTUS simply says that a function of the trigger means physical movement of the trigger by the operator regardless of technical contrivance meant to accelerate the activation past the operator's abilities alone.
But then forced reset triggers (and similar) become fully protected also.
They do - that's why they need another surrogate like Biden in next term so they can replace two conservative justices.
And they would LOVE an expanded Supreme Court that was overwhelmingly leftist and anti-2A. I get that. 🤔

But is the MA Legislature really going to hold up their promise to destroy us in order to wait for more possible SCOTUS decisions on 2A? :oops:

I don't think so. Something else is holding it up (the illegal alien crisis?), but be patient. They still have more than enough time left to royally screw us over. :(
And they would LOVE an expanded Supreme Court that was overwhelmingly leftist and anti-2A. I get that. 🤔

But is the MA Legislature really going to hold up their promise to destroy us in order to wait for more possible SCOTUS decisions on 2A? :oops:

I don't think so. Something else is holding it up (the illegal alien crisis?), but be patient. They still have more than enough time left to royally screw us over. :(
Our side continously made extremely compelling arguments on the constitutionality of many of the provisions in the bill.
They know that under current case law the majority of the bill cannot stand and also know there are multiple cases poised to reach SCOTUS in the next session. If they release something now they risk it being shot down because of some small change that could have been wordsmithed around by waiting until mid June. Once they pass June it will take several years to get something from mass upcto SCOTUS since they know the 1st Circus will slow walk gun cases to ensure maximum damage.
Our side continuously made extremely compelling arguments on the constitutionality of many of the provisions in the bill.
They know that under current case law the majority of the bill cannot stand and also know there are multiple cases poised to reach SCOTUS in the next session. If they release something now they risk it being shot down because of some small change that could have been wordsmithed around by waiting until mid June. Once they pass June it will take several years to get something from mass upcto SCOTUS since they know the 1st Circus will slow walk gun cases to ensure maximum damage.
Well, you are even closer to this than I am. And I appreciate your efforts sincerely. I will keep my fingers crossed that you are right and I am wrong. [thumbsup]
Well, you are even closer to this than I am. And I appreciate your efforts sincerely. I will keep my fingers crossed that you are right and I am wrong. [thumbsup]
Don't hope I'm right - I'm very pessimistic about the next election and scotus.
As long as the court makeup remains the same for the next 3 years or so we should see AWB and capacity limits go away. But I am assuming a particular outcome in Cargill - if we lose that one then it's over within a generation.
Don't hope I'm right - I'm very pessimistic about the next election and scotus.
As long as the court makeup remains the same for the next 3 years or so we should see AWB and capacity limits go away. But I am assuming a particular outcome in Cargill - if we lose that one then it's over within a generation.


I too am very pessimistic about this election scotus.
Even if it's a year old, And from the National Propaganda Radio
they acknowledge that there is a problem, And that's getting worse
All the people I talk to that are ready for retirement are heading elsewhere.

Meanwhile, earlier this week H.2361, banning all semiautomatic rifles and shotguns, was advanced out of the Public Safety and Homeland Security committee:

It even bans revolvers. Nice touch Linsky. Come and take it you little decrepit faggot
Remember, laws that are repugnant to the United States Constitution should be considered null and void. Further, those attempting to enact or enforce such laws should be treated as the founders did.

I contacted my rep and Senator long ago and was quite clear - I’m not following the latest ban, registration or whatever scheme gets passed so have a nice day.
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