MA Gun Grab 2024: H.4885 - Passed legislature, headed to the governor

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Harambe tried to warn us.

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This is going to be interesting...

To all those NES'ers who EFA10'd their AR-15's...

The government knows what you own.

You will soon be a felon.

You should have dug your holes when the ground was soft.

They are coming to get you!!!

You best turn them in to me at no charge.

If not there will be some folks with nothing to lose.

And, they will lose it!

I'm going to take my AR-15 lower to my ski chalet in NH and hide it there!

The government aint got nothing on me!
N o b o d y cares.exe
I feel bad for the poor folks who have SBR's.

They can't be moved out of Massachusetts.

Wtf are you talking about? 🤣

Lol a 5320 fixes that in 5 minutes.
Is there an exemption for FFL's?

If not they will have to sell everything they own out of state - PRONTO!!!


Unless they are exempt - the government can just go in a confiscate everything!!!

That is if they want to enforce the law.

The Mill is going to get RAIDED!!!

SAFER Act: An Act to Sensibly Address Firearm Violence Through Effective Reform
Fact Sheet & Highlights

Thanks to robust gun laws and investment in gun violence prevention, Massachusetts already has one of the lowest rates of gunviolence in the nation. Senate bill S.2572, An act to sensibly address firearm violence through effective reform—the SAFER Act—buildson that strong foundation, updates state laws to reflect new technologies and trends, and makes the Commonwealth’s residents evensafer without infringing on the rights of lawful gun owners.

Ghost Guns

The term ‘ghost guns’ refers to privately made firearms that are not marked with an appropriate serial number and are thus hiddenfrom oversight and accountability. By making changes to our state’s definition of a firearm to better align with federal standards, andby ensuring accountability for those who hold the essential components to assemble a gun, this bill will make Massachusetts a leaderin its efforts to crack down on illegal gun possession.

The bill aligns the state’s definition of a firearm with the federal definition of a firearm. Currently, the state’s definition of a firearmonly applies to a fully assembled weapon that is capable of discharging a bullet. This means that if an individual without a license tocarry has all the components to develop 10 different guns, if those components are not fully assembled into guns, that individual isconsidered to be in possession of zero guns under state law. This bill makes clear that if someone is prohibited from possessing a fullyassembled firearm, they should also be prohibited from possessing the essential components of such a weapon.

This change is especially important in an age when privately made ‘ghost guns’ are becoming more common. These ‘ghost guns’ canbe made using ready-to-build gun kits or 3D-printed gun parts. Because they are not marked with a serial number, ‘ghost guns’ areimpossible to trace back to an individual purchaser when they are found at a crime scene. To address that, the bill would prohibit the3D-printing of weapons unless the person owns a license to manufacture firearms and require any kit-assembled guns by a licensedgun owner to be registered.

Glock Switches & Trigger Activators

The bill makes a notable change to ban the ownership of devices that are specifically designed to make semiautomatic weapons morefatal. These devices go by a variety of names—including ‘Glock switches,’ ‘selector switches,’ and ‘auto sears’—but their goal is thesame: to make a gun more dangerous by shooting more rapidly. This bill updates state law to ensure that ownership of these devicesis prohibited in the Commonwealth. These devices are frequently being used in mass shootings across the state, such as the shootingat the Boston Caribbean Festival last August that left eight people injured.

Red Flag Law & Extreme Risk Protection Orders

The bill enhances the state’s red flag law, which allows a court to order an individual to surrender their license to carry firearms alongwith any firearms they possess when an individual poses a risk of physically harming themselves or others. First, the bill allows a healthcare provider to file a petition for an extreme risk protection order (ERPO) related to a patient that they have provided health careservices to within the previous six months. Currently, only family members and police officers are able to file a petition for an ERPO.Second, the bill also makes a change by preemptively banning an individual subject to an ERPO from obtaining a license to carry forthe duration of the order. Under current law, an individual may only be subject to an ERPO if they already possess a license to carry.

Harassment Prevention Orders

This bill protects survivors of abuse and sexual harassment by preventing individuals who are subject to harassment prevention ordersfrom holding dangerous weapons. Currently, state law does not permit a court to order an individual to surrender their firearms if theyare subject to a harassment prevention order. This stands in contrast to state law surrounding abuse prevention orders, which explicitlypermits a court to order the surrender of firearms.

This gap in state law puts survivors of abuse and harassment at risk by allowing individuals who are subject to harassment preventionorders to continue to hold onto their weapons. This bill rectifies this problem by ensuring that in an instance when an individual subjectto a harassment prevention order demonstrates a “substantial likelihood of immediate danger of harassment,” a court must order thatindividual to surrender their firearms.

Inspections of Gun Dealers

Under current law, local licensing authorities are required to annually inspect gun dealers that they have licensed. There have beeninstances in the past when those inspections have not occurred however. This bill directs the Secretary of Public Safety and Security toprovide information to local law enforcement agencies on how to conduct those inspections, and to ensure that they are conductedon an annual basis. If a gun dealer is not inspected within the annual time frame, the bill directs the state police to conduct theinvestigation.
Gun Violence Prevention

The bill makes a number of changes to support gun violence prevention, with a focus on communities that have disproportionatelybeen affected by gun violence. First, the bill creates a commission to study sources of gun violence prevention funding in Massachusettsand to recommend improvements to reduce the disproportionate impact of gun violence in communities of color. Second, the billdirects the Department of Public Health to develop a pilot program to promote gun safety awareness and firearms licensing education.Third, the bill establishes a task force to review the available sources of federal funding for community violence prevention programs,and to make recommendations for maximizing federal funding in the most equitable way.

Assault Weapons

Massachusetts already has in place an assault weapons ban. The state law related to this ban is outdated, however, referring back to a federal law that has since been repealed. This bill will modernize state law by codifying the assault weapons ban as it is currently being interpreted by the Attorney General, to ensure that our residents are kept safe from these weapons of war.

Gun Industry Accountability in Advertising

This bill prohibits the marketing of unlawful firearm sales to minors and allows industry actors to be held civilly liable if such marketingpractices lead to an individual being harmed. Currently, gun industry actors are granted near-absolute immunity from civil litigation,making them one of the only industries to have such widespread liability protections. This bill would prohibit the gun industry frommarketing unlawful firearms sales to minors and allow an individual harmed as a result of such unlawful advertising to instigate a civilaction.

Firing at a Dwelling

Currently, there is no specific criminal charge for firing a weapon directly at a dwelling or a building in use. This bill creates a criminalcharge for such a violation, making clear that firing a weapon at a dwelling or other building in use, with the intent of hitting thatbuilding, is a serious criminal offense.

Sensitive Places

This bill codifies measures to prohibit the carrying of firearms in courthouses and state and municipal administrative buildings. The bill,however, carves out police officers from the prohibition, while also granting individual communities the ability to opt out and chooseto allow licensed gun owners to carry in their municipal government buildings.

Mental Health

This bill also makes changes to ensure that law enforcement agencies that issue licenses to carry firearms have the most up-to-dateinformation related to temporary involuntary mental health hospitalizations. Specifically, the bill requires a law enforcement agencythat is involved in the temporary involuntary hospitalization of an individual with a mental health condition to submit informationrelated to the incident to the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services, which maintains an inventory of informationrelevant to the firearms licensing process. The bill maintains strong protections to protect privacy, preventing the sharing of clinicalinformation and ensuring any information shared is used solely for the firearms licensing and sales process.

Data Collection

The bill requires more robust data reporting and analysis related to guns, to ensure that the Commonwealth identifies trends in gunviolence. The bill builds on existing reporting and requires new data related to guns, including gun sales transaction data and firearmstracing data for guns that were involved in crimes. This report must study the relationship between firearms purchases and violentcrimes and suicides, including whether there are specific gun dealers that are disproportionately more likely to have their guns beinvolved in violent crimes. In addition, the analysis must focus on whether a firearms license that was used to purchase a gun that laterwas used in a crime was also used to purchase or sell any other weapons. The information in this report is required to be made publiclyassessable in an aggregate, non-identifying format.

Emerging Firearm Technology

To ensure the Commonwealth’s laws remain up to date, the bill establishes a commission to study emerging firearm technology, witha particular focus on products and features that could increase safety, such as microstamping capabilities and personalized firearms.


This bill will modernize state law by codifying the assault weapons ban as it is currently being interpreted by the Attorney General.

Pre Healey should be good to go!!!

Get those pweee bannnnzzz

What if I already own a gun that is a copy or duplicate?​

If a weapon is a copy or duplicate of one of the models enumerated in the law, it is an Assault Weapon. The Enforcement notice will not be applied to possession, ownership or transfer by an individual gun owner of weapons obtained on or before July 20, 2016.
The AGO also will not enforce the law against a gun dealer that possesses or transfers a “copy or duplicate” weapon that was obtained on or before July 20, 2016, provided that transfers, if any, are made to persons or businesses in states where ownership of the weapon is legal.

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Yeah that's great. They just love to keep poking the bear. If there REALLY is a social collapse or CW2 kicks off, I'll bet these people probably won't be long for this world. How stupid can they get by pissing off thousands of legal firearm owners and dealers? Hey Boston, how about keeping the thugs and gangbangers in jail where they belong instead of slapping their wrist and letting them out in a matter of hours to commit more crime? The illegals you're coddling are more dangerous than all the legal firearm owners in this effed up state. F U maura and senator creeme. I hope someone sticks razor blades in your tampons.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Assault Weapons Ban Enforcement Notice​

Massachusetts law prohibits sale and possession of Assault Weapons. G.L. c. 140, §§ 128 and 131M. Sale by a business of any weapon that the buyer is not permitted to possess also violates the state consumer protection act, G.L. c. 93A.

On July 20, 2016, the Attorney General issued an Enforcement Notice on Prohibited Assault Weapons that provides gun manufacturers, licensed dealers, and the public with guidance on the Assault Weapons ban. In particular, the notice explains how the Attorney General identifies weapons that are prohibited as “copies” or “duplicates” of the enumerated banned Assault Weapons that are listed in Massachusetts law.

This FAQ is intended to summarize the Enforcement Notice.

Table of Contents​

According to Senate Press release the bill codifies Healey's Edict.


This bill will modernize state law by codifying the assault weapons ban as it is currently being interpreted by the Attorney General.

Pre Healey should be good to go!!!

Get those pweee bannnnzzz

What if I already own a gun that is a copy or duplicate?​

If a weapon is a copy or duplicate of one of the models enumerated in the law, it is an Assault Weapon. The Enforcement notice will not be applied to possession, ownership or transfer by an individual gun owner of weapons obtained on or before July 20, 2016.
The AGO also will not enforce the law against a gun dealer that possesses or transfers a “copy or duplicate” weapon that was obtained on or before July 20, 2016, provided that transfers, if any, are made to persons or businesses in states where ownership of the weapon is legal.

Healey's Edict says pre July, 20th, 2016 AR-15's are exempt!!!

Don't quote me but I'm quoting the Senate and Healey, herself.

IANAL - do your own research!

👮‍♀️ 🦍 👮‍♀️ DOFH
I didn’t read all your posts

These laws they’re proposing never mind the titles the actual content is actually getting pretty goddamn funny, but they seriously believe a man can be a woman and vice versa or neither and you can change it daily. So I’m slightly scared by what they’re proposing but it’s like they’ve never read the constitution or read any Supreme Court ruling and they’re still trying. I don’t even think this is virtue signaling I think it’s mental illness on full display.

And just for fun, they’re gonna have to write a law about this.. bored with a nail in it Simpsons, YouTube - Google Search

For some reason it won’t imbed today
Only on my first cup of joe this am but am I to understand that this bill allows cities and towns the right to decide what 2A constitutional rights we are allowed to have?
It sounds that way, although it is not in the FAQ posted by Rsptile, except for the courts and other gov buildings part.

Which highlights that FAQ are "OK" to understand stuff at a very high level, but they are mostly JUNK.

I trust @CrackPot summary because he highlights where we can go read it.

Also, Reptile's intent is to sell his lowers. Notice the highlighted part.

Edit to add:
Scanned this quickly while waiting at the barber. I didn't see the part where cities and towns can make their own laws.
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Surely there will be language that addresses current owners of the revised definition of an assault weapon (forthcoming). Plus lots of gun stores with existing inventory of guns that fall under the definition of an assault weapon in Massachusetts. What is to become of the buyers of those guns?
It sounds that way, although it is not in the FAQ posted by Rsptile, except for the courts and other gov buildings part.

Which highlights that FAQ are "OK" to understand stuff at a very high level, but they are mostly JUNK.

I trust @CrackPot summary because he highlights where we can go read it.

Also, Reptile's intent is to sell his lowers. Notice the highlighted part.

The syphilis has gotten to Reptile's head.
I know they do, but they'd need the asshats running Nebraska to agree that this is a good idea. Fat chance.
I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. If I break a law in state A such that a warrant is issued on me, if an officer in state B runs my info to see if I have any open warrants and the dispatcher in state B checks the appropriate database, it comes up. The two states don't need to agree on what's legal or illegal. Whether the officer in state A takes action on it is a separate matter.
And the courts said "If you try and enforce this, then it's a major violation".

I know people here have short memories
No short memories here but remember the Politicians are well away the time it takes these cases to work their way through the courts is years. And all the while the "laws" stay in effect. This will continue I'm afraid.
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