MA Gun Grab 2024: H.4885 - Passed legislature, headed to the governor

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I believe that would be a curio/relic that would be exempt as long as you have the C&R 03 FFL?
They kept the owned before 1998 rule? I have no idea how I got pistols in off the roster, maybe they were pre 94? Didn't think you could get pistols with a c&r in mass, if that's the case then I know what I'm doing Saturday
Nice, retroactive...

(f) a copy or duplicate of any firearm meeting the standards of or enumerated in clauses (d) and (e); provided, that for the purposes of this subsection, “copy or duplicate” shall mean a firearm: (A) that was manufactured or subsequently configured with an ability to accept a detachable magazine; and (B)(i) that has internal functional components that are substantially similar in construction and configuration to those of an enumerated firearm in clauses (d) and (e); or (ii) that has a receiver that is the same as or interchangeable with the receiver of an enumerated firearm in said clauses; provided further, that the firearm shall not be considered a copy or duplicate of a firearm identified in clauses (d) and (e) if sold, owned and registered prior to July 20, 2016.
Ex post facto - every one of those post 7/20/16 guns was legally sold and possessed

It will suck for a while but this will get tossed

A whole lot of fodder for Bruen to destroy
So when this passes what gun rights group is going to be ready to fight this? I think Massachusetts has been cocky for a long time and because they've never been challenged they feel invincible. Let them pass it and rush it right into court. Make them pull out BS 18th century restrictions on storing gunpowder as justification and how Indians were violent and couldn't be trusted with guns.

I really really want them to pass this so that as people we can start naming names and put them on the racist hot seat. They've earned it, all of it.
So when this passes what gun rights group is going to be ready to fight this? I think Massachusetts has been cocky for a long time and because they've never been challenged they feel invincible. Let them pass it and rush it right into court. Make them pull out BS 18th century restrictions on storing gunpowder as justification and how Indians were violent and couldn't be trusted with guns.

I really really want them to pass this so that as people we can start naming names and put them on the racist hot seat. They've earned it, all of it.
FPC is swapping out the ink cartridge on their printer as we speak
Good I'm a donating member and glad to toss them plenty of cash to fight it. I'm in a unique position in life now where I can toss them money.
if i recall correctly, they commented on the House Bill when it was first passed. I think they said they would file as soon as it was signed.
I really really want them to pass this so that as people we can start naming names and put them on the racist hot seat. They've earned it, all of it.

Truth is that they really don’t care. They know that they are untouchable and will continue to be re-elected in this assinine state.
Bull shit.

I care because what else may be in the steaming pike that wasn't "leaked."

Why cripple the firearms community for years to come?

What's next?

Yeah but at the end of it all you, I, others here, live in a known communist state. It is what it is, a lot of us have basically been watching them cook this shit sandwitch for over a decade, expecting it to not be plated and served at some point here is insane, this state is top 5 moonbat in the country.

Of course its not good, its f***ing terrible! But at some point you have to be a realist about it.

Also while the state is out armflapping "YA GOT A LOICENSE FOR THAT! GEEET BAK HEEER!" the rest of us are still basically going to be doing burnouts in the parking lot while some guy prattles on about "not being able to buy tyres without a loicense!" etc. Somehow, we still buy brand new tires. Once you get to the "acceptance - but defiant" part of the curve the rest doesnt matter so much.

I genuinely feel bad for the newbies and pant shitters though.... its difficult to explain this, but they simply cannot be helped across the bridge. Their fear is too paralyzing- and it is not something you can simply coach someone out of overnight.

The only big upshot is it will expose the state to legal attack in a huge way... through probably the only legal vector left.
Yeah but at the end of it all you, I, others here, live in a known communist state. It is what it is, a lot of us have basically been watching them cook this shit sandwitch for over a decade, expecting it to not be plated and served at some point here is insane, this state is top 5 moonbat in the country.

Of course its not good, its f***ing terrible! But at some point you have to be a realist about it.

Also while the state is out armflapping "YA GOT A LOICENSE FOR THAT! GEEET BAK HEEER!" the rest of us are still basically going to be doing burnouts in the parking lot while some guy prattles on about "not being able to buy tyres without a loicense!" etc. Somehow, we still buy brand new tires. Once you get to the "acceptance - but defiant" part of the curve the rest doesnt matter so much.

I genuinely feel bad for the newbies and pant shitters though.... its difficult to explain this, but they simply cannot be helped across the bridge. Their fear is too paralyzing- and it is not something you can simply coach someone out of overnight.

The only big upshot is it will expose the state to legal attack in a huge way... through probably the only legal vector left.
And the only way to negotiate this is with a few approaches.

1. Money to those who will fight the legal battle
2. Leave but to where? Leaving the legal battle is like waiving the white flag, you can only retreat so far
And the only way to negotiate this is with a few approaches.

1. Money to those who will fight the legal battle
2. Leave but to where? Leaving the legal battle is like waiving the white flag, you can only retreat so far

Even if I didn't live in mass I'd still be donating money to *whoever* to try to f*** the shit out of the state, regardless. You don't have to live or remain in this craphole to do
None of our politicians cares nor can be persuaded differently than they currently think and behave. To do that you need to hit them in their wallets, Nantucket summer houses, cushy pensions and what not… and no amount of litigation will achieve that. Worst that happens to them is whatever clusterfcuk they cooked goes down in flames and they sort of give up politics and go to work for a leftist think tank.

They are unassailable and they know it.
Word of caution on trusting the summary...the last summary was an inaccurate, glossed over, deliberate obfuscation of the actual bill. It was used by Day to get legislators on board so no one had to do the in depth analysis of how the bill's language impacted existing law, since you couldn't just read the bill as plain language without referring back and forth to existing law (it's all replacing a word in a section here, removing one there, adding a phrase here, etc.). DON'T TRUST THE SUMMARY. We need a complete analysis of all the changes before we really know exactly what is being changed.
Word of caution on trusting the summary...the last summary was an inaccurate, glossed over, deliberate obfuscation of the actual bill. It was used by Day to get legislators on board so no one had to do the in depth analysis of how the bill's language impacted existing law, since you couldn't just read the bill as plain language without referring back and forth to existing law (it's all replacing a word in a section here, removing one there, adding a phrase here, etc.). DON'T TRUST THE SUMMARY. We need a complete analysis of all the changes before we really know exactly what is being changed.
On Aug 1
Even if I didn't live in mass I'd still be donating money to *whoever* to try to f*** the shit out of the state, regardless. You don't have to live or remain in this craphole to do
We shall see what happens, and I unfortunately think the pile will be signed
MA dealers can't sell online according to this
Nothing left for dealers to sell online as we cannot import LCFD or AWs. So guns that other states want, we cannot bring into the state.

As written distributors/wholesalers in MA are out of business. Anyone who is in business to gunbrokering stuff or otherwise selling online is also toast.

Massive hit to all dealers in that they have to register the guns to their business within 7 days of guns arriving. So no guns will be in the state anywhere that the state is unaware of (yes, that is tongue in cheek because we all know that the people committing crimes will pay no attention to this)
So if I’m reading it the way you’re reading it, we can unpin our muzzles/stocks now?
That would be an interesting interpretation of this. The gun you lawfully possessed on 8/1/24 is not an unlawful ASW. So strictly speaking you are right. Unintended consequence...
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